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Messages - Brandon Collins

How about Abigail Collins vs. Minerva Trask. The reason? Who loves their Trask-i-poo more!
My mutton chops are burning....

lol!! I can't wait for the action to start! Maybe they could have a cage match and be allowed only one weapon?! Abigail would choose the Bible, and Minerva.......what would she use?

Polls Archive / Re: Dastardly Villian Poll
« on: October 02, 2006, 03:39:18 AM »
Great point Para L.! I didn't even think about Nicky working for Satan when I voted!

I'm wishing more and more that I had've voted for Gregory Trask because I just remembered that he and Evan Handley [spoiler]attempted to drive Judith insane in order to get control of the Collins fortune.[/spoiler]Geez!

And question--is it ever said that Evan Handley is Nickolas Blair's former self? Sure, he may just be a lawyer, but I don't care what you are, if you're not a witch or a warlock there's no way you have that much knowledge of Satan's ways and spells!

Current Talk '06 II / Re: Character Theme Songs
« on: October 02, 2006, 03:34:38 AM »
Wow more great songs! Thanks for sharing these Para L. (great play on words btw!) and Penthea. I think both would fit Barnabas  & Quentin marvelously!

Para L.--Who is this Depeche Mode? Is this an artist or a group? I've never heard of him/them before. What type of music is it?

Just thought of this--

How about Abigail Collins vs. Minerva Trask. The reason? Who loves their Trask-i-poo more!

Current Talk '06 II / Re: Character Theme Songs
« on: October 01, 2006, 09:22:38 PM »
"Waiting for the Night" fits Barnabas perfectly! I love those lyrics.

I've been looking for a song that is titled "Confused" or something like that for Vicki, but have yet to come across one. I did, however, find a what I think is a great one for Barnabas and Julia. If anyone watched the Grey's Anatomy finale last year, you've heard it. I believe it was played after Denny died. Anyway, here it is:

"Chasing Cars" by Snow Patrol

We'll do it all everything, on our own
We don't need anything, or anyone
If I lay here, If I just lay here
Would you like with me
And just forget the world
I don't quite know how to say how I feel           (DUH BARNABAS!)
Those three words are said too much                 (Julia: Well maybe they wouldn't be if you weren't such a
They're not enough                                                                        man-wh**e)
If I lay here, If I just lay here
Would you lie with me
And just forget the world
Forget what you're told
Before we get too old
Show me a garden
That's bursting into life
Let's waste time chasing cars
Around our heads
I need your grace to remind me                   (Finally, Barnabas has realized!)
To find my own
If I lay here, if I just lay here
Would you lie with me
And just forget the world
Forget what you're told
Before we get too old
Show me a garden
That's bursting into life
All that I am, All that I ever was                   (And that was a lot for Barn!)
Is here in your perfect eyes
They're all I can see, I don't know where
Confused about how as well
Just know that these things will never
Change for us at all

I think this is pretty self explanatory. "Laying here" means in a coffin if you think of it after the [spolier]ending of a recent book[/spoiler]. Or you could just think of Barnabas laying in his coffin and finally realizing that he loves Julia and that this is all he wants to say to her.

Polls Archive / Re: Dastardly Villian Poll
« on: October 01, 2006, 09:11:54 PM »
I voted for Rev. Trask but I also wanted to vote for Gregory Trask as well. Both were equally bad, but in my mind Gregory takes the cake over his "great-great-grandfather" (too many greats? I think that was an OOPS by the writers, but it could've worked I s'pose) because Greg's Micheal Jackson-esque treatment of those kids at Worthington Hall was just wrong! And if the writers didn't mean to insinuate the molestation, then they sure as heck had something else going on in their subconscious mind at the time!

you're a wise young man who many of us older folks
can learn from.
I, too, have run out of things to say on this issue, but I'm glad I said/posted what I did.

Praise is always welcome! And just let me know if you run out of things to say, because I'll make some up and send them too you! j/k

I'm glad we have both learned from this, at least I sure as heck have, and I agree that if ShadownGram should change we have all done our jobs.

