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Messages - Angelique Wins

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Current Talk '06 II / Re: DS Names for Real
« on: November 09, 2006, 05:26:42 PM »
There might be a Barnabas in my family tree.  Our family history gets rather sketchy in the late 1700s.  (I'm not kidding!, lol!) And there's tons of folks at that time with the same last name, but no link with my ancestor.  So I've just arbitrarily picked Barnabas.  LOL!  Who knows?  I might be right!  But the funniest DS coincidence for me, is my 3x great-grandmother Julia who had a sister named Angeline.  I know.  No cigar.  But close!!!!


As long as you realize I am superior, there is much I can tolerate. [hall2_wink]

Certainly!  [salute]
    Superior:  Etymology--Middle English, from Middle French, from Latin, comparative of superus upper
           1 : situated higher up : UPPER
           2 : of higher rank  [queen]

And there isn't anybody ranker than you...that is...Um...  [angl]  See you at the Fest!!! Bye!!! [8334]

P.S.  Gotta love me!

All in good time, my dear Judy, all in good time. [hall2_grin]
::Sigh::  Very well.  I shall simply await enlightenment and bow gracefully to your superiority, O Knower of Things.  [a345]


Look for my dealer's table at the next fest. ^-^

The NEXT FEST?!!!  HOORAY!!!   [cheer]  ...and that would be where and when??   Inquiring minds want to know!!! [beg2]


Current Talk '06 II / Re: Monsters We Shoulda Seen
« on: November 06, 2006, 03:51:21 AM »
The series finale:
  (Scroll up to see the photo)

Cool!!!  Monster in a mirror universe!  Or has the monster turned the real house inside out so that the solarium windows are on the Other side?  [hall2_shocked]  LOL!

...I still don't buy that she was really Vickie's mother.  If you've seen the pre-Barn eps, just look at [spoiler]the portrait of Betty Hanscomb who Vickie could be a clone of!  I think Liz was her sister, that her father slept w/Betty, daughter of the butler Hanscombe and voila![/spoiler]
Yes, I knew about that (lovely girl, terrible what happened) but my LIPS are SEALED until I finish the Vicki part of my saga.  [read3]

You're right, they're dropping Vicki's whole parentage storyline was equally as bad. Poor Vicki never did find out who she was or where she came from.

I always like to think Elizabeth was her mother but for some reason Elizabeth had been forced to give her up. It's too bad the writers couldn't have followed through on this.  :(

I agree, and there's a .wav file out there somewhere in cyberspace of Joan Bennett saying something like [spoiler]'Speaking as Elizabeth, yes, I am Vicki's mother.'  There's also the often-told story of one of the reasons AM might have gotten the part was that she had a similar look to Joan Bennett[/spoiler]  Maybe that's not really a spoiler, but it's not like it takes rocket science to unveil it, lol!

I too was intriqued by Vicki's long search and never-answered questions [spoiler]not to mention her untimely and totally pointless death[/spoiler] and a bud of an idea began to grow as I was writing my first DS fan fiction.  Now the second one [book2]  "Hearts Restored" is well under way and through a different kind of flashback, the existence of a packet of old letters, a "new" old family friend, and a few more suprises, I am gradually revealing what I think is a plausible storyline for Elizabeth before she met Paul.

I shared my idea with Betsy Durkin when I met her at this year's fest in NY and she was very encouraging.  She had obviously thought long and hard about the character and was very interested to hear my theories.  (If anyone has an opportunity to meet Ms. Durkin at a future Fest or book signing, please do so.  She's a VERY warm and sincere person.  Everybody I encountered at the Fest and after who met her says,"Did you meet Betsy Durkin?  She so sweet! I LOVE her!!!)

But yes, to get back on track of the this particular thread, I would definitely have made (and am making lol!)  made some changes in Vicki's life.


Current Talk '06 II / Re: Halloween at Collinwood?
« on: October 31, 2006, 05:47:42 PM »
I hear ya Buzz but if they were to celebrate, it would have to be a pretty freaky night.

LOL!!!   [hall2_grin]   Yes, exactly.  So, aside from the obvious...what sort of "show" would they put on for the Unsuspecting Citizens of Collinsport?  Would it be all candy treats and fun?  Or would the theatre be dark that night?  (ok, ok, except the theatre isn't ever dark, is it?  There's always the ghost light...)


Current Talk '06 II / Halloween at Collinwood?
« on: October 31, 2006, 04:29:15 PM »
Everybody's "Happy Halloween" got me to wondering just how the Collins family would celebrate the holiday?  [vampy] Would there be a line of little kids knocking on the big front doors?  A jack-o-lantern in every window?  [hall2_cheesy]  Or would the family hunker down in the depths of the great house, watching movies on the never-seen tv set waiting for the evening to pass?
Inquiring minds (ok, possessed, maybe) want to know!!!!


Yes, Victoria!

And just true soap fashion, they never found her body and there is no grave...  [supergrin]


Games / Re: Collinsport Yellow Pages
« on: October 27, 2006, 07:52:17 AM »
[Candle]      Fredericks of Collinsport       [Candle]
Dramatic and Suggestive Boudoir Ensembles
If you have Grave Concerns about your nighttime attire...
Our gowns will simply lift your spirits!!

Don't miss our Special Moonlight Sale!!!!                    Don't miss our Special Moonlight Sale!!!!                    Don't miss our Special Moonlight Sale!!!!

Speaking  of "Did you notice," I was just watching DVD Volume 11, Disk 4.  This is an David/Amy in Quentin's room time period, Mrs. Findley and the buried alive phobia.  Several times in various episodes they show a shot of Collinwood that I wasn't quite familiar with where it's the tower and a short part of the builiding on the right hand side.  After hitting pause several times and squinting a few times, I realized that they had taken a shot of the tower and the left hand side of the usual shot of the house and just REVERSED it.

Freaked me out until I solved the mystery!  LOL!

Judy  [angl]

...and a note to the craftsperson:  "Could you please put in the ORIGINAL music?"

 I much prefer the original version of the piece and wonder why they changed it.   [hall2_rolleyes]


Current Talk '06 II / Re: Who was upset that DS ended in 1840 PT?
« on: October 21, 2006, 04:04:32 AM »
The one thing I would like to have seen when Julia, Barnabas and Stokes return to 1971 is to somehow have an Angelique lookalike come into the Blue Whale or something after the Historical Center Opening and faint in front of Barnabas, fade out....otherwise I was okay with it ending how it did..

An online friend did just that.  Or is doing just that, I should say.  She isn't done yet.  It's being posted on the Barnabas/Bramwellfan fiction Yahoo list.


Current Talk '06 II / Re: The Best and Worst of Fan Fic!
« on: October 12, 2006, 06:58:49 AM »
A place for a blatant and shameless commercial
for my DS Fan Fiction!

 [read] [book_study] [book2] [read3]

"With books, you don't have to wait for a commercial
to go get a root beer." Snoopy
 [beer]  [happy1]


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