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Current Talk '02 II / Re: PARTY LINE
« on: July 30, 2002, 07:30:17 PM »
Our phone number started with Juniper - 1. I still remember our (my) first phone number. Our phone numbers where drilled into our heads in kindergarten for safety purposes. Now-a-days kids have there own cell phones!

old man Dom

PS - My hubby remembers when you had to go through a switchboard and the party line phone numbers had two or three that's old , honey. :)

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Adam's "Unique" West Wing Reading Material
« on: July 30, 2002, 06:58:27 PM »
This could explains Adam's fixation on the very blond (if not quite as voluptuous) Carolyn Stoddard. And possibly gives us a hint of where Adam headed after leaving L.A. where he became the mysterious "man in green " who once a week put a single mustard yellow rose in the vase adorning Marilyn's crypt.

An aside:  It has been rumored that the mysterious "man in green" was arrested and booked in England but later released for lack of evidence as a suspect in the attempted murder of Ted Jordan.  [lghy]


Spellcheck = no "gives"

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Suppose?
« on: July 30, 2002, 06:40:09 AM »

Maybe the people at prefer the term "more safe." ;)

You're probably "more right". :)


(Righter isn't in there either. [lghy])

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Pondering Today's Episodes - 7/29
« on: July 30, 2002, 03:57:41 AM »
You know the discussion about how endowed Eve is, the points remind me of those little paper cups you used to see by water fountains.  I suppose that was before everybody else's time too.

Not before my time, Darlin. Had those in 5th grade.


Current Talk '02 II / Re: Suppose?
« on: July 30, 2002, 03:53:29 AM »
I would think that those who knew of it would go to the wing in Collinwood with the room that was the pathway to parallel time and escape into PT. There's no safer place in a storm, uh maybe...


P.S. Liz would hide in the basement.  :)

(No such word as "safer" in spell-check dictionary.)

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Every 6 weeks
« on: July 30, 2002, 02:08:51 AM »
I thought Grayson looked absolutely stunning, Friday, with her new 'do and glamourous mascara-n-lashes job. I wasn't so sure that she'd had it cut as opposed to having it styled differently. But I didn't care; I couldn't keep me eyes off 'er!

Thought of Gothick the whole time!


Current Talk '02 II / Re: Carolyn and Tony
« on: July 30, 2002, 01:33:23 AM »


ANYTHING would have been better than her and JEB. Yuck. Carolyn and Professor Stokes. Carolyn and her cousin, Barney. Carolyn and Maggie. (Wouldn't THAT have gotten all the guys' interest?!) ANYBODY!

You know, it's funny that you mention Carolyn and Maggie as a couple, kuanyin, because today when I saw Carolyn awoken by Adam, I thought for a split second that she had awaken in Maggie's bed. She has the same sheets that Maggie has on her bed! OZ-YELLOW!

I guess maybe the girls went linen shopping together at Orbachs.


Spell-check dictionary alert: funny & girls (Whaddaya gonna do? Shoot the swans? Dees lovlies?...)

Current Talk '02 II / Dark Island Meets Gilligan's Shadows
« on: July 30, 2002, 01:16:45 AM »
For those of you who have been wondering what the Professor on Gilligan's Island was doing in the years before he boarded the ill-fated SS Minnow, I think today's second episode has cemented my suspicions. He was obviously working for Dr. Lang as his assistant before Jeff Clark materialized in Collinsport. For today, I got a good look at that lab equipment! I spotted what looked to be a flat silver cover of some sort (with handle), what I am almost positive was a slide projector wheel, chicken wire, and last but not least; what appeared to be the heating element from an oven, (no doubt a gift from Roger who loathes Mrs. Johnson's cooking). I guess that's one way to ensure ordering take-out a few times a week. ;D

The Professor sure knew how to make do with whatever was lying around when he had to!

Dom (Who keeps coming across words that are not in the spell-check dictionary. And I'm not talking about the ones that I make up either! This time it was, "gift" and "boarded").  

