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Messages - Gerard

I never, thought, Bob, about having David going, not to some school in Britain, but to that exclusive fong-fong-fong (as the late, great Joan Rivers would call high-falootin' places and mannerisms) school where the Kennedys went.  In an epic novel I started writing when the Harper-Collins reboot got off the ground (and then crashed), I had Jamison Collins visiting the Kennedy summer home in Hyannis Port where he was negotiating with Joseph Kennedy about their smuggling operations of bringing booze into America during Prohibition.  Joseph Kennedy encourages Jamison to start working now on his small son Roger to make him something great.  He points to his own sons and says:  "That one's going to be President some day."  He was pointing not at John Fitzgerald, but at Joseph Patrick, Jr. 

I'll have to check my private e-mails, Bob!  I didn't know I missed one of yours!


Current Talk '14 II / Re: "It's the Most Scarriest Time...."
« on: September 16, 2014, 01:07:41 AM »
Nope, no fangs in '31's Dracula.  From what I recall, none of the incarnations of The Count (whoever played him, from Bela Lugosi to Lon Chaney, Jr., to John Carridine (I do believe he played him) in the Universal franchise had fangs.  Fangs didn't enter the cinematic presentations until the Hammer versions.  They made up for it by having them big and bloody. 


In my version of "if DS had continued" (which I sent to some of you), because of the massive altercation of history by Barnabas/Julia/Eliot, the present would not exist.  The three would've returned to a "present" with a totally different family.  Everyone they knew and loved would be gone.  How could or would they restore it?  That was a part of my "if DS had continued."


Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: OT Anti-Virus
« on: September 14, 2014, 04:35:45 PM »
Whatever you do, don't get Avast.  I had it for awhile and it worked great, but then when it was time to renew my subscription it really messed up my computer - I couldn't even connect on-line - it blocked my modem.  It cost me over $300 to rectify the situation.


If the show had been continued in the present, it certainly would've made sense to state that David had been sent off, maybe to an exclusive boarding school.  He was still a bit too young for college, but having him attend a British boarding high school would've worked.  I imagine Hallie would've hung around and they would've found something for her to do since they needed a younger character.  Of course, it would've been utterly ridiculous for her to have a governess.  She could've attended Collinsport High.  Kate Jackson, if she stayed on, could maybe have been one of her teachers.


Caption This! - 1897 / Re: Episode #0736
« on: September 14, 2014, 04:24:54 PM »
Magda:  "Every damn time I close these doors my frickin' dress gets caught!"


I was one of those here who watched the original series from beginning to end and was the same age as Henesy.  Because of that, I often identified with him.  Interestingly, when he vanished from the series, back then, I took no notice.  I figured his character of David would reappear when the story returned to 1971.  Of course, it didn't (both his character and the series).

Now, decades later, I see the inconsistency of the 1840/41 storyline as Joeytrom pointed out.  He, along with Carrie, were suppose to be killed by Gerard.  None of that happened, or even came close to it.  That's why the whole 1840/41 plot-line is one of my least favorites (with some exceptions of certain scenes).  It made no sense, extending from the hauntings/doings of '95/'70/1840-41.  It was a horrible mess.  I much prefer PT41.  But that's another hash.


Calendar Events / Announcements '14 II / Re: The Strain
« on: September 08, 2014, 03:50:47 PM »
I finally saw my first episode last night (now that Falling Skies is over for the season).  Needless to say, since I haven't seen any of the previous ones, I wasn't much familiar with the characters other than from what I vaguely remember from reading the novel several years ago.  It was interesting but being so out of the loop from it I don't know if I'll become a regular viewer.


