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Messages - Heather

Calendar Events / Announcements '07 I / Re: OT: Artwork/New site
« on: April 07, 2007, 03:36:58 PM »
Many thanks Midnite , Jackie...
Just found out I got an A in that class (it was situation where what one got on the website was...a major factor in one's final grade in the class ;)) and that I made the deans list again.
[pardon my toches as I do a happy dance for 2 seconds]
okay, back to work... [artist] [44]


I'd like to add my kudos too...great work [thumb]

(And the really funny thing is the day after I'd changed my avatar, personal text, and sig, I'd remarked to Midnite and dom that music can be so much more than the lyrics to My Humps (even though I like Fergie/Black Eyed Peas). But it really took Alanis to point out just how lacking those lyrics are. I suppose we should all be eternally grateful.  [b003])

Indeed. :D Btw, I've been meaning to comment that I've been liking everyone's new avatars lately...very creative and/or cute.  ^-^ Anyway - thanks MB for posting the capture that inspired the caption, and thanks for the link MsCriseyde...gawd, I need an evil laugh in the worst way...

Current Talk '07 I / Re: julia
« on: March 23, 2007, 03:38:08 AM »
Great ideas, Sandor. [applause]   >:D

Calendar Events / Announcements '07 I / Re: OT: Artwork/New site
« on: March 23, 2007, 03:13:03 AM »
Many thanks for the kind comments...I was about ready to give up on this project times than I care to count, so it means a lot. xo

Calendar Events / Announcements '07 I / OT: Artwork/New site
« on: March 22, 2007, 04:33:03 AM »
Hi all...

This is kinda OT, but it features some GraysonArt (and a B&J piece) and whatnot, so it's somewhat related...

I've been very remiss in posting...anything...lately, and this is one reason why:

I've lost months of my life creating a brand new portfolio site. ;)  ;D

Note: You MUST have the free macromedia/adobe Flash player installed on your computer in order to view the site correctly. Info and links to obtain this free web player (if one doesn't already have it) for various computer platforms can be found here:

It was a difficult course (one where I was learning a whole new set of programs and designing everything by hand and, in my case, teaching myself everything all over again that I didn't understand. Why yes, I am as stubborn and persistent as Julia, in a way...)
Suffice to say I didn't use templates, so it was a real learning experience. I think the left and right side of my brain developed a few new wrinkles, and I think I've upped my already high geek factor a few more notches. This new format will hopefully enable me to update the site more often than before - which was never (my last portfolio site has been down since I changed ISP's.)  :-[

Thank you for your time, and now back to your regularly scheduled and fascinating DS themed dicussions...  :-*

Current Talk '07 I / Re: Out of curiosity
« on: February 11, 2007, 12:27:05 AM »
Having "always stay logged in" doesn't add time to a member's time spent online stat because the stat only measures the time actually spent active on the forum. And once one switches tabs in a browser, it's just like you've left the first site for the next. The first site doesn't consider you as being there again until you open its tab again.  ;)

I know that. Let me clarify - I just meant that it's easier to pop in for a visit and glance at the posts and my PM's and whatnot when I'm always logged in, and hence the minutes add up when I actively browse around. And sometimes I jump from one tab to the next, for example when I'm doing research for work and assignments and checking out this site on the same day...

People need to face up to the simple fact that their time spent online stats haven't been padded just because they leave their browsers open to the forum or they have "always stay logged in" activated. Yes, you really have been active on the forum for that period of time. Accept it and embrace it.  ;)

I have. I'm not arguing that fact or blaming anyone at all...

Current Talk '07 I / Re: Out of curiosity
« on: February 10, 2007, 11:23:49 PM »
Holy shit...I mean, sweet goddess!  I'm right behind Midnite in most time spent here. I'm smack dab sandwiched between two evil women in the list so far...very nice.  >:D
I haven't had the time or energy to post much lately, but I check the site everyday. I have it set up that I'm always logged in when I visit here, which might account for the minutes ticking by...that and the wonderful world of tabbed browsing.  ;D And I don't know about anyone else, but dealing with a disorder that has ADD and OCD aspects sometimes has its negatives and positives - especially if one is trying to do a million things at the same time and keep sane. I find the Forum/DSBoards and the JuliaList to be nice respite/escape from a more insane and hectic world...
Anyhoo, just reading the posts here takes a while, for me, and if I have a moment to actually respond and utilize the wonderful preview feature well...time just adds up. ;)

p.s. As I struggle through another web class, I bow to your greatness MB... and your teasing leaves me very intrigued.  ^-^
Belated welcome back Dom - I missed your posts and have adored your witty avatars lately  :-*
Hugs to the mods and those who help behind the scenes... xo

Current Talk '04 II / Re: Barnabas--Love and Lust list
« on: January 11, 2007, 05:41:42 PM »
I don't necessarily have the hots for Barn per say... I love both B & J. [coughing]
And being one who's experienced abuse first hand, I would never, ever, in a million years, condone that....
I just think Barn., like all people, has it within him to grow and develop as a character and as a person...

