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Messages - Cousin_Barnabas

Elizabeth Collins Stoddard browsed casually through ___________________.

Current Talk '10 I / Re: Interesting Find: Worldvision DS DVDs
« on: March 10, 2010, 07:24:03 AM »
It would be wonderful to see more of the original commercials.  I really enjoyed the few we got to see in the Pre-Barnabas DVDs. 

I also liked the Dark Shadows 1795 ad that was a bonus on DVD Set 4.  I wonder what other DS commercials were aired.  It would be nice if someone dug some up, but I doubt anymore have survived.

Which was exactly my point about Hall and Moltke filling in.  The ABC announcer no longer did it live, so if you heard his voice, I doubt it was there originally.  Since he had stopped in 1967, I can't imagine the announcement being picked up later on especially just for one episode.  Maybe they added it just for fun at the fest, but idk. 

And when the ABC announcer stopped doing the DCP spiel in the early episodes, Hall and Moltke picked it up for a bit, but that didn't last long.

Current Talk '10 I / Interesting Find: Worldvision DS DVDs
« on: March 07, 2010, 04:17:04 AM »
I was watching DVD Collection 4 when I noticed something truly interesting.  At the end of Episode 357 I heard something I hadn't heard in years.  The screen went black and I was waiting for the next episode to start when this strange synth-like sound emitted from the blackness.  I recognized it immediately.  It was the first note of the Worldvision Enterprises theme, the distribution company that was in charge of Dark Shadows' syndication.

I had never heard it before on my DVDs and was quite taken aback by it.  So, I guess when putting together the DVDs, MPI used copies of the episodes (or at least certain episodes) that are tagged with the Worldvision jingle and logo.  Has anyone else noticed this?

remembered how to neck.

So, apparently, this new take that Burton and Depp are referring to is this:  They aren't going to do a Dark Shadows story, they are going to do a story about the making of the original Dark Shadows, a la Ed Wood.  It's going to be just like that Bewitched remake a few years back...  This is why Burton so happily shared his vision of swarms of flies being thrown at actors.  Now to cast Bennett and Hall...  


Just kidding about this...  I think.  I hope...  But it would be interesting, just not what I want to see from a DS remake at least this time around.  Let's hope that that "new take" they are referring to isn't something this drastic.

These "real clothes" figures are all the rage again.  They used to be popular in the '70s with companies like Mego producing the Universal Monsters and whatnot.  Recently, one company brought Star Trek back in this format and now a lot of companies are following in their footsteps.  I hope we get some more original series figures before the Burton movie comes along.  I mean everybody needs at least one Joan Bennett action figure in their collection!    [snow_happy]

Hey everybody,

Guess who has just shown up at Toy Fair 2010...  That's right!  Barnabas Collins!

He looks a lot like the 12" version, but this guy is supposed to be 8".  Hopefully this means more characters down the road.  No word yet on pricing or availability, at least that I can find. 

Current Talk '10 I / Re: HoDS, Ep 82 (today's montage)
« on: February 02, 2010, 09:03:38 PM »
What's really interesting about Cason is that her line delivery is quite reminiscent of Mrs. Danvers in Rebecaa.  If HODS were a TV series it would be interesting to see what Cason's Mrs. Johnson would be do all of the time at Collinwood.   [snow_smileydevil]

Current Talk '10 I / Re: HoDS, Ep 82 (today's montage)
« on: February 02, 2010, 07:42:45 AM »
Yes, that is Mrs. Johnson.  Clarice Blackburn was unavailable at the time, so Barbara Cason took her place.  She was the wife of Dennis Patrick (Paul Stoddard, Jason McGuire), who played Sheriff Patterson in the movie. 

That is great news, MB!  2011 is only a year away!  Hopefully there won't be any major bumps to slow down the process.

Forget Shadows...   [snow_wow] [snow_wow] [snow_wow] I want to see MALEFICENT!  Seriously, that sounds amazing, so long as Burton sticks to the Disney version of the story.  Okay, that was my initial reaction.  Now that I have had time to think about it, I still desperately want Shadows, but I also want Maleficent (if the project is actually in the works), so let's compromise.  Let's forget Frankenweenie and simply shoot Shadows followed immediately by Maleficent.   [snow_bigglass]

Current Talk '09 II / Re: the conclusion of the burke devlin plot
« on: December 05, 2009, 06:17:29 AM »
That's really interesting, mscbryk!  I will have to look for that.

Like I said,  I wasn't sure when Ryan departed, but I knew it was relatively close to the time of the episode in question.  Maybe the writers had an inkling.   [santa_cheesy]  I am rewatching all the pre-Barnabas episodes right now, and like I said, Ryan's Burke is nothing like George's.  They are like two completely different characters with the same name.  

Current Talk '09 II / Re: the conclusion of the burke devlin plot
« on: December 04, 2009, 08:25:39 AM »
Doesn't Mitch Ryan leave shortly after this episode?  I really can't remember to be honest.  That's why I'm asking.

But, if that's the case, I would assume that the writers wanted to wrap up the plot quickly so that Ryan could play out his character to an end.  I  never saw Anthony George playing the same Devlin that Ryan played.  Ryan's character was outright vicious whereas George's was much more laid-back and less likely to fly off the handle.  With George in the role, I could never see the Burke-Roger plot continuing the way it had in the first year of the show.