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Messages - Ben

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Current Talk '02 I / Re: Doctor-Patient Confidentiality
« on: May 03, 2002, 03:56:54 PM »
How else would we know what all the Dr. knows?! We would not want him to go around talking to himself!

Well, there is an alternative.  We could have him thinking loudly to himself.  This happened during that famous Julia "Home Alone"-at Collinwood episode, when she was being terrorized by the ghost of Dr. Woodard and other asundry frights that Barnabas willed her way.  We kept in tune with her inner thoughts, moment by moment.

I would enjoy hearing Dr. Lang think to himself.  I'm sure he'd be able to think so loudly that even his paused tape recorder could successfully record his thoughts ...  ;)


At least he took his slippers off.  Something they sometimes forget to do in DS world.

Didn't Gerard sleep with his knee-high boots on?  How could he possibly forget to knock those off??


I'm not at all surprised.  Not one bit!

Way to go, ProfStokes!!!  An honor well deserved.  


Current Talk '02 I / Re: DS schedule in May
« on: May 02, 2002, 04:31:58 PM »
In addition to Monday, May 6, DS will not air on ... Friday, May 31 -- Farscape Chain Rxn ... The last one also boggles the mind.  I hope this doesn't signal a new trend to preempt our show on Fridays. >:(

What I still can't get over is how DS got preempted last year on, of all days, Halloween.  ?!?


Current Talk '02 I / Re: Dr. Lang, Dr. Howard, Dr. Fine!
« on: May 02, 2002, 04:21:47 PM »

Sounds like DS' answer to Ted Baxter ...  ::)

... although certainly a bit smarter.

Current Talk '02 I / Re: Dr. Lang, Dr. Howard, Dr. Fine!
« on: May 02, 2002, 06:35:52 AM »
Dr. Lang is just so. . .loud, obnoxious, pompous ... Bombastic, too!

Sounds like DS' answer to Ted Baxter ...  ::)

(love the subject line, Robin!)

The one regret that I have is that my hero/avatar, Bob Rooney, never seemed to have any TJB or Brazil '66 music on the Blue Whale jukebox.

I could swear that there was at least one episode where a Herb Alpert & TJB-esque number (you know, with those peppy, happy horns) was emanating from the Blue Whale jukebox at the end of a scene.  I thought it was an effective use of the lighthearted music contrasting with the rather grave conversation between the characters in the bar (Willie and Jason?  Burke and Vicki?  Barnabas and Paul Stoddard?  I have no idea!).  Instead of using a standard DS music cue, they just let the jukebox tune close out the scene.  I'm pretty sure this wasn't the real Herb 'n' the Brass, but a sound-alike number that Robert Cobert must have written.

(wondering if I-Ching would help me recount the above scene and characters better)  ::)

Current Talk '02 I / Re: "Those Cousinly Kissin' Collinses"
« on: May 01, 2002, 04:26:21 PM »
Later in the series, it almost seems as though Stokes had deduced Barnabas' secret, but was keeping silent for reasons of his own.  Anyone feel the same?

Yes, Mike, we always seemed to be on the verge of disclosure (either of the truth by Barnabas or Julia, or of the deduction by the good professor), but perhaps it's just as well that we are kept wondering, instead of having it all spelled out for us.  

If DS hadn't gone off the air when it did, they could have developed a 1971-72 storyline in which the bonds between Barn, Julia, and Eliot strengthen to the point where the truth is revealed.  I'll bet there's some great fanfic about this already out there.

Meanwhile, I'm convinced that someone as brilliant and discrete as Prof. Stokes has to be asking Julia all the right questions for a reason -- and astutely (albeit silently) deducing the reason why her answers always seem to fall short of convincing.

That's one trait of Eliot's that I've long admired: he's extremely observant, noticing details and nuances, yet he never pushes too hard.  Dr. Woodard's aggressive attempts to strongarm Julia backfired.  But Prof. Stokes' calm, intellectual, benign approach -- sweetened further by his sherry/hot toddy charm -- built a growing level of trust among the other "good" characters, as well as us viewers.  


I think that today's first episode was one of the most compelling episodes of Dark Shadows ... That being said, I was puzzled by Julia's explanation to Mrs. Stoddard for her coming to Collinwood under false pretenses:  "I came to Collinwood because my medical duties and responsibilities at Windcliff had become too much for me.  I thought that I was on the verge of a nervous breakdown," or words to that effect.

I agree, Bob.  The episodes that approach the close of one storyline and the opening of the next generally seem faster-paced, tighter, and quite compelling.

I, too, thought it peculiar that Julia would blow her own cover like that.  Barnabas must have been tempted to grab her throat right then and there.  If the several months worth of late nights at the Old House weren't spent researching her history book, then what WAS she up to?  When we last left her and Barn in 1967, their relationship was still somewhat adversarial.  In this context, Barnabas would have to have taken her admission as some kind of a threat to him.  

(taking this opportunity to offer two thoughts on other posts on this thread: (1) like Bob, I am a fellow Herb Alpert & TJB fan; and (2) if Chris_2 indeed works for the FBI, do you think he would tell us??)

