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Messages - Devlin66

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Current Talk '04 I / Re: 1966 Season
« on: July 18, 2004, 01:08:41 AM »
I agree the Roger Collins had far fewer things on his plate after Barnabas arrived.  Pre Barn was an ideal plot time for him, as he was always driven to the edge of the comfort zone by all the chaos that preceeded the opening of that box in the mausoleum. By the time Barn got there, Roger seemed to have most if not all of his skeletons out of his closet.  I am thankful for 1966 because it always had Roger in some kind entanglement.......chaos......and you could always count on him to pay his daily visit to the brandy bottle over the mantlepiece 8)

Current Talk '04 I / Re: 1966 Season
« on: July 16, 2004, 10:14:09 PM »
In my own crazy mind-----i realized that due to his laid back attitude regarding the bleeder valve/rogers accident, the mild mannered Constable Jonas had to clean out his desk to make way for Sheriff i had forgotten how much clout the Collins had....but sure enough i remember a scene where Roger pretty much tells the Constable that in no uncertain terms he can be replaced..... :o and he was......

Regarding Dana Elcar as the gruff yet competant Sheriff Patterson......i read somewhere that he is blind from advanced there is a guy who has been in every kind of movie you could think.......i remember him as a mean FBI agent in that Redford/Newman film "The Sting" in 1973.  Come to think of it....he never seemed to age much through the years......i think he was only in his early 40's when he played Sheriff Patterson......anyway...i hope he finds peace in the twilight of his life :)

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: A Question About My Profile
« on: July 16, 2004, 09:57:52 PM »
Let a smile be your umbrella....on a rainy, rainy day.......

It hasnt rained here in over 3 months.......wish i lived in Collinsport...... ;D....If i lived in Collinsport, i would want to be the short order cook at the diner....considering the fact i see plenty of food coming over the counter with no one behind it....... :-*

Current Talk '04 II / Re: The Thing on Madam Finlays head. . .
« on: July 16, 2004, 04:12:47 PM »
Whatever it is......Madam sure can go up the Collinwood stairs better than she can come down........thunk-thump-thud!!!!!!!! :-X

Current Talk '04 II / DS Look-A-Likes
« on: July 15, 2004, 05:30:54 PM »
Yes i know i do have too much time on my hands it seems.......but the following DS Characters remind of other famous people.....

1/ Betsy Durkin/ VC II  could play Monica Lewinsky
2/ Head of Judah Zachary could be Phil Collins----sorry to any PC fans i might of offended...
3/ Nicholas Blair in some scenes seems to have mannerisms of Errol Flynn
4/ David Collins mannerisms remind me of Billy Mumy when he was doing such things as that Twilight Zone Episode as the kid who wished adults and animals into the cornfield..
5/ Mrs Johnson in some scenes reminds of that character Mrs Olson on Little House on the Prarie

Ok, thats all for now....anyone have any thoughts on this subject????

I am thinking about starting a thread on the menu at the Collinsport Diner.....geesh ;D

Polls Archive / Re: Fest Guest Poll
« on: July 14, 2004, 03:25:26 PM »
Thanks for the poll......i voted for Humble Humbert.....and i wondered about Addison Powell.....he must be pushing 90.....anyone know how old he is?.........also if i had a write in vote on another DS Fest would be Mitch Ryan.......i dont think he has ever attended.....anyone know for sure???? ::)

Current Talk '04 II / Re: Oh Joe, Oh Joe
« on: July 13, 2004, 06:22:30 AM »
yea Joe never seemed the same after Bill Malloy took a skip and a jump off of Widows Hill.  Maybe it was the pressure Joe felt at the Cannery or something ::)

Current Talk '04 II / Re: 1968 Montage
« on: July 13, 2004, 06:18:06 AM »
I wonder how many funeral homes there are in Collinsport...........with Morticians like Mr Jarrett, no wonder there are so many spirits at Collinwood...... :'(

Current Talk '04 I / Re: Dr. Woodard and others
« on: July 10, 2004, 05:03:15 PM »
[spoiler] have Burke come back and claim his son David---IMO------would of been an interesting turn......Roger never wanted him anyway---IMO[/spoiler]

Current Talk '04 II / Re: black & white v. vs. color v.
« on: July 10, 2004, 04:58:09 PM »
Wasn't A.M. going thru motherhood maternity when the color eps transitioned.......maybe a factor in her mannerisms, or her ability to play Ms. Winters

 8)  Well, maybe Roger was right when he went to visit the Collins Mausoleum......." to visit my incestors"

Current Talk '04 II / Re: Grayson Question
« on: July 08, 2004, 05:05:16 PM »
i recall maggie evans eyes watering up several times during the early pre barn eps, when she would have moments of dispair with POP.......[spoiler]trying to get him to tell her the secret of his complicity with roger in the manslaughter charge that sent my buddy burke up the river for 5 years.[/spoiler]  Sam would be in a drunken and verbally abusive state several scenes during that time......and poor maggie (KLS), those big brown eyes just welled up with tears.......i always thought she played the sympathetic daughter so well........little did she know what tortures of the damned were in store for her character in later episodes.......... :-X

Current Talk '04 I / Re: 1966 Season
« on: July 08, 2004, 04:55:30 PM »
speaking of Roger, does anyone know in what episode he finally loses that gawd awful frankenstein scar on his noggin from the bleeder valve wreck.....i am at episode 55 and he still has it......i could drive a golf cart thru that thing!!!! ::)

Current Talk '04 I / Re: happy birthday!
« on: June 28, 2004, 08:28:21 AM »
I went to the cliffs overlooking Laguna Beach and listened for the wailing of the was a joy to hear the waves crashing over the rocks below.....and i will never forgive Matthew Morgan for giving Malloy a little push over the edge :-[

Current Talk '04 I / Re: Jonathan Frid Bloopers
« on: June 22, 2004, 03:25:12 AM »
After she became governess.....i noticed Maggie wearing something around her neck......was it a warning whistle in case David got out of hand.....or perhaps a key.......btw....she ran the 100 meter hurdles for the Collinsport HS track team......what a lady!!!!!!

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