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Messages - Devlin66

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Current Talk '04 II / Re: Incongruities (gee, ya think!!)
« on: August 03, 2004, 05:18:25 AM »
All those graves were moved to make room for the Collinsport Walmart, which opened in 1993 >:(

Current Talk '04 II / Re: Incongruities (gee, ya think!!)
« on: August 03, 2004, 01:00:00 AM »
I always thought Eagle Hill was reserved as the final resting place of the rich, affluent, the crazed, the disembodied, the multi-personalitated of Collinsport.....too bad Trask couldnt have been buried there.....then you would say at least one Christian was buried there.....the good brick short of a load 8)

Current Talk '04 II / Re: favorite "moment"
« on: August 01, 2004, 11:11:43 PM »
The firery demise of Nicholas Blair in the woods while a smiling Barnabas watches on in glee.......then the following moment when Barnabas goes back and shares the great news with Dr. Julia.....all seems well in Collinwood at that was uplifting to see both of them giddy with knowing the Diabalos had taken Blair back into the underworld...... :P

Current Talk '04 II / Episode 75
« on: July 26, 2004, 09:00:47 PM »
I just finished this one and several real eye openers.....

1/  Roger in the intro is giddy and says something like its the best day in his life.....and he has spittle coming out of his mouth...( i had to rewind it to believe it.....he must of been really feeling the part)

2/  Vikki is seen in taped outdoor footage with a different coat.....she is seen with Roger moments before with a white coat and her hair is down.......and then you see her in the outdoor shots on the beach with a dark coat and her hair in pig least in the earlier episode Mitch Ryan knows the outdoor shot has him  without his coat and he makes a point before the cameras roll that he knows that.....and maps out a plan of entry to the director before the scene is shot.....ha ha ha...

3/  Roger throwing the rocks over widows funny......he throws like a girl.......

4/  Back to number 3...also vik was wearing a scarf when she first saw roger at widows hill.......then the scarf disappears as well.......

5/  i love how the episode ends with that fear roger shows as we hear burke pounding his fist on the front door of collinwood................. :-[

Current Talk '04 II / Re: Jason MacGuire
« on: July 25, 2004, 04:35:16 PM »
Dennis' portrayal of Paul Stoddard was also excellent..He never did play a charecter in the past did he?


Current Talk '04 II / Re: a post-1795 question(or two)
« on: July 24, 2004, 10:38:20 PM »
Quote from: mscbryk
[spoiler]en route to said getaway they get into the carcrash(my fave).afterwards the story goes foreward to dr. lang's "treatment" of barnabas.he seems to then loose all interest in vicki's potential knowledge of the past.why?[/spoiler]

[spoiler]Vampire amnesia perhaps caused by the car accident?[/spoiler]

Current Talk '04 II / Re: The Frankensteins Meet the Collinses
« on: July 23, 2004, 11:09:15 PM »
bingo........and the scene with the monster being teased by Dr. Frankensteins assistant brings back KFC leg taunting by Willie to Adam......the only difference between a firery torch and a chicken leg is about $1.49 anyways.........and the moment when the Docs assistant sedates the monster with a needle to the back.........classic right out of Dr. Hoffmans magic medical bag!!!! :D

And a belated thank you to all above who wished me a happy happy!.......thanks gang and now on to 50! :D

Yes indeed i do enjoy looking at other peoples observations.......after hearing Roger give Vick Winters the lowdown on the invite to breakfast before her cannery tour made me hungry.......i think i will start a thread on the culinary delights at the Collinsport Diner.......too bad we never see the cook.......and besides Maggie and Suzy....i saw another lovely waiting tables the other day when Burke was having his fill........i am sure he tips better than Mrs. Johnson :P

« on: July 21, 2004, 06:03:09 AM »
wow, i dug this old thread up only to least in the first 3 months of the first vote would be for Burke Devlins Suite at the Collinsport Inn......entertaining such characters as David, Carolyn, both Constable and Sheriff, Sam, Roger, Malloy, and even Ms. Winters..... :o  wonder what Burke paid a night for that layout.....

Current Talk '04 II / Re: Next 4 Episodes - #67-70
« on: July 20, 2004, 07:52:47 PM »
I just am at the point when david and vicki are heading for the old i stopped at that point with some thoughts burning in my pea brain......

1/  I still see Rogers scar but its a different shape and close when he is sitting behind his can see it....a lot smaller but still visible....

2/  the clock behind his desk says 1032 when he first arrives for work.....wish i had such great hours......anyway....some 10 minutes later you can see the clock again..and the time hasnt changed......ha ha ha

3/  carolyn sure plays the hot again cold again girlfriend of  poor joe......although joe is used to her mood swings by now.....its still amazing he doesnt let her teasing get the best of him.....

4/  interesting that sheriff patterson hasnt put matthew morgan in the picture for the demise of malloy....[spoiler]after all it was morgan who "found" the body and pushed it back out to sea[/spoiler] a kid i remember how creepy thayer david seemed as morgan......and i really dispised his character......wish the blue whale scene woulda had burke take morgan and through him thru a window or something...

5/   david vs. vicki in the drawing a scene with david throwing furniture and knocking stuff off the table.....i remember thinking how david was so cool back when i first saw this....but now as an old person all i want to see is vicki take something and beat the crap out of him.......

6/   i know this is a bit over the top......but when you walk in to the blue whale, you see what looks to be a round toilet seat on the wall.....its supposed to be a life preserver from a boat......but it looks like a toilet seat to me.........ha ha ha

7/  mrs johnson and burkes scenes from burkes hotel room were magnificent.......

8/  vicki wore her hair up for the first time that i noticed....and she is very attractive that way....

Well.....i cannot remember the old house visit from my original viewing of this back in sept 66......i might of missed that ep because of softball practice or something....but i am looking forward to it.......i just love these old on with the show!!!!!!! ::)

Current Talk '04 II / Re: Barnabas' First Night in 1967
« on: July 19, 2004, 06:10:20 AM »
I always snicker when i see Barn arrive at the big house complete with top where would Loomis get that and all those nice freshly taylored i remember........he knew where the Orbachs in Bangor.....or was it Logansport was?.....and does anyone know if Barns hair was coiffed differently after he was let out of his box? my my.....Willie was a  jack of all trades to get Barn suited up to be the "man about town"

Current Talk '04 I / Re: 1966 Season
« on: July 19, 2004, 05:59:24 AM »
With all Roger has on his mind.....its refreshing to see him on the outside footage intro of ep #68 arriving at his office......he even seems to have waved a good morning to one of the Collins Cannery Slaves.....nice guy......and what a kewl office......complete with dartboard :P

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: Two requests
« on: July 18, 2004, 01:23:03 AM »
Is it correct that Netscape 7.0 is the preferred browser in this forum?

Current Talk '04 II / Re: Grayson Question
« on: July 18, 2004, 01:15:42 AM »
i wish i had a lobster roll for every time Barn had threatened to kill J U L I A during the series run. :-[

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