It's a miracle, I tell ya! Here a cyclone comes along, sweeps up the whole Collinwood estate, plops it down in OZ, and not a hair is out of place, nor a single window broken, nor piece of furniture overturned! (Not even that absolutely stunning quadro swan necked and headed bench at the foot of Carolyn's bed!) Yes, a miracle, by gosh!!!

How'd y'all like that burst of Oz-like color we were treated to in episode two today? It was reminiscent of those first color saturated episodes when the show first changed over to a color format - though not nearly as severe. I actually liked the richness of the look the second episode had today (7/29). I belatedly wish they had kept that look for the rest of the run. Carolyn looked even more gorgeous than usual (if that is even possible). It even brought out the best in Adams scars! (Not to mention his new very green sweater!)

Any of you Dark Shadows Techies have any idea why some of these episodes are color drenched? Different brand of film? New camera? I can't think of a single plausible reason. Oh, but what a treat!


P.S. "FURNITURE" is not in the spell-check dictionary - and it has no suggestions!  ::)

Current Talk '02 II / Jeff Clark - Pun Master
« on: July 29, 2002, 11:49:34 PM »
Today Jeff exclaimed. "I just wanna get this rotten business over with!"

Considering the fact that Eve's body (according to Julia) is on the verge of decay, I found this statement quite pun-ish (if not an understatement). [lghy]


Current Talk '02 II / Re: Poor Adam ~
« on: July 29, 2002, 11:39:43 PM »
Hi Maggie, welcome.

I liked Adam today: Couldn't stand him yesterday. His scenes today have given me a change of heart toward him. He was so "human". I noticed the change from the get-go. His telling Nicholas that he was going to stop the experiment because (in my words) it is the right thing to do. (Though I was disappointed that the Nickster talked him out of it.) And finally in the scene you wrote of with the sweater, where he cried and genuinely seemed to understand and accept the only kind of relationship he would be able to have with Carolyn. This has got me thinking though, that there has to be trouble ahead for these two. Nicholas has (IMO) promised Adam that he can have his cake and eat it too. Nicholas admitted to Angelique that he had just said that to appease Adam. But where Adam is concerned, you'd better deliver on a promise - or else! And where Nicholas is concerned, it can only lead to no good.  I can't imagine that Adam in his present state of mind about Carolyn will let Nicholas anywhere near her. It ought to be pretty interesting. Nicholas has placed himself between a rock and a hard place where Adam is concerned and he is going to have to get himself out of it. I guess we'll soon see how much of this new found humanness Adam will be able to retain.


Current Talk '02 II / Pondering Today's Episodes - 7/29
« on: July 29, 2002, 11:11:18 PM »
Today's eps. weren't too bad;

As always, I enjoyed the scenes with Angelique and Nicholas. The sarcasm between them is anticipatory and never a disappointment for me.

Are we to assume that Nicholas and Angelique knew each other before 1968? I missed Nicholas' introduction this time around and I can't recall the answer. Will someone please tell me if and how they knew each other before 1968? Thanks in advance.

Does anyone know why Nicholas is so into grey? (Loved that silk robe (smoking jacket?) he was wearing at the start of episode one.) Does the color grey have a specific meaning in the world of the occult? I know that certain colors symbolize particular things, as in the case of candles used in rituals.

Anybody notice that Nicholas' widows peak is receding?

They were very careful not to have Angelique's reflection appear in the magic mirror today, even though we did catch a glimpse of her shoulder at the very beginning of the scene. (BTW the MM didn't seem to be reflecting much of anything. Come to think of it, it seems to be stuck in it's transitional phase of blur.) But in episode two, they used  the lab mirror to frame her face quite prominently - go figure.

A question for the ladies of the forum: Did they have smudge proof makeup in '68? I am wondering if Ange puts on her lovely makeup daily? Before or after rising from her coffin? Or if it is the original stuff she had applied before her transformation into a vampire? Just wondering.

