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Messages - Cousin_Barnabas

Just saw where Colleen Atwood won a Critics Choice Award tonight for Best Costumes for Alice in Wonderland. She seems to have racked up quite a few nominations/awards for her designs, so it would seem we're in good hands with her doing the costumes for the Depp/DS film...

And what if it were set in the '60s...

... call housekeeping.

... a new set of water colors...

It would be nice if Burton told was what "that certain tone" was...  From these statements, this "tone" is everything... 

You know Depp's gotta be a lurker here.   [hall2_wink]   [hall2_grin]

No wonder Roger is noticeably absent from this storyline...  They're trying to off him again.   

That was recently addressed:

Quote from: SHADOWGRAM

DS composer "Bob Cobert's original theme will most certainly be integrated into the musical score of the new movie, though the retired composer will not be directly involved."

I didn't even see that.  Thank you for pointing that out, MB!  Thank goodness we at least have confirmation on the main theme.  I don't know how I feel about the term "integrated."  That could be really good or rather negative depending on how you read it.  If the theme is TRULY integrated into the score, that means it could pop up several times in several variations.  However, it could also be read as in "it will just be pushed in there for the sake of having it."  Either way, it doesn't say that it will be the main theme of the movie, which is rather alarming.  But, at least it will be in there...  Now for Josette's Music Box...

You can toss up the story a bit, but just don't change the music... please.  The main theme, Josette's Music Box, and Shadows of the Night are a must in any version of DS.  Cobert's work is irreplaceable; and while I am fine with new incidentals, the main themes should remain in place.  Are you listening, Burton, Elfman? 

Calendar Events / Announcements '10 II / Re: Dark Shadows & Lyndhurst
« on: October 27, 2010, 04:16:17 AM »
Why is it "illegal" to go into the tower?  I always find it quite distressing when people decide to close off part of a house or historic building.  I oftentimes find that the reason they do so is for no good reason at all.  Granted, I would never break the ruiles, but it is rather disconcerting.  I was wondering if Lyndhurst actually had a reason for it.  I guess I have a little bit of David Collins in me, always wanting to go where I am told not to.  But, unlike David, never actually doing it.   [8_1_209]   

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: what's up with "nun"???
« on: October 06, 2010, 09:00:31 AM »
What would have been hilarious is if "n-u-n" came up as "s-p-e-c-u-l-a-t-i-o-n" as well.  If "m-o-o-n" was "b-a-b-o-o-n" and "b-a-b-o-on" was "m-o-o-n."  We all would have thought we had lost it, well most of us....

*And, yes, you can never be too careful, hence the hyphens. 

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: what's up with "nun"???
« on: October 04, 2010, 08:46:53 AM »
speculation.  Just testing.   [ghost_cheesy]

Current Talk '10 II / Re: WB 2004 Pilot Redux
« on: September 22, 2010, 08:40:57 AM »
MB, thanks for those captures!

I believe I read that blonde/brunette tidbit before.  It's really interesting!  I suppose that had I had a chance to see the pilot, I probably would have grown more accustomed to the new 'do for Vicki.  Without sound or much context, it's sort of jarring, though. 

Current Talk '10 II / Re: WB 2004 Pilot Redux
« on: September 21, 2010, 07:49:58 AM »
That's great!  Thanks for sharing.  Those first few seconds definitely seem to capture the feel of the show.  However, there's a little too much computer-generated imagery for my tastes and the short, blonde haired Victoria would have taken QUITE A BIT of getting used to. 

Current Talk '10 II / Re: 1795 photo of the Old House
« on: September 12, 2010, 09:54:51 AM »
Yeah, I don't think we ever got to see the house in the day for most of the rest of the run - unless I am forgetting something here.  (I believe there were a couple of times when they showed the ''1795'' images in the present.)  Other than that, unless I am drawing a blank, all of the other stills were either at sunset or at night.   

The house was beautiful.  It should have been rebuilt. 

Got my werewolf Chris.  He is really cool, but the box is out of this world!  What a dream come true.  I hope that they fix what needs to be fixed for Series 2, because these have potential.