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Messages - Stuart

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Calendar Events / Announcements '04 II / Re: Convention
« on: August 04, 2004, 08:15:31 PM »
That's the reason - Lisa's dropped out of the festival because of commitments on that.

That interview is kinda a weird one - Guy Haines was going to be staying with Louis for a few days, and so I emailed a bunch of questions, which Guy read to Louis on my behalf and taped his responses.

I met Louis at a couple of the festivals and he was always a total class act...  quite the nicest person I've ever interviewed in the third person, too ;)

123 - the Dark Shadows Journal Online

* New on the Site:

Louis Edmonds Interview: A classic 1998 chat with the late actor behind Roger Collins, reproduced online for the first time

News: Steadily updated with all the latest developments


Stuart :)

124 - the Dark Shadows Journal Online:

* New on the Site

Marie Wallace Interview:
A brand new chat with the first lady (geddit?) of Dark Shadows :)

Current Talk '04 II / Re: ** No Resurrection For Shadows **
« on: July 17, 2004, 05:17:59 PM »
I'm not trying to step on Stuart's toes, but I was anxious to see the comments in context...

Quite right too - wherever possible, I always link direct to any reports quoted to make the reporting as transparent as I can.

As for the pilot, there's certainly some spin at work here, but that's pretty inevitable.  Between a change of regime, a shift in network policy, and a large amount of money spent on the production, I can understand why it's not being taken further.

Even were the incentive to reshoot there, investing another $3-5m on a project they clearly already have reservations about is somewhat unlikely.  It's easy for us as fans to speculate on costly reshoots, but we don't have our careers and the responsibility of multi-million budgets hanging over us. Added to that, as time ticks on, I think the window for a salvage operation is rapidly diminishing, as those involved are swiftly moving on to other things.

I think sometimes, through no real fault of anyone, a project just doesn't come together.  Irrespective of the quality of what was shot, or the work of those involved, I suspect that was the case here.

Calendar Events / Announcements '04 I / Re: ShadowGram Update #118
« on: July 15, 2004, 06:46:25 PM »
I've just posted the cover artwork for this on my site -

127 - the Dark Shadows Journal Online:

* Three Years of

Happy Birthday to us! Three years on, I'm pleased to say that the Dark Shadows Journal Online is still going strong.  With the show off the air indefinitely, hopefully it's doing something to help fill the void.

* New on the Site

Lara Parker Interview - A classic chat with the Angelique actress, reproduced in full on the site for the first time
Desktop Wallpaper - A special design making the show's early days
Episode Guide - Revamped with new facts, images and information, plus 180 new summaries
News - Steadily updated with all the latest stories



Hmmmmm... from handsome young Jake to fat Sam? 

Spending a few years holded up in an office with Dan Curtis clearly *really* takes its toll ;)

« on: June 01, 2004, 11:33:53 PM »
The budget is a crucial aspect in all this, and one that seriously mitigates against DS.  Obviously the WB could afford to spend that money on the series, but being able to afford something doesn't mean it represents value for money, which is the real argument when creating a network schedule.

DS was never going to be a cheap show - there's a big cast, established high-profile actors attached, expensive locations and production values, along with heavy artistic demands.  If you're looking to cut costs on the show, there really aren't too many areas you can easily save cash.

At a time when drama is increasingly expensive to produce, plus increasingly difficult to get audiences behind, DS on paper represents a big financial risk on an "oddball" show that doesn't scream mainstream appeal.

The show was always something that would require a leap of faith from a network to have a chance in today's market.  Sad though it is, within that situation, and bearing in mind the current constraints networks face to survive, I can totally understand the WB verdict, even if I disagree with it.

And sadly, the same arguments will apply to any other network that considers the show.  Which is why I'm convinced that until the marketplace changes, the show has a near impossible fight from the word go.

No conspiracy, no dark secrets...  Never forget that it's called showbusiness.

I should be there, as per... :)

Calendar Events / Announcements '04 I / Re: OT-The Geek Test
« on: June 01, 2004, 03:30:43 AM »
15.18738% - Geek

I feel so curiously unaccomplished...  :-

Current Talk '04 I / Re:DS DVD set 12 out already!!
« on: May 30, 2004, 01:02:55 AM »
Many times when the original tape jumps or goes to black, they will edit a still frame of a character or object to make it a seemless shot...

I think that's a perfectly acceptable restoration practice - if a seamless "fix" can be made that prevents the viewing being disrupted, it should be done for the DVDs.

On the subject of the wholesale removal of scenes, I did recently raise the matter with Jim Pierson, who confirmed that MPI never edits the shows. Any edits are on the new masters made by Worldvision about 6 years ago. Apparently a monitoring system has been put in place to avoid cuts making it onto DVD and he does say that he'll pursue the matter further, so hopefully we'll be seeing less of these problems..

« on: May 28, 2004, 10:07:25 AM »
According to the information posted on the Festival website, scenes from the pilot will be shown...

At the moment, the pilot presentation is a listed as a "preview" - the actual format for that is still being worked out and there's no guarantee yet that it includes footage from the production itself.

But fingers crossed they can get at least something on the weekend's screenings :)

« on: May 20, 2004, 11:06:14 PM »
Be a sport... which aspects horrified you? ;)

I was heartened by his comment that: "I want to make the characters, old and new, feel real within the the context of the show, so people can empathise with them and understand their situations."

I think that's something that the 1991 series could have done with a lot more of.  The idea that *no one* seems to have any comment or opinion on Michael Woodard being turned into a vampire and bloodily staked whatsoever - least of all Julia - seems absolutely lunatic in retrospect.

« on: May 20, 2004, 10:14:40 PM »
Check out the news page of my site to see a new photograph from the pilot:


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