Now I'm off to Collinwood. Thinking about taking an adventure in Parallel Time.

Current Talk '06 II / Re: Character Theme Songs
« on: October 01, 2006, 04:23:57 PM »
Love that song choice Widow's Wail! It does fit them perfectly! Though I'm sure Josette has done more crying than Barnabas. Think of all the times her crying spirit has appeared to save him! After all those years she still loves and cares for him.

And I agree with "Cold Hearted Snake" and "Obsession".

I've been trying to think of a good one for Trask. Any and all Trasks except for the butler one, probably. (We were never shown his dark side. Could he have been keeping an illegitimate love-child in the closet?)

Kathy Resch (who works with ShadowGram) posted on the Jonathan Frid yahoo group that no survivor information relating Craig was published because no such information was given to them at the time. Basically, the idea of the quick announcement was to let people know that Craig had died. Kathy also said in this post (I don't have permission to repost it here) that the survivor information, including the info about Craig's husband, would be posted in a future update/issue along with the updated donation information.

.....they risked facing liability themselves as some family members want to keep the fact family members were gay and have died of AIDS. Keith Prentice's obit that I read did mention his being gay and his illness. Interesting.

If that's their story, then it's obvious they're stickin' to it. I don't dispute the fact that this may be true, as I can understand some people feeling ashamed that a family member was gay and died of AIDS--it is not unheard of. Why they feel this way one will never know. Why anyone would is beyond me. But facts are facts. It is true that they may just be saying that to save face so people don't start an all out war (whoops) against them. Personally, I'm removing myself from the issue. I posted my peace and I'll leave it at that.

Shadowgram can~~and should have~~ sent out a correction email just as quickly. That it took a revolution to get her to recognize her error is a sad commentary indeed.

 And maybe she should learn how to fact check.

If people aren't allowed to be forgiven for mistakes then this world will fall apart. Although it can be discerned from this post, I am not abandoning my former opinions listed here. I still feel that way about the issue, and I think that whoever supplied the information, should Marcy and Kathy's statements be true, was the unfortunate victim of a mis-thought. If ShadowGram is going to print another article about Craig's death rectifying what was not printed in the previous obit, than great! Everyone's outcry's have worked wonderfully.

I say we just put this to rest. Enough fighting. I've got college, my own father's estate, and idiot lawyer, and finding a new job to worry about.

Current Talk '06 II / Character Theme Songs
« on: October 01, 2006, 12:42:12 AM »
As I was listening to some music today, a certain song struck me as being a good theme song or song about Angelique. That is what brought up this topic. Anyone have any songs they know of that would fit a DS character? If so, post them hear and explain why you think it fits, it you like. I'm posting lyrics too.

Here is my song for Angelique, though there are plenty others out there that fit her as well:

"Killer Queen" by Queen


She keeps a Maqet et Chandon
in her pretty cabinet
'Let them eat cake' she says
Just like Marie Antoinette
A built-in remedy
for Khrushchev and Kennedy
And anytime an invitation
you can't decline
Caviar and cigarettes
well versed in etiquette
Extraordinarily nice      (okay, maybe THAT doesn't fit with ol' Ang)
She's a killer queen
gunpower gelatine
Dynamite with a laser beam       (if only she had one! think of the damage!)
Guaranteed to blow your mind
Recommended at the price
Insatiable an appetite
wanna try?
To avoid complications
She never kept the same address    (no wonder she died so many times!)
In conversation
she spoke just like a baroness
Met a man from China
went down to Geisha Minah
Then again incidentally
if you're that way inclined
(she's a killer queen)
Perfume came naturally from Paris (naturally)
For cars she couldn't care less                (who needs them when you've got a broom?)
Fastidious and precise
She's a killer queen
gunpowder gelatine
Dynamite with a laser beam
Guaranteed to blow your mind          (or at least your heart)
Drop of a hat she's as weilling as
playful as a pussy cat
The momentarily out of action         (HELLO Joshua)
Temporarily out of gas
To absolutely drive you wild, wild...
She's all out to get you
She's a killer queen
gunpowder gelatine
Dynamite with a laser beam
Guaranteed to blow your mind
Recommeded at the price
Insatiabe an appetite wanna try?
Wanna try?

