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Messages - MaggieEvans

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"Sam was sure that he could detect the odd odor of sex and candy coming in the window from outside - but he was certain that Burke wasn't in the neighborhood."

"Stokes was thoroughly shocked that the first reaction of someone as prim and proper as Vicki to seeing a silhouette of Trask was, "Holy $#!@! What the $%@#!! Dude! That thing gives me the CREEPS!"

I had to stop after the "devious" part. I'm sorry. It was hurting me how dumb she sounded.

"Adam was at once horrified when one night outside the Old House he was confronted with his deepest fear: Scripts from the future... and he's not in them!!"

My guess, without seeing "The Soup", is that maybe it's in reference to "Farrah's Story", and that Kate Jackson was in Charlie's Angels with Farrah, and also a breast cancer survivor?

am I close?

I'm curious to know why letterman would bring up Donna McKechnie. But this is the guy who spouts things like, "And on the back of the CD, you can see Linda Ronstadt's house! I'm in love with my cowboy hat!" No lie, that's a direct quote.


"Once Trask explained to Judith that _____________ would ____________, Judith's only response was ____________!!"

(Mr Garrison is gay... just ask Mr. Slave)

"change falling out of his pocket"

"Cassandra was thoroughly scandalized when Roger suggested that an inventive way to 'spice up' their marriage was to allow him to wear the pants in the family for once. Nylons were starting to chafe him something awful!"

"It took nearly all of Adam's strength to fight back the tears when he realized "Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds" had nothing to do with Desi Arnaz' wife, and everything to do with an acid trip."

 "Julia became terribly embarrassed after an angry Barnabas confronted her over the fact that she'd gotten all jiggy with his bad self."

Current Talk '09 I / Let's talk about Elizabeth...
« on: May 23, 2009, 08:58:26 PM »
I'm bringing this from another topic... I'm certainly enjoying discussing the characters!

examples could certainly be joan bennett playing elizabeth as if she were victoria's mother.what joan brought to that lends the situation certainty to many fans even though it never actually gets spelled out in specifics within the scripts.

Elizabeth is another character that I've often wanted to write and develop in fan fiction. What confuses me about her is that it's sort of implied that she's actually Victoria's mother. She keeps the secret of what she believes is Paul Stoddard being buried in the basement of Collinwood, she doesn't leave Collinwood for 18 years because of this, yet later as the show progresses, she falls victim to some of the oddest of curses and spells, like she's some kind of an easy mark. How can someone so strong be controlled so easily? It makes me wonder if somewhere in Collinwood there's a room that stores hundreds of Kirby vacuums, Mary Kay cosmetics, and Fuller brushes, simply because she can't say no!


a drunken night of debauchery for Charity, and a night locked in a gay bar for Reverend Trask!

(WOO HOO!!! I'm a "full poster" now!!)

Current Talk '09 I / Re: Willie & Maggie
« on: May 23, 2009, 04:26:06 PM »
I really enjoyed your post Maggie! :)

WOW! That was a nice compliment! Thank you!

Current Talk '09 I / Re: Willie & Maggie
« on: May 23, 2009, 04:21:47 PM »
The very first time, as an adult, that I watched the series, Willie got on my nerves to no end. I really didn't like the character at all. I'm watching it all the way through (slowly... as DVDs come in) and this time, I really felt for Willie... kind of a pity at first, but now I see this man who, in his way, WANTS to do right. He's been given a chance, albeit an awkward way of going about it... but he's been given a chance to lead a life that doesn't include stealing and taking advantage of people. Maybe Barnabas is a father figure, and Willie didn't have a good upbringing? Who knows.... But to me, Willie is one of the few truly believable characters on the show. You WANT to get to know him. You want to know who he was, where he's been, etc.

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