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Messages - joe integlia

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no major announcement was made tonight, no casting has been done other than depp playing barnabas. they did say something about the script. i think the same thing that has been reported here. they did show the brittish talk show with depp/burton as the guests.

mr frid often mentioned how he would constantly leave the wolf heads cane in restrooms while on publicity tours so who knows where that original cane is now!

i think "nurse sheppard" is a different actress. you can see nurse sheppard perhaps in a mirror shot (i cant be sure) and it didnt look like terry crawford.

the handprint and frids initials

another picture from the ceremony

here is a picture from the ceremony.

My footage is up on youtube......
thanks to DAVID NAHMOD i was able to obtain a press pass and get footage for his articles in various horror movie magazines. i was right there for the ceremony. Frid gave no speach and did not stay long. i do have more footage that i will be releasing on dvd later and also will be available on my online theatre. there is at least 1 more video posted on youtube. just do a search on youtube for "vista frid"

it will probably be the same print they showed in 2000 and in SF a couple of years ago. it was in good condition but hardly a prestine print. I will be videotaping the handprint ceremony and will do my best to post pictures here and video on my youtube page asap. i also plan to make all the footage available for download and viewing on my VOD site but it will take apx 2 weeks.

JGL will be a guest on LATE SHOW WITH DAVID LETTERMAN this wednesday night.

the movie INCEPTION is not in 3D as far as i know. it is in IMAX format.

looking forward to seeing u in hollywood/burbank. i lived in los angeles since 1986 and have yet to be bitten by any mosquitos. it will have to be a quick tour on friday unless your extending your trip beyond the festival. there would then be more time for sight seeing. i live 2 blocks from the chinese theatre and JAMES STORM lives next door to me. see u soon.

yes ive been aware of this situation since the beginning. im glad to hear that finally its been getting the proper exposure.

i listened to the radio interview. it only lasted 30minutes not 4 hours.

i also read in a book about THE HOLLYWOOD SQUARES that jim is also responsible for finding many old/lost hollywood squares episodes and that he found those while searching for lost DS episodes.

he got the tapes because he worked for dan curtis productions. but how did he get the job at dan curtis productions? i have a theory about that but i cant post it here because it will surely be removed. anyone who wants to know can contact me directly.

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