Now, aside from any implied or originally meant meanings (wink) I think this fits her. Was thinking about using "Witchy Woman" but the title is a little obvious and I didn't get a chance to listen to it before posting.

Wanna try?

I really like the artwork! The only thing is that I couldn't really read some of the dialouge in certain spots. I just surmised what they were saying by reading words around or after it. But great start! I wouldn't mind seeing more!

Current Talk '06 II / Re: 1897 Question
« on: September 30, 2006, 03:42:13 PM »
What Lydia said is correct. Their parents died and then Edith and Daniel raised them.

But as for the Laura thing, I thought that did happen. I thought that Laura came and married one man, had the kid, and then that was Edward, and then she came back and married Edward and had Jamison? Maybe I'm just thinking of how she married Edward and had Jamison and then Jamison had Roger and Liz (I didn't skip a generation did I?) and then she came back and married Roger and had David. That always struck me as---HELLO! You're inbred enough! For peeps sake! Carolyn dated Joe and Chris, and both are related to her if I'm not mistaken! [spoiler]Chris is Quentin's grandson if I remember correctly.[/spoiler]

Current Talk '06 II / Re: DS DVD Volume 26 Listed as Best Seller
« on: September 30, 2006, 03:36:58 PM »
I'm going to wait until MPI makes the pre-Barnabas DVDs available to the public before collecting these too.

I've been thinking about joining the MPI DS DVD club for a while, though now I suppose it's pretty much useless. I've got up to....I think set 19, and their policy is buy five, get the sixth free. So I'd get the 25th set free, and then possibly one free from the Beginning Series DVDs. Do the benefits really outweigh the costs? I don't think they do, but if anyone else has an opinion please let me know. I didn't think the benefits outweighed the costs before I had nearly the complete series, because they want close to $60 for each DVD set! Yikes! Why would I do that when I can save $20 by going elsewhere? The only thing that really would interest me is the things that only members can get--like the coffin for keeping the bobbleheads in and whatever else.

Current Talk '06 II / Re: Why dont people like Adam?
« on: September 30, 2006, 03:30:30 PM »
Gosh, you've just given me an excellent reason to like the Adam story line.  If Marie Wallace hadn't played Eve, she might never have played Jenny, and might never have gone on to charm countless fans at the Fests.  I've never met her (never met anybody in connection with Dark Shadows), but she's very interesting in the interviews on the DVDs.  I really should read her book sometime.

True. Very true. Unfortunately DS didn't offer Marie many good parts at all. I my favorite was Crazy Jenny, and I think Marie has said that was her favorite character at well. As far as the fests go she is an absolute gem. She is so approachable (as are many of the stars I've met) and she engages YOU in conversation outside of the fest, if she sees you. The last night of the fest, after the banquet, my mom and I were going upstairs in the elevator and she rode with us. We were carrying the negative film reels that they gave out. She asked where we were from and what the film reels looked like so I opened the box to show her. She was very interested in meeting people, and signed and posed for pictures on a dime. You should definitely visit her if you ever get to the fest. By the last day her table was not as busy as it had been, along with other stars, so I'm sure she would gladly speak with you or anyone else for a while.

From what I'm told, this was actually NOT intentional at all, nothing at all deiberate or calculate was behind this and this situation will be rectified before too long.

Well, if the above is true, then I am certainly glad to hear it. But still, one can't help but to be suspicious given the past incidents that we have all witnessed in this magazine. And I for one would say that if Craig's obit is to be revised and reprinted with the CORRECT information, then so too should Keith's, Joel's, Don's, and all the others who have been oh-so-misprinted.