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Messages - PennyDreadful


 Happy Birthday! 


 Charles Delaware Troll.  He wrote an excellent episode by episode summary for a year of DS which never existed.  It is fanfic, but is so well-constructed & generally true to the series, that it's absolutely worth reading - though it'll take a long while to get through everything!  These "episodes" make an effort to tie up several loose ends and answer some of the unanswered questions in the series.  CDT also brings back various characters throughout the various storylines, and introduces new characters "played" by later series regulars like James Storm and Virginia Vestoff.  At one point, you even get a unique look at what might have happened if Dan Curtis had followed through with his original plans for Barnabas.  There are lots of neat ideas in all these storylines.

  Here's a link:

 Have fun!

 ~Penny Dreadful~

Current Talk '05 I / Re: Storyline Changes / spoilers
« on: May 05, 2005, 04:20:54 PM »
  There are many of these changes throughout the series.

  A couple I can think of:

 [spoiler]In 1897 Barnabas reveals that he a child when Laura and Jeremiah were married, even though we saw in 1795 that Barnabas and Jeremiah were very close to the same age.[/spoiler]

  Another one was:

 [spoiler]I believe in 1968 Prof. Stokes says Ben left Collinwood to start his life anew.  Yet, in 1840, Ben is still there.  Perhaps Ben returned to the house at some point, and the information was left out of the history books.[/spoiler]

  I'm thinking about putting together a book of DS plot specultation essays at some point, in order
to address many of these storyline issues.

- Penny Dreadful -

Current Talk '05 I / Re: 38 years ago, April 1967
« on: May 04, 2005, 04:35:41 AM »

 That's awesome adrianwolfblood!  I like the color choices.

Current Talk '05 I / Re: Carl / contains spoilers
« on: May 03, 2005, 01:39:48 AM »

 I'd like to think Charity remained possessed by Pansy, and that eventually, Carl would come back to her by inhabiting someone else's body.  I had planned on writing a fanfic about that, but never got around to it. 

they took great liberties with historical accuracy throughout the story.

 With Dark Shadows and the gothic genre in general, the setting of the story is isolated and exists somewhat outside of real-world events.  There's a link to the real world, but as we know, in Collinsport strange things tend to happen.   In this type of world, given the right circumstances, a witch trial could conceivably happen today even if it isn't happening anywhere else.  There's often a sense of the past invading the present in the gothic, and DS was spot on with capturing that type of thing.  Of course, it is inconceivable that we'd see a witch trial on a "real"-type show like Ally MacBeal (although that'd be pretty darn funny), but on Dark Shadows, it could happen.


 Happy birthday Mark! :)


 Wow that's pretty cool!

  Some other famous folks who are fans of DS include - Johnny Depp, Ann Rice, and Stephen King.
I've also heard Tim Burton and  Quentin Tarantino are DS fans.  There's a pic somewhere of Tarantino holding the Barnabas cane.

This is why I loved CDT's continuation fanfic of the series. It wrapped up so many loose ends.
Me too.

 Me three! (except for the very end of it)

Current Talk '05 I / Re: Carl / contains spoilers
« on: April 30, 2005, 08:46:49 PM »

  Very true.  That's why I'd never really Barnabas a full-fledged hero.  He starts as a villain, and eventually attains the status of anti-hero.  His moral code remains rather skewed.  As someone was discussing on one of the online horror movie forums awhile back, Barnabas always decided who lived and who died, even after he became a "good guy."

 Burke:  Barnabas gave me this.  And he keeps calling me 'Josette' for some reason.

 Happy birthday FireRose!

The fact it ended in the past and not the present was just strange. Maybe that was what makes the way it ended seem like there was something else suppose to happen. It just didn't feel resolved.

  I agree.  Not only was it strange that they ended in the past, but they ended in a parallel time past.  That never seemed right.  Yes, there was definitely an ominous atmosphere to that scene, and in a way I almost wish Thayer's voiceover didn't say it was just an animal attack.  IMO, it would have been more appropriate if he had said something like- they found a rabid animal in the woods that night, but that did not account for Melanie's enormous loss of blood - or something to make it more vague.  They could have let the viewer decide.

  In a strange sense, all the dangling plot threads in the show have helped maintain fandom to some degree IMO.  They provide endless fodder for fan speculation on things like Vickie's parentage, what happened to the present day characters, etc..  There were many unanswered questions in the series, which kind of left people hungry for more.  While I do wish they answered some of these things in the show, it is fun to speculate about them. 


Burke re-enacts his favorite episode of the Brady Bunch - "Ow!!  My nose!!"

Thanks for posting the link Midnite!