Jeff Clark is one strange (and downright eerie) dude! He is the only vampire victim I can recall whose bite wounds disappear between meals! He also seems to have no reaction (weakness, confusion, etc.) to being drained of blood. It appears that he doesn't even know he's been bitten! Not only was he feisty with Ange after the bite but he hadn't a clue of how or why she had the power to control him. Very strange. Maybe it has something to do with where he came from and how he ended up in 1968. I hope time will tell, though I am not counting on it.

Carolyn's dress in Episode two was absolutely hideous.

Why all of a sudden is Eve's body strapped to the gurney? According to Julia, the corpse (can we call it that?) is on the verge of rotting. It's not like it's going to get up and flee. Perhaps it is a sign that the experiment is ready to go, it just seemed a little odd that all of a sudden she's majorly strapped down.

Adam really seems to be coming into his own. I actually enjoyed all his scenes today. I don't know if he is changing or if it is my attitude toward the character that is changing. I saw this storyline once a few years ago and I was so disappointed with the corniness of it all that I basically dismissed everything about it, watching halfheartedly. RR's acting was exceptional today, it really drew me in. I am even finding it hard to hate Adam anymore.

Me thinks that this separation between Jeff and Vicki is a good thing. Jeff has obviously been hanging out with the governess a bit too much as he blurted out several of Vicki's classic lines today - "I don't know," & "I don't understand?" And more than once! I didn't notice if he touched his hair though. I guess I'd better check the tally.

Nancy Barrett is gorgeous.


P.S. Some free advice to Adam who today proclaimed, "I don't wanna mate anymore!" Adam honey, DON'T KNOCK IT TIL YOU'VE TRIED IT! [wink2]

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Uh DS pervading the household?
« on: July 29, 2002, 03:56:53 AM »
I've been blessed with a hubby, who at the mere sight or mention of anything Dark Shadows related, breaks into a warbling operatic-pitched rendition of the Dark Shadows theme. Lucky me - ::)


Current Talk '02 II / Dark Shadows-ish
« on: July 28, 2002, 09:14:56 PM »
Over the course of the past few days I ran across two spots on TV that were very Dark Shadows-ish.

On FRIENDS; Ross' monkey escaped. An animal control officer evilly threatened to capture it and turn it over to the authorities (as she held a high school grudge against Rachel). As the group pleaded for mercy, the officer (almost maniacally and in a nutshell) promised to see them in court where they could, " tell it to the judge. " Upon her exit Phoebie caps off the scene with a Dark Shadows music cue - BUM, Bum, bum...

Last night (7/27) while watching THE TRUE STORY OF FRANKENSTEIN, Victor Frankenstein and his new wife are riding in a carriage on their way to their "honeymoon hotel" and he explains to her that he must go off to do something (work on a bride for the monster) for a while, promising to return. She bitterly objects asking for an explanation in which he replies something along the lines of, "I can't explain right now but you must trust me." At this point I am thinking of Jeff Clark and Vicki. It was so parallel to their current status on the show. (Jeff keeps putting off spending time with Vicki to work on Eve.) No sooner does this thought cross my mind when Victor's bride turns to him in utter frustration and frantically exclaims, " I DON'T UNDERSTAND!!!" I practically fell out of my chair...


P.S. An aside: TTSOF was adapted for the screen (teleplay) by noted gay author Christopher Isherwood! I've read a few of his books, this was my first taste of visual Isherwood. He is probably most noted for his biographical creation of the character Sally Bowels (of CABERET fame).

P.P.S. "FRUSTRATION" is not in the spell check dictionary! There's some sort of pun in there...

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Apparently corpses don't rot in DS!!!
« on: July 27, 2002, 12:50:57 PM »
And let's not forget that one day in Collinsport can be the equivalent to one week real time. What I am wondering is how useful those body pieces and parts are after they've been embalmed?


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