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Messages - joe integlia

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i still have not seen an explanation of how paparazzi can sell images and video of celebrities out in public to tabloids etc. i cant see them getting releases signed or asking permission from the stars they photograph/videotape.

its not a bad idea but there still the problem of who and how the sales would be monitored.

a lot of this could have been avoided if an anouncement was made about no videotaping allowed during what is considered a performance as has been done in the past. cutting a deal to share in the profits would not have worked because 1. i dont sell that many and 2. how could he monitor the sales? i would be honest about it but he would have to be a very trusting soul. i dont agree with the actors being able to control or object to pictures/video being sold from them being out in public especially if they are on the street like at the vista theatre. the paparazzi take and sell pictures/video of stars all the time and make a living selling the pictures to tabloids. theres a fan that photographed the d.s. stars in front of the abc studios. he has been selling photos for years at the fest and elsewhere.

I recently received a letter from a lawyer representing JONATHAN FRID. it was a request to stop selling the dvds i was offering recently of the 2010 ds festival. he objects to the performances of RICHARD III + THE GAME being included that he claims are copyrighted. i wrote back and offered to edit those parts out and frid would only be included in the handprint ceremony, the cast reunion and a q+a that took place after the RICHARD III performance. the lawyer wrote back saying that mr. frid also objects to the commercial exploitation of his performance at the cast reunion and other events at and in connection with the burbank festival. therefore, instead of editing the dvds even more, im just going to stop selling it entirely. ive taken down the website i was in the process of building for the festival. i will also be taking down the video on demand theatre i started. i know a lot of what mr frid is objecting to (especially the handprint ceremony) was a public event and he cant legally stop anyone from selling pictures/video but i would rather respect his wishes and stop selling it. 

Current Talk '10 II / Re: Favorite Julia Scenes (per MB request)
« on: August 19, 2010, 05:46:15 PM »
here is the link. i made the video private so u can only see it if u click or enter the link in ur browser.

i can get wgn from chicago here in los angeles on time warner cable. i think diana millay was also on an episode of dobie gillis.

Current Talk '10 II / Re: Favorite Julia Scenes (per MB request)
« on: August 19, 2010, 01:17:07 AM »
i would hesitate to put that on youtube. not sure if it would be considered a copyright violation. i also would have to find it first. maybe i could post it on this board somehow.

Current Talk '10 II / Re: Favorite Julia Scenes (per MB request)
« on: August 18, 2010, 09:48:50 PM »
you mean someone on dark shadows actually said "I UNDERSTAND"? i thought it was always "I DONT UNDERSTAND" lol. i actually put together a montage of everyone on the show saying "I DONT UNDERSTAND" and showed it at a festival many years ago after a blooper reel i put together long before mpi made one. I ended it with that clip of Julia saying "I UNDERSTAND, COMPLETELY" and it brought the house down!


Another clip from the 2010 ds festival is on my youtube page.
Frid is describing how actors dont get the proper training anymore and he cant watch tv anymore because of it. he demonstrates and that is where the WIERD sounds are made. i know i may have made a spelling error in the youtube description and its already been pointed out and i will correct it later. i did look up the word "elocution" on wikopedia and got two spellings elocution and allocution. both have to do with speaking so i thought either was right.

During the cast reunion, Karlen said he will be playing Leonardo DiCaprio's dad in his next movie. I hope he was serious and not kidding around.

I added a 2010 festival video on youtube. During a q+a, John Karlen starts massaging Lara Parker's shoulder and pulls her sweater revealing her bare shoulder!

i hated it. too complicated for me to follow.

Calendar Events / Announcements '10 II / Re: Kathy Cody At The Fest?
« on: July 19, 2010, 10:35:31 PM »
heres 1 i took. there are more on my facebook page.

the hard times of rj berger is a teenage version of the show "HUNG".

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