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Messages - Cousin_Barnabas

Calendar Events / Announcements '10 I / Re: RIP SOAP Net
« on: May 27, 2010, 07:14:22 AM »
This could have nothing to do with the sustainability of soaps.  Rather, it could simply be a result of Disney's  rumored "advanced talks" to sell ABC-TV.  Apparently, Disney wants Soap for "Disney Junior" which would mean it would still be owned by Disney if the ABC sale goes through.  Owning Soap would be pointless if Disney sold ABC.  Disney still wants to control its other assets, and the channel Soap occupies is one of them. Apparently, ABC's other networks aren't part of the talks here. 

Just trying to put things in perspective... 

I had always thought Barnabas was supposed to be around 35. 

I can't wait to see these new figures!  In fact, I want them NOW! 

Very true, Nancy.  But a great movie wouldn't hurt either.    [ghost_cheesy]

That is true, KMR.  I wasn't thinking about Burton's other films when considering the possibilities here.  I guess I am just hoping that the humor in the script is borrowing from the original show and not from Burton's repertoire. 

And, I have A LOT of faith in Johnny.  Perhaps there is such a hold up over the script because of the differing views on the project.  Let's hope that whoever is supporting a film in the original vein wins out. 

I think we are all taking this "funny" business too seriously.  DS was indeed funny, in terms of its witty-writing and the great acting which made its light moments especially enjoyable, but it still maintained its initial purpose - that of being a serious drama.   (Usually the humor was of a sharper nature.  It some respects, at times, it was Hitchcockian.)   There are many episodes in which I laugh at something Barnabas has said to Willie or some look Liz is giving to Roger, while the overall episode is still very serious.  It is a unique balance that was achieved in the original show.  It was serious, but it could also be funny when it wanted to be in attempt to offset the serious aspect.  If Burton uses this type of balanced comic relief to the film's advantage, then I think we are all going to be laughing and screaming for all of the right reasons. 

One thing I disliked about the original films was that, for the most part, they lacked the warmth and wit of the series.  The characters were pretty much one-dimensional, whereas in the show, they were rather fully developed.  The "funny" moments help to make characters well-rounded.   

I don't think you can have a truly "scary" movie and a truly "funny" movie all in one.  You have to choose which way you want to go, and simply inject elements of the other.  I think you can have a scary movie, with incredibly funny moments, just as in the original show, and I hope that is what they are going for.  If Burton and his crew are out to make a funny movie, then they are out to kill the original intent of the show, and I don't think they want to do that.  I don't think Depp wants to do that.

When you think about it, Dark Shadows is quite funny.  As MB pointed out, Roger and Carl were really hilarious, and Trask - especially Gregory - was quite comical, especially when pitted against his "transformed" daughter.  So, let's hope that the "funny" stuff to which Zanuck was referring is of this kind.  Though, a few, slight homages to the original's unintentional gaffs would be welcome, so long as they aren't overdone, exaggerated, or distinct.  Inside jokes are quite acceptable. 

And, of course, as Penny pointed out, it could just be Zanuck fishing for words.  Or maybe he's reading the script the wrong way...  You never know. 

Tim's unique take on things has had me worried as well, but let's hope for the best. 

But what has me concerned is this: 

"Finally, since the show ran for several seasons and incorporated so many different elements of sci-fi and horror we wanted to know which elements he was hoping to incorporate into the film and if the lead character would still be the vampire Barnabus Collins played by Johnny Depp? 'Well the main character ... yes,' answered Zanuck."

What on earth does that mean?  He could be referring to the fact that there are several times to choose from, but, I'd think that there would be some other constants in addition to Barnabas. 

Overall, for now, I think we should take this report with a grain of salt, if only for the fact that Zanuck's answers are a little fuzzy at best. 

Series Two is coming in November!

My bets are Quentin and Josette, at the very least.  I am hoping that there will be more than just two in the next wave.

Read more here:

This list has right what is wrong with every other list, but has wrong what is right with every other list.   [ghost_tongue2]

This is very good news.  Hopefully this is an indication that Warner Bros. has big hopes for the project. 

Current Talk '10 I / Re: Prop Project: Coffins, Consolidated
« on: April 28, 2010, 06:40:38 AM »
Some other caskets:

Laura's coffin in the crypt (1966)
Maggie coffin in the dream (1967)
Sam's Coffin in the Dream Curse (1968)
Other dream coffins...  probably Elizabeth's.


You are right.  If we do get an NODS restoration out of this, I suppose it would be worth it; but i am still holding out hope that we can get NODS with Depp Shadows staying in the second dimension.   

As for merchandising, I AM looking forward to this aspect - so long as the characters resemble their 1960s counterparts in some way, shape, or form.  I'd love to see a Collinwood playset with corresponding action figures.  But, right now, I am happy with the Mego-style line coming out this summer. 


Current Talk '10 I / Re: Time Travel??
« on: April 16, 2010, 07:17:30 AM »
Angelique's room is very tempting, but I don't like the fact that it's a one way ticket.  The stairway is probably the safest option, with the most possibilities, so I went with that.  

I am not happy about this 3D speculation.  I hope Warner decides to ditch this gimmick before it's too late.  I see very little that 3D can add to the picture.  Dark Shadows isn't really about sight gags, surprises, or fancy graphics.  It's about good characters, music, and stories.  And those things don't require 3D.