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Messages - CastleBee

Congratulations Nicky! [thumb] Now, relax and have a fun summer!  ;D [sun] 8)

Current Talk '02 I / Re: ROMANTIC HINTS
« on: May 16, 2002, 09:32:14 PM »
Oh, and how could I forget the most dangerous and destructive case of unrequited love...Angelique for Barnabas! [pissd]

Current Talk '02 I / Re: david collins
« on: May 16, 2002, 08:57:35 PM »

I think it is what they call "time out" today as a means of punishment for a child....DEFINITELY punishment with the computer,  boom box, Nintendo (sp?) games, ETC.

Time out may work for some kids but most of the time I think David was screaming for a good old fashioned kick in the pants.  He was a thick little bugger! [frkoff]

Current Talk '02 I / Re: ROMANTIC HINTS
« on: May 16, 2002, 08:41:32 PM »
Oooo, I'm drawing a blank on this one.  All I can think of are several instances of unrequited love¢â‚¬¦Julia for Barnabas, Barnabas for Vicki, Willie for Maggie, Carolyn for Burk, Crazy Jenny for Quentin, Beth for Quentin, me for Quentin¢â‚¬¦oh, sorry that was in my mind, not the show. [silly]

Current Talk '02 I / Re: david collins
« on: May 16, 2002, 06:35:42 PM »
He was yelled at a lot and sent to his room if you count that as punishment.  I think the fact that nobody seemed interested enough to even punish him much at all - that is until he did something really awful - may have been part of David's problem.  I know I wouldn't have had a problem with corporal punishment in this little demon's case. [vryevl]

Current Talk '02 I / Re: Willie
« on: May 16, 2002, 03:12:04 PM »
My thought is that being a vampire's house boy would have to be better than laying in a hospital bed or getting electroshock treatments at Windcliff.  And Barnabas doesn't make him wear a straight jacket either.  I guess you don't know what you've got 'till it's gone.  ;D

« on: May 15, 2002, 08:44:29 PM »
Well, Vicki didn't get it (more and more as time wore on and she continued to dumb down) but she never seemed dishonest.  If she had, wouldn't she have been going around nodding "Yeah, yeah, sure, sure, of course, I understand!" regardless of the topic - instead of looking like a clueless dimwit? I mean, it was her honesty in 1795 that got her into most of her trouble. DOH!  :-X

Current Talk '02 I / Re: A Question Of Propriety
« on: May 15, 2002, 08:38:18 PM »
Sorry, I meant prettiest girl in Collinsport not Collinwood. ::)

Current Talk '02 I / Re: A Question Of Propriety
« on: May 15, 2002, 08:35:28 PM »
Not only should Joe be miffed but you would think Vicki would have more sense than to find lodgings for her one true love at the small cottage of the prettiest girl in Collinwood.  I now believe she really "doesn't understand"!  :-/  

Current Talk '02 I / Re: OPEN DOOR POLICY
« on: May 15, 2002, 08:26:49 PM »
Julia99's question and Minja's answer concerning favorite pills or dolls (as Nealy [crazd] in VOD would say LOL) of the 60's reminded me of an old movie circa mid-60's (can't remember the title) where someone is having a fit of some kind in a department store and a big crowd forms around whoever it was.  Before long someone yells does anyone have any Valium at which time everyone in the crowd whips out a bottle and thrusts it at the person who asked.  

And I also remember once that one of my aunts loved to like to brag that she "never had to take a nerve pill in her life" as my mother (her sister) muttered under her breath...maybe not, but she's sure caused a few other people to take them!  ::)

Current Talk '02 I / Re: OPEN DOOR POLICY
« on: May 15, 2002, 08:11:08 PM »
Favorite guest:

Willie (post bite) [aprvy]

Least favorite:

Hallie (at any point) [goofy] (unless of course she would suddenly become mute)

Current Talk '02 I / Re: ".....all's right with the world"
« on: May 15, 2002, 07:56:45 PM »
Willie's at the Old House......All's right with the world!

I'll second that for the second time today! [hello]

Willie's shifts from docile and timid,  to demented and overwrought, back to cringing and sly at the same time...all in a handful of scenes....are a superb showcase of the actor's talents, and abilities (IMHO).

Well put Raineypark - and I completely agree!

CastleBee exits ::humming to self:: ain't no sunshine when (Willie's) gone and he's always gone too long anytime he goes away¢â‚¬¦[sun]

Current Talk '02 I / Re: Cemetary Plots-(No pun intented)
« on: May 15, 2002, 07:41:20 PM »
Okay, this is a spoiler (but not a very bad one since I can't remember all the facts).....
The most memorable graveyard scene for me was when Julia was trying to reattach the head of Judah Zachary in that really weird hidden vault under one of the graves.

Current Talk '02 I / Re: Collinsport, A Town In Uproar!
« on: May 15, 2002, 07:33:58 PM »
Dear Fellow Dark Shadows Fans,

The seemingly all-too-abrupt release of Willie Loomis from Windcliff today bothered me somewhat.  Sure, I was delighted to see the return of Barnabas' partner-in-crime, but something just did not seem right.

All I can think of Bob is that Collins money talks - especially anywhere in or around Collinsport.  As to Liz and Roger - I can see Barnabas being able to convince Liz that he should give Willie a chance to rehabilitate and, of course, Roger is currently too "spell-bound" by his new wife to really notice much else.  I'm also glad to see old Willie is back though - however they managed it!

Current Talk '02 I / Re: Your own dream curse
« on: May 15, 2002, 07:02:08 PM »
I've had several nasty ones over the years.  Here are two that stand out.

One of my earliest recurring nightmares happened when I was around 4 and was brought to me by the Wonderful World of Disney after my parents innocently took me to see "Darby O'Gill and the Little People".  Between the Banshee and the old glass horse-drawn hearse flying through the black night sky I managed to wake up screaming for several nights afterward.  

Sometime during my teens I can remember having this really hideous dream that my mother, sister and I were being taken in front of a firing squad (circa 1940's Nazi Germany).  This was realistic down to the period clothes, hairdos, everything and was in living color (even had a kind of sepia tone look about it).  Just before the Nazi's raised their rifles to shoot I saw a chance to slip through an arch in the brick wall. When I got to the arch I froze in horror and couldn't run because my mother and sister were still standing there and unable to get away and apparently oblivious to the fact that I had escaped.  As I tried to decide what I could do I woke up.