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Messages - Cousin_Barnabas

Yes, as long as Barnabas is rather recognizable, I think EVERYONE should be happy.  Depp has to differentiate himself from Frid, but as long as the character is in the same vein, I think everyone should be pleased.

As for this recent news...  I somehow wasn't surpised about Dr. Hoffman.  It was definitely an "out of the blue" choice (I had never even heard her name mentioned) for Liz, but I think she'll do great!  I think it's funny that that one article states Elizabeth has been locked up in Collinwood for a DECADE since the disappearance of her husband.  It really makes one question if this is a plot-point in the script, as the information is just not accurate if its referring back to the original...

Who else do we need in the cast?  Roger, Carolyn, and David, probably a love-interest for Carolyn, and we need to find out what the name of that waitress is. 

It is extremely good to hear that Barnabas will be very recognizable.  Hearing Johnny speak of Frid with such admiration was so refreshing.  Let's hope he keeps the bangs.   [snow_wink]

And by casting news, MB means finding out who the heck this Heathcote girl is playing! 

Current Talk '11 I / Re: Jonathan Frid to participate in Johnny Depp movie
« on: February 14, 2011, 05:36:34 AM »
But the caretaker was the best minor character!

But, I'd love to see Frid play Stokes.  Imagine if we got to see a whole lot of Frid in the movie!

Current Talk '10 II / Re: WB 2004 Pilot Redux
« on: February 13, 2011, 11:57:51 PM »
Well, having never seen the pilot, except for the few clips that are scattered here and there online, I can't make an accurate judgment.  But, from this scene, in particular, it looks like it went for a "COvertly over-the-top" approach.  It's not melodramatic in its presentation, but it is in its idiosyncrasies.  In this regard, the acting seemed the antithesis of the original.  It reminds me of the 1991 series - on steroids.  The sets looked nice, but the direction of the actors seemed unusual for a modern piece of television - the long, drawn out hand kiss (Let's make 'em think he's gonna bite her!), the jump.  I could never see Frid or Moltke doing any of this (And when there was a similar scene, it was downplayed.).  Cross and Going might walk the line, but never go that far.  In terms of acting, I would hope Depp Shadows would be more subtle.    

If she is going to be a waitress, she ought to be Maggie.  If she is going to be from a foundling home, she ought to be Victoria.  If she is simply going to be governess, it doesn't matter if she is going to be Vicki or Maggie.  But character origins are rather important.  Anyway, if Willie Loomis is going to con Liz, what is it going to be about?  I'd think it would be about the foundling girl if anything, especially considering the age of Loomis.  But, just idle, fun, speculation. 

But feel free to play Cobert's ''Josette's Music Box'' every 12 or so... Oh, yes, and integrate the main theme throughout.  Thank you!   [ski]

Having Maggie be Josette makes a great deal of sense, especially considering she "was" Josette for the first two incarnations of the show, and I believe that this is where Depp and Burton will be drawing the most material.  It really wasn't until the '91 series when this notion was turned on its head - and while creative at the time, definitely could appear to be "just too easy" for the new version of the show.  I mean, most of us have already accepted that this is a given.  It might be nice to have it NOT be so.    

That being said, as was done with the original show, I think it is entirely possible to have Maggie and Vicki coexist.  Maggie, the waitress, is held captive by Barnabas, while snoopy, little governess Victoria gets dangerously close to discovering the secret.  However, that would pretty much require two leading ladies, and I don't see the reports leaning in that direction.  But, I would definitely like that take on the story.  

In regards to Willie, while I was expecting someone closer to Karlen's age (or younger), if they went with a more Renfield-esque character, I can see Haley working just fine.  

We just don't know enough at this point.  But, I do hope Collinwood maintains a governess, as that really is a key element of Dark Shadows, whether she be Vicki or Maggie, or Josette, it doesn't matter to me, as long as she is included in the story.  

It was a good watch.  Too bad we didn't get to see what happened.  I don't agree with the decision to have it removed, as it certainly wasn't anywhere near competing with the current products, and probably would have worked in favor of the Warner project, considering that, if it achieved a following on Youtube, said "new" viewers would most likely add to the box office figures.  I thought the cast was getting there, and Liz was always rather good.  But, if nothing else, this short-lived web series proved two things: 1.  No voice will ever be able to replace Joan Bennett's strong one, even if the delivery of lines is good.  2.  Jason McGuire should have an Irish Brogue - always.  There are no exceptions to this rule. 

And Featuring Jonathan "Barnabas" Frid as the Caretaker!  ---  Just speculation. 

I'm fairly sure I've seen that dress in color set photos from the black and white days...  Perhaps MPI has the image in one of their catalogues?  I think that's where I saw it. 

Speaking of Bob Cobert.  I cannot reveal the name (I know that sounds like I am making this up) but I have a friend in fandom who had worked with Bob Cobert. Bob took him under his wing and even wrote him some music for one of his college exams.  Anyhow...he told me a couple of months ago that Depp/Burton have been in talks with Bob for months.  I wish they would get Bob to collaborate but I don't know if they will or not. 

IT would be awesome if Cobert would score, but didn't MB say something about Cobert not having direct involvement?  I think I recall this back when it was confirmed the theme would be used.  Maybe that will change.  I'd love to hear Cobert's music brought into the 21st century by the same mind that made all of our favorites in the last! 

I was still hoping that at least some of the outdoor filming would take place in New England, but I guess we're not even sure if they are keeping the locale in New England.

I was hoping against hope that they would pick an American house.  But, as long as it looks American in the strange way that the Carey Mansion does, I can go with a British estate.  (On the border about the CGI stuff - would be okay if they reproduced the Carey Mansion, though.)  And I can go with them using a British fishing town as Collinsport.  But I cannot go for Collinsport and/or Collinwood's script location not being in the American state of Maine.

In regards to Ilfracombe, I can see it.  Edit out that theatre, and a few of the taller buildings, and we should be good.  Honestly, if it was less dense, it wouldn't need any computer work done to it.  And how about placing Collinwood atop the hill on the far right:

Oh, I know, MB.  I guess I should have made it clearer that I was thinking about all of the possibilities if it were in the '60s in terms of costumes.  The movie would just have to be great!   [snow_bigglass]

But, yeah, I suspect it will be in the present day today, as opposed to the "present."  ;)