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Messages - MaggieEvans

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"Charity was shocked beyond belief when she unexpectedly discovered Judith playing Guitar Hero in the basement of the Old House!!!"

... her version of "I'm a little teapot", which goes something like "I'm a little teapot, short and stout. Here is my handle, here is my other handle, oh crap, I'm a sugar bowl."

... dress up like Eric Cartman from South Park and show him what they call a Rochambeau.

... it was Reverend Trask doing an impersonation of someone called "Humphrey Bogart" that shocked me!

Current Talk '09 I / Re: Willie & Maggie
« on: May 22, 2009, 10:55:38 PM »
Willie would have been so good for Maggie, and TO Maggie, if given the chance. I really don't think anyone else in Collinsport could have loved her as deeply and completely as he did. Not even Joe. Kinda like Julia with Barnabas. Grayson Hall did a great job with making sure we understood how much she loved Barnabas, without coming out and saying it.  I think John Karlen also captured that emotion and was able to convey that to the viewers... so you would feel a sense of joy when Maggie did something simple like accepting his friendship. VERY well done!

(Evan + cuddle = tear in the space/time continuum)


"Barnabas stood in silence thinking, "Does Magda really think __________"?"

"Nora became quite upset when Evan told her the shocking news that they would never be able to marry because she's a child and that would just be creepy and weird."

"One of the things Charity truly enjoyed doing whenever she was alone in her room was simply staring into space and thinking about how facinating it is to take the works of William Shakespeare and turn them into Hip Hop lyrics!!"

"Jenny was stunned after Beth finally told her that yes, that dress did make her butt look big!!!"

"BETH! You must go to the store, my babies need a new pair of shoes, the candy that was taken from them & some big boy pants..And & do pick up some Midol for mommy as well!"

"Don't you wish your girlfriend was hot like me..."


If she could just keep her mouth shut, Angelique thought, no one would ever have to know that she'd just beat Quentin once again at the drinking game "Hi Bob"!

"I know what you must be thinking: 'Just HOW can one head of hair be THIS stunning?', well the secret is that I hired someone to hit me in the head with a baseball bat every morning... gotta love brain swelling... Mmmmm.... concussion."

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