Current Talk '06 II / Re: The Best and Worst of Fan Fic!
« on: December 23, 2006, 03:49:02 PM »
  Since there's no real critiquing of fanfiction on the fanfic oriented groups, thats the only way authors are learning to improve their work that I can see.
I find that really sad; the fanfiction groups I am used to exchange notes on writing resources and function as writer's workshops so that everyone can learn how to make their work better. (And there's NO AUTHOR, whether professionally published or an author of fanfiction, who can't benefit and learn from a thoughtful critique of their work. This applies even to self critiques, though it's very hard to be objective about one's own work.)

I know what you mean that certain boards accept any and all fanfiction, and many of it is either knocked down or praised whatever quality it is, but I don't agree that there is no real critiquing out there. It does exist on a few rare groups. Maybe I just lucked out, but I have found a group where people, fellow writers, ARE willing to take the time to critique and beta read each other's work before it's posted to a board...I know my writing (which is far from perfect - as i joke with friends, I am an artist, not a writer) has definitely improved because of my association with DS writing groups. The pointers and lessons I have learned from tough critiques have even helped with my college writing classes as well...

Current Talk '06 II / Re: The Best and Worst of Fan Fic!
« on: December 04, 2006, 03:15:37 AM »
Heather, have you ever read Tales of Hoffman?  It's a novel-like collection of short stories taking one from Julia's childhood to post DS where she's married to Barnabas and fawning over their college age son Ben.  Good reading!  ;)

I have purchased a number of fanzinzines in the past, both B&J centerd as well as ones focusing on the OTHER other characters featured on DS...I adore and treasure them all.

I suppose I was introduced to the world of fanfic on the net via the JuliaHoffman site (which I luv), But I have also found a wealth of top-notch VERY well written, well researched fanfiction written by some VERY talented individuals, comprised of a group of professional well rounded guys and gals on the aforementioned JuliaList. ;)


Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: Internet Explorer 7
« on: November 08, 2006, 05:33:50 AM »
And to think the technology department at my college had outlawed IE in all forms a couple semesters ago (we have so many computers in use there--both Macs and PC's--that it became a moral imperative ;))...we mainly use Firefox.

Current Talk '06 II / Re: The Best and Worst of Fan Fic!
« on: October 25, 2006, 02:37:11 PM »
If you're writing a DS novel in hopes of actually having it published and making a profit from it, then by all means, you'd better keep the characters the way they were originally written, and don't let the plot stray too far from the Collinwood we all know and love.
But if you're writing for the love of it, because you have a story idea you just HAVE to explore, and characters you're dying to bring to life, then write what you damn well please

Well, I've found that creative writing is as much an outlet and at times stress reducer for me as my other artistic pursuits. When I look back on it, the creative process, regardless of what form it takes, has gotten me through some difficult times...
And personally, aside from being an unabashed and unapologetic B&J nut, I just cannot get enough of Julia fanfic {squeal}...especially since only bits and pieces were inferred about her background on the show, so its a neat area to explore. Some of my favorites include the adventures of a not so tight ass PT Julia, and a particularly well written prose about Julia and Liz coming to a discrete arrangement... >:D

Personally, if I was to write such a novel, the opening scene would be the one where the Collins family is burying Barnabas at the crossroads of some major intersection in Maine, accompanied by the Rite of Exorcism being intoned by a Cardinal, at the very least. first laugh all week. Thank you...  [hall2_kiss]

Current Talk '05 I / Re: Date, Marry or Dump!
« on: October 25, 2006, 02:34:34 PM »
Women: Date Carolyn (I could use some hair tips); pick up Angelique but then dump her ass fast (although she might have some good wig tips and revenge advice); marry Julia because she's as loyal as they come, and to make Barn. jealous (not to mention to share some divine chocolate recipes)...but eventually use my evil ways to pair up B&J for good! [bwahaaaa]

Men: Date the jennings boys, but then bow out gracefully so gothick and Sandor have a turn (more power to my peoples)  [hall2_grin]

Calendar Events / Announcements '06 II / Re: Craig Hamrick
« on: October 06, 2006, 05:54:49 AM »
I would have loved to have seen that tribute... :(