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Messages - Nicky

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Current Talk '24 I / Re: Depp/Burton DARK SHADOWS Is In Release!!
« on: May 28, 2012, 07:50:02 PM »
I'm going to see it for the 3rd time, and I'm just as excited as the first!  I'm also interested to see what a 1:45 showing will look like on Memorial Day in Missoula, Montana ... I'd be totally cool if it were just my friend and I in the theatre.  :P

Does the story show any promise?  (Although that doesn't necessarily mean anything, since the first arc showed some promise...)

Yeah, I guess.  The art didn't pain me as much as the last issue, though I think it's the same artist.  And the dialogue wasn't necessarily DREADFUL (I enjoyed the cameos from some Collinwood residents of the dim, dead past), or at least not as dreadful as last time (that voiceover ... yowch!).  Barnabas fleeing with his cane reminded me of Gold Key.

I also picked up the new issue of Buffy, which was MUCH more exciting for me.  Strange, since I was leaping around and singing to the hills when I found out about the comic book last summer.  Sad face.

I picked mine up today -- weird.  Interesting appearances by some unexpected characters, but pay attention to the conversation between Jack, the now deceased bartender, and Barnabas about Julie, who was traumatized by the events of last issue.  You know, Julie?  The blonde heiress of Collinwood?  "Oh," you're saying, "you mean CAROLYN, not Julie."  Yeah.  That's what I said.

Current Talk '12 I / Re: Fan Favorites (from actual fans)
« on: April 28, 2012, 03:24:07 AM »
I've been pondering this a lot ... well, okay, not really, but I thought I'd throw my two cents in.  If I were compiling this list, I'd include these milestone-y episodes:

126.  Matthew vs. all the ghosts.

155.  Elizabeth tells Laura to skedaddle.  She doesn't.  Fighting fire with fire ensues.

248.  Barnabas locks Maggie in a coffin (not for the faint of heart).

405.  THE CURSE!

569.  Tom and Julia get frisky.

748.  Magda gives Quentin a dose of (well-deserved) curse.

955.  Angelique powers up and takes out her frustrations on Quentin and Maggie.

1012. In the murky and disturbing world of Parallel time, Quentin welcomes Barnabas to Collinwood.

1150.  Au revoir, Roxanne.

1202.  Bramwell and Catherine discover the wonders of pre-marital pelvicness. 

I thought I'd try to include representative episodes from the majority of time periods ... I honestly can't believe that the curse episode wasn't included on either of MPI's latest collections, but what can you do.

See, and I absolutely adore the so-called "dire" Death Becomes Her, which, now that the reviewer mentions it, reminds me that I've been reminded of DBH all along when watching anything about the new film.

I'm sure I shall want it.  Sigh.

(Thanks, MB!)

What do we make of this?  (Sorry if this book has already been discussed/dissected/explained away ...)

Found this on amazon:

Dark Shadows the Art of the Film [Hardcover]

# Hardcover: 176 pages
# Publisher: Titan (May 8, 2012)
# ISBN-10: 1781162557
# ISBN-13: 978-1781162552

Sounds intriguing, but there's no cover or any other real details either ...

Current Talk '12 I / Fan Favorites (from actual fans)
« on: April 23, 2012, 12:43:01 AM »
So I was in Target yesterday, and I squee'ed a bit when I saw the new Fan Favorites DVD from MPI.  Because I already own all the episodes, I resisted purchasing it (my fiance helped with this resistance a bit as well).  I was, however, disappointed by what TPTB have deemed "among the most popular in the history of DARK SHADOWS".  According to whom?

Which begs the questions:  fans out there ... if you were compiling this DVD, what episodes would YOU choose to serve as "an ideal introduction to new vewers as well as an enticing overview for veteran DARK SHADOWS devotees"?

Midnite:  I don't think I ever gave Angelique a forked tongue ... hee hee!  Black eyes aplenty, but never a forked tongue.

I think they're laughing because it's so unexpected.  It also reminds me of the scene in Batman Returns when Catwoman behaves in a similar fashion, a scene that was much touted during trailers at the time, and also in publicity materials.  Maybe it's a Tim Burton thing. 

I just picked up my copy of Famous Monsters -- totally worth it for me cuz of the awesome caricature of Angelique adorning the Lara Parker interview -- but there's also an amazing full page shot of Depp's Barnabas that only increased my excitement for the movie (if that's possible) ...

One of the reasons I love NODS so much -- despite its flaws -- is that the storyline, barring inspiration from 1970 PT, still has totally new characters, a new take on Angelique, and a downbeat ending.  I'm intrigued by the "Barnabas must save the modern family" aspects of the new film, as well as making Angelique a power player, as opposed to her Cassandra-filtration scheme in the original.  I'd love an entire new story as well, but I suppose that's what future films will offer, if any.

Current Talk '12 I / Re: DS 1991: A Look Back
« on: March 22, 2012, 10:52:38 PM »
Kathy Resch's 1991 Concordance indicates that Laura and Angelique might have been different people, though they did plan to incarnate Angelique somehow.  If I remember correctly, the notes for season 2 report making an homage to the Laura film, as well as "a war of the witches" between Angelique and Laura.

I was very disappointed in this past issue:  the art was a significant let down, the dialogue didn't feel natural, and the plot twists strange and out of place.  I enjoyed the first three issues, though, so I'll hold out hope ...

I'm in that small group with you, Midnite.  Fun.  Fun.  Fun.

Feels to me like it has that Tim Burton flavor (that is to say, bizarre and unsettling, the juxtaposition of the real and the unreal, perhaps a touch of surreality) while looking like Dark Shadows.  I cannot WAIT.

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