Current Talk '02 I / Re: Monday Makeover!
« on: April 28, 2002, 07:02:49 AM »
Monday is the day Julia goes to the beauty parlor!!!!!!! wow!!!!!! Such fun as everyone talks about her new 'look'. . .

Julia99, your post cracks me up!

I was tickled by all the attention showered on Julia because of her new 'do.  I don't think she had ever gotten a compliment on her appearance before.  How many times can one compliment the same tired green tweed suit?  

I can't think of another character who got so MUCH attention from so many other characters for changing her (or his) look.  I mean, who ever told Maggie, "So glad you lost the blond wig!"  Or told Quentin, "Hey, you finally traded in those fake sideburns for real ones!"  


Current Talk '02 I / Re: classic verbals
« on: April 26, 2002, 04:42:40 PM »
I don't remember the character's name, played by Roger Davis. Barnabas says to him, "Tell them that you saw no one here." Roger Davis says, "Oh that's fine, what am I gonna tell em?" Barnabas says, "That you saw no one here!"

I loved that scene.  When Barnabas repeated that line, it was not with the calm, instructive tone from the first time, but rather with a decidedly peeved, scolding tone ... it seemed more like Frid stepping out of character and snapping, "Roger, are you DEAF??!  Now you're making ME sound stupid having to repeat my line!"  ROFL!

All of the above examples are important reasons behind the enduring and endearing charm of DS.  They introduce a human element not otherwise evident in other shows where it was technically and economically possible to correct the scenes to sterile perfection.  

KLS or Lara Parker once recounted how, during the original run of DS, a bouquet of flowers arrived on the set from actress Joanne Woodward.  The accompanying card read, very simply, "Dark Shadows, I love you!"  KLS or Parker mused, "For some reason, it seemed as though she had been laughing ..."

Ben   :D

Current Talk '02 I / Re: Alexandra "Giggles" Moltke
« on: April 26, 2002, 05:26:53 AM »
but as the scene begins to fade, you can see Moltke starting to crack up. If you have this episode on tape, go back and look. It's hilarious.

Can anyone else think of an instance where an actor was obviously laughing? ;D

Chris, I never realized that Alexandra was so giggle-prone until you pointed out these incidents.

To answer your question, I spent the last half-hour rummaging unsuccessfully through my tapes for an instance I have in mind.  Since I couldn't find the right episode, I will recount from my vague memory a scene during the Roger car accident storyline in which he, Burke, Liz, and Sheriff Patterson are standing in the doorway to the drawing room, engaged in a serious discussion.  Toward the end of the scene, Louis Edmonds inadvertently interchanges the syllables on two words (which I can't recall), making one of the words sound thisclose to sh**.  Louis deftly ignores his naughty mis-speech and sails smoothly to the end of his line.  

As the cue music comes on, however, everybody has to do the obligatory holding of their poses until the music fades and the tape goes black.  During these seemingly interminable seconds, it is obvious that Louis is trying to stifle a smirk.  Just before the tape fades to black, Dana Elcar loses it and cracks a toothy smile (and when was the last time Sheriff Patterson ever had reason to smile about anything?).

(recounting this scene purely from memory ... and if it comes nowhere close to what really happened, please post your correction, call Wyndcliffe immediately, and tell them I'm on my way there!)

Current Talk '02 I / Re: The Collinses Meet the von Trapps
« on: April 24, 2002, 04:59:07 AM »
If TLATKLS played Maria, Miss Parker as the Baroness would ... put her in a coma and have her buried alive.  Then we'll see how many Favorite Things she'd have.

You crack me up, Gerard!  Had TLATKLS played Maria, I suspect she'd find a way to shuck her habit for that quilted, floor-length, flower-power skirt ... and sew matching outfits for all the kids in that fab fabric.

BTW, Bathia Mapes would be the nun in one of the last scenes whom we discover has sabotaged the government soldiers' cars.


Current Talk '02 I / Re: Dark Shadows DVD Special Edition
« on: April 24, 2002, 04:45:08 AM »
I heard from friends that a segment involving Nancy Barrett hosting a tour of the Seaview Mansion (Collinwood on the show) did not play on most DVD players.  Did you have any problems with that?

Hi, Gothick!  I don't know about "most" DVD players (and I'm aware of many on this board who've had problems), but I never had a problem with the Seaview segment when played on the Sony player I bought a year ago.  

For you, Gothick, the bonus feature on this DVD that will win you over is the episode dubbed in Spanish.  Grayson and Spanish seem tailor-made for each other!  It's a real hoot!  


Current Talk '02 I / Re: Blooper Poll
« on: April 24, 2002, 04:33:13 AM »








A dying Dr. Lang records a message for Julia regarding the Adam/Barnabas experiment-after turning off the tape recorder!

In 1995, a very dead Mrs. Johnson is seen blinking her eyes!

Yes, two classics!  In an earlier thread asking for titles of books written by various DS characters, I suggested that Dr. Lang might have written Tape Recording for Dummies.

As for Mrs. J, it is unfortunate that although the great Clarice Blackburn had remained dead and unblinking for at least a minute or more in that scene, it was only later that they put her in a close-up -- by now the worst possible moment, when she probably couldn't refrain from blinking any longer.  


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