Calendar Events / Announcements '14 II / Re: DS Fans Behaving Badly
« on: September 05, 2014, 12:41:38 AM »
I hope, David, that my words can be some consolation and support; I don't know if they are.  It's horrible what you and other DS fans have gone through at the hands of other DS fans (and "fan" comes from "fanatic," and we all know what fanatics can be like).  Like any other movement or whatever, DS fandom will have its nutwads.  I know it sound harsh to use that word, especially since I often work with people with certain emotional/behavioral disorders, but sometimes a nutwad is a nutwad.  There are people who go over the border, cross the line, (and now thanks to Vicki Lawrence ad-libbing in a Eunice and Mamma skit) play hockey with a warped puck or have splinters in the windmills of their mind.  Some people are simply zealous because they're, well, two flight above top floor or are approaching the tarmac with their landing-gear up.  They have issues and they seek out those they can dump on.  You've had to deal with them and you did so with bravery.  I'm sure others have had to as well. 

I attended only one DS festival, back in 2003, for one day in Brooklyn.  Everyone there was marvelous, at least everyone I interacted with.  When I was in line to meet TLATKLS and was shaking from anticipation, behind me was a gentlemen who, shall we say, left his lights on but nobody was home.  He wasn't like the cruel, vile people you and other have dealt with, but he left his curtains open with nobody inside.  When I started having a short talk with TLATKLS, he suddenly started piping up with bizarre things and because of my experience working with people with certain cognitive disabilities, I simply looked at him in earnest and held my hand up and he stopped.  He had even take TLATKLS momentarily off-guard, but when she saw how I was able to bring him down, she smiled.  Again, he wasn't one of those terrible people you've interacted with at festivals or on-line, but we know that there are some people who are DS fans who aren't exactly all there.

David, you're a wonderful DS fan.  You've done so much for the franchise.  There will be those DS fanatics who will feel threatened by you because they think they're in charge.  Well, that's their problem, and believe-you-me, they have a problem - as a matter of fact, a whole lotta problems.  Remove them from your life; ignore them; let them rant and rave on their own.  The only exception I would make to that is if you encounter any of them making fun of another DS fan because of a disability, orientation or whatever.  Let them have it right there and then.  Turn into Mamma and lay onto them every insult, derision and put-down you can and make them feel like sh*t.  I've done that in non-DS situations - it works wonders.  I've reduced people like that to tears and don't let up until they can't take it anymore.  They learn a lesson.  It doesn't matter if they've had bad life experiences that have made them the way they are and they try, during sobs, to explain that.  I don't give up and just tell them:  "We all have our sad stories."  It does work wonders and actually helps to heal them.  But, beyond finding yourself in that immediate experience, just ignore those folk and feel sorry for them.  Stay away from situations that make you a target.  Let them wallow in their own misery.

And don't forget, that Midnite and MB have made this site a wonderful place to discuss all things DS without all the drama.  Stay away from fazebook, nitwitter and other "social media" sites where it's open season with narcissistic losers who have no life and only want people to "like" and "friend" them.  Just stay here where everyone is welcomed, and those who don't want to welcome people aren't welcomed.


Caption This! - 1897 / Re: Episode #0734
« on: September 02, 2014, 03:29:56 AM »
Rachael:  "Please, whatever's in there, be gluten-free."


Caption This! - 1897 / Re: Episode #0734
« on: September 02, 2014, 03:25:16 AM »
Gregory:  "I'm sure there's some way I can get around all those thou-shalt-nots in the bible while I try to get hold of this family's loot and still get into heaven."


Caption This! - 1897 / Re: Episode #0734
« on: September 02, 2014, 03:21:49 AM »
Tim:  "You want a male version of the highest-hair-battle the ladies are having?  Fine.  Bring it on."


Caption This! - 1897 / Re: Episode #0733
« on: August 29, 2014, 10:58:33 PM »
Minerva:  "You must excuse me for that.  I love my preserves, but they don't love me.  Light a match, would you, Miss Drummond?"


Caption This! - 1897 / Re: Episode #0733
« on: August 28, 2014, 09:31:10 PM »
Rachael:  "What do you mean, because I've left your school, that my 401K is canceled?" 


Caption This! - 1897 / Re: Episode #0733
« on: August 28, 2014, 09:28:53 PM »
Judith:  "If you think, Laura, that the battle-of-the-highest-hair is over, you're sadly mistaken."
