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Messages - Gerard

I remember watching Curtis' version on the eve of my eighteenth birthday.


I find it so difficult to think that someone can actually get away with this.  I mean, think of the expense of what they need to do for make the forgeries.  It can't be cheap.  Will they really make a profit off of it?  How many DS fans are out there who'd mistakenly pay for this stuff? 


I remember watching it when it first aired almost 20 years ago.  I was rather impressed.


Current Talk '14 I / Re: Again, A Moment of Silence
« on: April 05, 2014, 01:05:51 AM »
I'll watch Password reruns on GSN.  Ironically, they never broadcast the ones that usurped DS.  Maybe there is a curse on that revival.


Well, I don't know.  There isn't much in that trailer to go by.  That being said, often I disagree in calling an adaptation of an original work into another film a "remake."  It's another adaptation of the original work (in this case, Levin's novel), not a remake of the previous classic cinematic version.  It's like Spielberg's adaptation of HG Wells The War of the Worlds.  It was an adaptation of the novel, not a remake of the classic 1953 film - although it paid homage to it).  The same with Carrie.  The first film adaptation came in 1976 with the classic DePalma film.  Then came the 2002 version, updated but closer to the novel than the first film (but also paying homage to it, since Larry Cohen who was involved in the first was involved in the second), and then the latest with Chloe Moretz brought into the twenty-teens that was the flattest.  Maybe there's a reason why the newest Rosemary's Baby had its locale moved from New York (as in the novel) to Paris (and whatever changes also occur).  I guess we'll have to wait and see.  This could be a better adaptation of the novel and we need to wait.  I consider the 2002 version of Carrie superior to the classic 1976 version (and I know that's heresy).


Current Talk '14 I / Again, A Moment of Silence
« on: April 03, 2014, 12:41:22 AM »
The sad anniversary has arrived.  Forty-three years ago, original fans like me sat in disbelief knowing that this date happened.  During the final scene, showing Barnabas' portrait in the 1841 PT storyline, listening to Thayer David's voice-over, listening to the haunting music, I started to cry.  I couldn't believe it was over.  On the next Monday, hoping beyond hope, I ran home from Washington Junior High School to turn on the TV, wanting to see ABC had changed its mind.  But there it was:  Password.  It was gone.  There were still things I could enjoy for a short period longer.  There was NoDS coming out; the horrible comic book series was still in print; the Marilyn Ross novels for 45 to 90 cents still hit the shelves in bookstores.  I could get my fix, but then the rest of it vanished.  I didn't see it again until, a dozen years later while being a grad student in Las Vegas, a local channel started to rerun the episodes at 10:30 at night.


Current Talk '14 I / Re: Dark Shadows Coming Back to ABC!
« on: April 03, 2014, 12:29:53 AM »
I think I read somewhere that Doris Roberts will be playing Dr. Julia Hoffman.  Instead of using meds, she'll use guilt and food.  They've already fitted her with a red wig.


Current Talk '14 I / Re: Dark Shadows Coming Back to ABC!
« on: April 02, 2014, 04:46:28 PM »
I heard that Fran Drescher will be playing Victoria!


Caption This! - 1796_2 / Re: Episode #0623
« on: March 19, 2014, 12:58:17 AM »
Ben:  "You paid how much for this on e-bay?  Haven't you ever heard of amazon?"


Current Talk '24 I / Re: And Even Yet Another New Slideshow
« on: March 02, 2014, 03:05:14 AM »
Cousin Barnabas, I have so many problems with your answer.  First of all, what local publishers would exist around Collinsport for Mrs. Johnson's book?  Second of all, she only had recipes regarding mayonnaise.  She never mentioned cakes.  This is DS, Cousin Barnabas.  You need to get real.

Gerard (Who accepts nothing realistic about DS unless it involves a combination of milk chocolate and butter cream.)

Current Talk '24 I / Re: And Even Yet Another New Slideshow
« on: March 01, 2014, 07:47:24 PM »
I can envision an uber-isolated, small place like Collinsport, even in the 21st century, never having TV cable access for those two reasons:  it's too isolated and too small for any cable company to make a decent profit.  There are actually still some places like that scattered across America.  But on the other hand, I have a hard time envisioning denizens of Collinsport, especially the Collinses, not availing themselves of satellite TV.  That's accessible anywhere.  I simply can't accept that the rich family on the hill would make do with either just an antennae or aluminum foil over the rabbit ears to pick up only a couple snowy channels in the hopes of catching The CBS Evening News or Wheel of Fortune when they would have ESPN-14-All-Ping-Pong and BBC-7 with constant marathons of The Vicar of Dibley and Keeping Up Appearances.  How would Sophia bake all those cakes for Roger without having The Food Network?


Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: Forum Guidelines for all users
« on: February 27, 2014, 01:34:00 AM »
Eh, Midnite, you take the fun out of everything!

You know I'm just teasing.  Thank you for making this forum such a welcoming place for everyone.  Yup, we can disagree on things, but we can do it without telling someone their mother wears army boots and eats jelly beans.  Well, my mother did eat jelly beans, but she never wore army boots. 


Current Talk '14 I / Re: Thinking Ahead to the 50th Anniversary
« on: February 25, 2014, 12:49:57 PM »
Fifty years?!?  How could it be 50 years?  I grew up watching DS, right from the pilot, and I'm only 35.


Current Talk '24 I / Re: And Even Yet Another New Slideshow
« on: February 18, 2014, 04:15:20 PM »
Now, let me guess.  I'll bet Roger has a special thing for Sophia because of her secret mayonaisse recipe.


Calendar Events / Announcements '14 I / Re: Happy Birthday to Annie!
« on: February 13, 2014, 01:12:46 AM »
Happy birthday, Annie!  I know it's on a Wednesday (yuck), but I hope you get to do some celebrating this coming weekend!  I'll have some spirits then in honor of your day - not the ghostly kind, but the kind Roger preferers!
