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Messages - Cousin_Barnabas

Current Talk '09 II / Re: Regarding the '91 Series DVD Set?
« on: December 04, 2009, 08:11:17 AM »
Speaking of the '91 series, has anyone seen it on Youtube?  It is very strange to say the least.  From the weird logo Youtube uses to advertise the series to the branding of the show as "adult" (18 or older to view with warnings against Language, Sex, Nudity, and Violence).  What?!  Okay, so there's a little sex and violence, but language and NUDITY?!  This was on NBC in 1991 for goodness sake.  What are they thinking?!

See this weirdness for yourself:

The aspect ratio looks different from that of the DVDs, but the "day for night" has not been corrected as, in the scenes I have seen, Barnabas is still prancing around in dreary daylight.

That is true, MB.  But you know how vocal some of us fans can get when things don't go our way!   [ghost_tongue2]  Let's hope that Warner and Burton don't have to feel our wrath.   [ghost_wink]

That is very true.  After doing some thinking about it though, I can't imagine there being too much wiggle room with the placement of the 'origin' story.  Changing the time period significantly would require changes in the story.  And, unless the movie is taking place during the time when Barnabas was cursed, I can't imagine Burton wanting to mess with it too much.  It's sort of a neat and compact package the way it is, and for a backstory, that's just what's needed.  Plus, I don't think they want to alienate the already avid fanbase by messing with something that has been a constant in every Dark Shadows project to date.  Barnabas and Josette work in any time period, but the Post-Colonial setting is really, simply put, just romantic.  [ghost_smiley]    

Just say 'no' to the stache!  Is he playing Barnabas or Nicholas?   [ghost_cheesy] 

Seriously, the picture with the mustache makes him look like Satan or (Bram Stoker's) Dracula.  I sort of like it, but NOT for Barnabas.  Good thing mustaches weren't in style in the late 18th century.   [ghost_wink]

Well, you have got to have the Josette angle in order for it to be Dark Shadows, but I would prefer it to be similar to the original Barnabas/Josette storyline with Maggie and the kidnapping.  Frankly, I think that would make the film a lot more interesting than going with a re-do of the 1991 series. 

Victoria could be the heroine, and find out that Barnabas is holding Maggie captive... 

Current Talk '09 I / Re: Supernatural Creatures Never Used!
« on: March 20, 2009, 06:58:34 AM »
Magnus, this one is a bit of a stretch, but we'll go with it...

After the killings, the mummy could be interviewed by George Stephanopoulos.   [easter_cheesy]

Current Talk '09 I / Re: Supernatural Creatures Never Used!
« on: March 20, 2009, 01:05:02 AM »
The mummy wouldn't have to outrun anyone.   It could just emerge from a sarcophagus (?).

And once it did that, it could east its victim's esophagus.   [easter_grin] [easter_tongue]

Well, I hope they take the liberty to keep Bob Cobert's original scores for the theme, Josette, and Quentin.   [easter_wink]

Taking liberties is okay, just so long as the liberties taken don't detract from the story.  They said they will be staying true to the original spirit of the show.  I hope they stay true to a little more than just the spirit.  I do want to recognize this film as being Dark Shadows.   [easter_grin]  But, I am happy that Warner is finally getting ready to announce something.  I can't wait to see where this goes! 

Current Talk '09 I / Re: Supernatural Creatures Never Used!
« on: March 19, 2009, 06:34:06 AM »
I like the idea of an angel, but I think Josette sort of takes on that role.  The siren idea is cool too.  In addition, I always though Collinsport could have used an invisible man or some sort of creature from some sort of rather dark body of water.   [easter_wink]

But, if you really think about it, the writers could have implemented some sort of sea creature into the story.  The creature could take on human form whilst amongst the town locals and then have its true form only seen off screen.

[spoiler](a la Jeb)[/spoiler]

Naturally, the show would have needed to run a few more years before doing this, but it could have happened.   Then, of course, you have the Mummy concept...

And the second film (1897) could end with Barnabas finding the reincarnation of Josette, and then traveling with her via some supernatural time warp to the present.  However, once he gets here, (third film) present day Josette (Maggie or Vicki) won't be able to remember him and Angelique will be here to complicate matters.

Just my little idea on how a trilogy (in the above suggested order) could go.   [snow_smiley]

Great!  I always loved reading the updates on the website.  Thanks for starting this blog.   I can't wait to read the next posting!  [snow_ghost]

Calendar Events / Announcements '08 II / Re: OT The death of VHS
« on: January 09, 2009, 03:50:13 AM »
If I have it on DVD, it's not getting upgraded.  If I have it on VHS, it's not getting upgraded.  The exception to this general rule is if the DVD release has nice extras.  I've got my Dark Shadows DVDs, and they aren't getting converted to any other format, unless the DVDs break.  My Disney library is still all VHS, except for Snow White, Peter Pan, and Sleeping Beauty.  (I have those titles in both formats.)  I have tons of TV specials on VHS that have never been released, so they are staying on VHS until someone officially releases them.  So long as they work, there's no need to change them. 

Current Talk '09 I / Re: Strange Music in Background on DS Collection 23
« on: January 06, 2009, 02:25:50 AM »
I think I remember hearing something strange during this time period too.  Let us know when you found out the episode, so we can all investigate it.    [8_2_76]

Current Talk '08 II / Re: Maggie Escapes
« on: December 26, 2008, 10:18:01 PM »
I like both of the above replies, but if he didn't do anything to Maggie's memory, he would still get caught.  Would Barnabas just sit around and hope for the best?  Was the life of Maggie really worth his own life?  I've always needed something more to answer these questions, which is why I explain it all away with hypnotism.  If you watch the scene, the way Barnabas is looking at Maggie, you can definitely infer that he is doing something to her mind.  Like I said, this is just my theory, but it closes a lot of loopholes:  Why Barnabas didn't kill Maggie, why Maggie lost her memory and needed a specialist to get it back, etc...

Current Talk '08 II / Re: Maggie Escapes
« on: December 24, 2008, 08:49:19 AM »
Well, going off of my theory, which is probably far fetched, but plausible nonetheless, Barnabas was able to control Maggie's memory up to a point, just like he was able to control Maggie up to a point.  Her will was strong (as evidenced in the story), and so Julia's expertise was needed to control the situation. 

The writers couldn't really kill off Maggie, and they couldn't really off Barnabas.  I think that was the problem they ran into at the end of this storyline.  They were probably intending Maggie to escape and tell everyone Barnabas was her kidnapper, but they couldn't let her do that.  If they killed Barnabas, they would have killed the ratings.   [santa_tongue]