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Messages - Cousin_Barnabas


And Chris Jennings is an exclusive to SDCC!

Current Talk '10 I / Re: Dark Shadows remembered
« on: April 10, 2010, 12:53:26 AM »
Yeah, it could pass for B/W if it weren't for that tint of green on the lawn and in the leaves.  The house looks pretty much like it does in the b/w episodes.

Exactly.  Like I brought up in another thread, priorities changed rapidly on the show, so there was less time and money for such little details.  It's unfortunate, especially since the Old House burned to the ground.  It would have been nice to see additional footage of that beautiful house while it was still standing. 

Current Talk '10 I / Re: Dark Shadows remembered
« on: April 09, 2010, 04:29:17 AM »
KMR, yes you are right.  I was thinking videotape.  Stupid me.  But, here is the color FILM footage of Collinwood from Ep 297: Attached.

It looks pretty foggy, washed-out and unclear when compared to the stills, so there must have been a cheap color film used.  I guess this explains why it wasn't used beyond these first few color episodes.

And as for Laura and Liz, mscbryk, I think I just will say it again:  Laura verses Liz should have gone on forever.  Those showdowns were epic.     [ghost_cheesy]  Too bad we couldn't have a flashback of the early days of Roger's relationship.  Liz trying to stop the wedding would be phenomenal to see. 

Current Talk '10 I / Re: Dark Shadows remembered
« on: April 07, 2010, 08:50:03 PM »
The few times that you do see exterior shots filmed for TV studios during this time period, the color is always washed out and less vibrant than the studio shots.  Blues turn to grays while reds turn to pinks.  Color was very tricky in the early days of color TV.  There were controls on interior shots with lighting and whatnot, but outside, the film crew had to fend for themselves. 

Since the Dark Shadows studio shots were so clear, I think one of the reasons color footage was not used after the transition was because the color footage they had wasn't, and it clashed.  It was probably washed out.  It wouldn't matter when seen in black and white, but in color, it might not have looked very good when compared to the studio shots.  This could be a reason that stills were used after the transition, as they were definitely clear and, if they were not originally, could be easily color-corrected.  Another thought is night-imagery.  It would be nearly impossible to get a good color exterior shot at night without a lot of expensive lighting.  Since so much of Dark Shadows takes place at night, this could be another reason they decided to go for stills.  The blue tint of the Collinwood night photos could be easily applied and the picture would still be crystal clear.  Just some thoughts.   

Current Talk '10 I / Re: Dark Shadows remembered
« on: April 07, 2010, 07:12:41 AM »
The exteriors of the mansions were filmed in color?

I don't see any reason why they wouldn't use them, then.  I had always assumed that they were filmed in black and white and that is why they weren't used. 

Now, I know exterior shots filmed in color - at this time in TV history - were rather difficult and the film quality could be less than stellar, but if the original shots were color, (in the words of ingenue Victoria Winters) "I don't understand." 

Current Talk '10 I / Re: Dark Shadows remembered
« on: April 06, 2010, 07:24:01 AM »
Taeylor, the Phoenix plot is one of my personal favorites as well.  Laura verses Liz should have gone on forever.  Those showdowns were epic. 

Current Talk '10 I / Re: Dark Shadows remembered
« on: April 05, 2010, 11:27:35 PM »
There are definitely many fans who would disagree that the pre-Barn eps were poorly done. In fact, for a good portion of fandom those eps are some of their favorites.

Of which I am one.  I believe that the earliest episodes were some of the most beautifully executed in the show's history.  The combination of the fantastic sets (A daytime soap with these kinds of original sets in the '60s?!) , the exceptional special effects (Josette's Ghost always looked real, whereas later on, you could tell the ghosts were green-screened in), the GREAT location shots (The exterior images of the mansion were actually film and not stills like they were after the color transition.  And where else do we see Collinsport cars and people walking on the grounds of Seaview?), and the original story/plot (Truly something out of Gothic literature) was never again replicated in the show's history.  It is evident that a lot of time was put into making these episodes nearly perfect.  Later on, the focus of the show changed and a lot of the subtleties of the original episodes were lost.  Granted later episodes required emphasis be put on make-up and more special-effects, meaning that time for such earlier details was limited and attention had to spread out to more (different) things.  In fact, because of the substantial changes that came about over the show's history, it is hard to compare the early episodes with those after the arrival of Barnabas.  The only time that the show truly comes close to recapturing the feel of the early days is during the Haunting of Collinwood plot in 1969 and parts of the 1897 flashback.  Now if only those episodes were done in black and white...

I love most parts of the series.  Most of them are so great, but the later stories differ in tone and the production of said stories was executed differently.  This makes them no less good, in my opinion, but simply makes them incomparable to the early episodes of the show.   

3D is fun, but it's just a gimmick.  I mean, remember the last time 3D was big?  Then it went away and was scoffed at for about 30 some odd years.  Now it's back... for the moment.  3D may seem like the wave of the future now, but it also seemed that way the two times before when it was big.  It's just a diversion to make more money.  I want to see Dark Shadows in 2D, but I also want Dark Shadows to be serious and lacking CGI.  I really wonder if we will get that or not... especially now.   

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: Scroll Bar for Dialogue
« on: March 25, 2010, 07:23:13 AM »
I have the same problem.  I just click inside the box and use the scroll on the mouse to read the rest. 

a bird just left a little present on your coat.

This is what I love about the entertainment industry.  There is more drama behind the scenes than in the movies themselves.   [snow_bigglass]

Burton would do lovely things with an animated Addams.  The two were made for each other.  But, read this:

That is true, MB.  They probably do have a limited number of words they can use, but the way it's written is just weird.  They could have described the same exact thing with less words:  "The film is about vampire Barnabas Collins who lives in a secluded mansion in a sleepy coastal town."  Maybe they just wanted to confirm that the setting was indeed Collinsport.  ;-)  When I read that description, though, I think something along the lines of A Series of Unfortunate Events, where some kids stumble upon a creepy old house and the reclusive vampire inside.   [snow_tongue]

And if we are to speculate further using this strange description, we might also be able to assume that this is the only plot detail everyone working on the film has been able to agree upon: 

"Well, we know there is going to be a vampire named Barnabas; and we know he lives in an old house in Portland..."
"Not Portland!  Collinsport!"
"Right.  Collinsport.  And then there is this werewolf ghost..."
"No!  That is in the sequel!"
"Oh.  Right.  So we have a vampire named Barnabas living in an old house in... Collinsport."   [snow_wink]

What an interesting way to describe the story.  It's a very true description, but not one that would come to mind right away.  It's odd that there aren't any more plot details.  Usually when one thinks of DS, images of chained coffins, lost love, and "arriving at Collinwood" come to mind.  I wonder what, if anything, we can discern from the lack of any of these details.   [snow_strange] 

... determine which of them would drive the car after a long night at the Blue Whale.