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Messages - Daphne

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Current Talk '02 II / Re: The Tragedy of Barnabas Collins
« on: July 02, 2002, 10:23:21 PM »
LOL.....wait 'til 1840, if you haven't seen it yet. I think Barnabus, like all aristocrats, was at least partially blinded because Angie was a servant [look how Joshua reacted.....divorced Barnabus from the house, the will, the family, etc....]. And given what happened in Martinique, or knowing that they were at least involved, I think her feelings were justified. Of course, after he went through 200 years of denying it, didn't it ever cross her mind that he changed his mind, or that his feelings had changed...? Maybe she felt they were only momentarily covered up by feelings for Josette.....and he was just too stubborn to admit he still loved her. Of course, Angie could give lessons in stubbornness....  ::)

But I couldn't help but wish that Julia had shot Angie today, though....... :o  *grumble* 8)

WOW!!!!!!! Those are gorgeous! Thanks for sharing! ;D

If I click the first, I get:


just like that, and if I click the 2nd, I get an internal error and IE shuts down....grrrrrrrrrrrr i hate this computer. I had 2 restart 5x in a row today. It's evil I tell you!!!!!! Angie or Nicholas much be possessing it .... *le sigh*

Current Talk '02 II / Re: The game of life.. and chess
« on: July 02, 2002, 08:58:46 AM »
Today's episodes were really really good! They had me bouncing up and down within five minutes, and I'd just woken up!  ;D Adam and Carolyn continue to enchant me, and Stokes really cracks me up: "You have an 18th century edition of the Republic!?" [Carolyn] "I don't know! I just said the first  piece 18th century literature that came to my mind!" LMAO! I think Stokes and Julia would have been adorable as a couple, it's too bad the writers were so stubborn and had her only in love with Barnabus. WHYYY does she love him anyway?? *shudders* Yeicht. I can understand why she NEEDS to love him, because she's the only one who'll protect him 100% faithfully...but then again, Willie doesn't look like he'd betray Barnabus either. So Julia could still be LOYAL to Barnabus, but start to date Stokes.....*hint hint ds writers!!* Oh yeah, that's right, the show is 36 years old....*coughs* LOL I'm really still going to write a letter about Carolyn and Joe and Maggie and that whole triangle, though. I really am. And about Barnabus biting Carolyn. Grrrrr.....
back on topic:
Seeing this TL for the first time, it was a bit ... redundant ... in the beginning, with that freaking tape recording of Lang's [will he never die!? *whines*], but right now I like it a loooooot...probably becuase of  :-* Adam  :-* .... but who knows. I've never seen Frankenstein [lol *gasp*] so I can't complain about DS being a ripped-off imitation, including Sam as the blind man, which I read somewhere earlier. But right now I'm content 2 sit back and be amused and enchanted. Today's episodes were reeeeeeally good ^____^

Calendar Events / Announcements '02 I / Re: DS FEST 2002 WEBSITE!
« on: July 02, 2002, 08:48:30 AM »
*SIGH* One day I hope to attend. I'm just grateful for this wonderful website where I can at least share in the experience vicariously!

I feel your pain *pat pat* I hope, hope, hope, hope I can attend one some day....*xes fingers* Thank you for the pictures, Joe.....that's really quite scary about the guy coming in on stage and calling KLS a liar....  :o  :-/ Anyway, have any more pictures? LOL ^_^


Current Talk '02 II / Re: Some Sundry And Sordid Observations
« on: July 02, 2002, 08:29:42 AM »
LOL Welcome 2 the boards, Angelique_s_Sis! I must say, I love those gray gloves  ;D

Calendar Events / Announcements '02 I / Re: Bon Voyage, Fest-goers!
« on: July 01, 2002, 04:52:05 AM »
LOL, yes yes, cute button ^.^ I'm looking forward to the pictures too!!  ;D

ARRRRRRRGGGGG I can't listen to this either. First Pansy Faye and Quentin singing and now this!!! This is an outrage!!!  >:( My computer has something against mp3's, I think.....*whacks it* Stupid thing!!  >:( LOL i'll get my dad to fix it  :-/ Is there a transcript anywhere?  :-[

Calendar Events / Announcements '02 I / Q
« on: June 29, 2002, 09:19:39 AM »
OOOOOOOOOO!!!! I could just SEE Julia waiting out in the hall scrambling to get between the brigade of Roger, Liz, Quentin, David, etc., bouncing excitedly up and down exclaiming, "Let me give her a seditive!!!" LOL just kidding ;) I liked! All about Carolyn! YAAY!!! I think Carolyn really is the smartest one in the entire show! Quoteth Carolyn~
"Wisdom never comes without taking a little bit of your life away. Sometimes I miss being innocent and brazen. There's a certain purity in being young and selfish that all the wisdom in the world can never replace."

I gotta hang that somewhere. ^_^ thanks for the great read! On to part 5!!!!!!

Current Talk '02 I / Re: Magda Sounds
« on: June 29, 2002, 09:04:46 AM »
Well your in luck, has it with those two singing it! :D

Nooooo noooooo!!!!!! *has coniption fits* My computer has internal errors and stuff whenever I try and DL the mp3 thingie. *cries* Does neone else's do that?? OMGGG grrrrrr I wanna hear this soooo so so bad!! I think I'm really going to have to throw this evil computer out the window.....grrrr  >:(

Current Talk '02 I / Re: Saint Stokes
« on: June 29, 2002, 08:15:19 AM »
LMAO ProfStokes! You're not just a tad biased, tho, are you now??  ;) But Stokes is, truly, a saint  :D

Calendar Events / Announcements '02 I / Re: Check out this site!
« on: June 29, 2002, 08:09:49 AM »

Completely agree. Was that obvious?  8)

Blahhh!!!! NONO! Barney and Julia would never work. He still doesn't even like her, much less even love her or anything. I could neever see it happening, even if the writers planned it that way. It's obvious she likes him, but it's like a hesitant, tentative crush. She'll touch his shoulder or his chest or rest her hand on his arm if she's concerned about him, but he's all like "*shrugs off her touch* yes well anyway, Julia....*clears throat uncomfortably*" Not that they couldn't look totally adorable if they actually SMILED at each other every once in a while, but Barney is such a freaking weasel he only comes 2 her when he wants her for medical purposes and the like. Whyyy didn't they let Angie kill him??? Julia deserves so much better. Julia and Stokes I would totally agree on!!  ;D

Current Talk '02 I / Re: And now, Presenting the new.........
« on: June 29, 2002, 08:03:22 AM »
OMG!!!! Creepy question! My life is like identical to Carolyn's! OMG! I seriously had guys codenamed "Burke" and "Joe" and ..... whoaaa! Funny you should ask that, too! Burke was the guy I liked, but he didn't really like me, gosh, I don't even remember who this was now....and Joe was and still is Chris, the guy who SAAAYS he loves me but *RE* well, yeah, I really don't think I believe in love nemore, lol, and he's who I should be with, and he'd be like, ya know, good for me, and all that stuff, my parents like him [2 a degree, anyway] and he's all sensitive, and yet I still liked Burke. WHO was Burke? I don't even know now. But I could have a Buzz, *smiles evilly* and I could have a Tony, .... ahuh...and I *MOST DEFINITELY* have an Adam.....OMG THAT IS SOO SCARY!!!! *spazzes out* Not to mention NB is like my 2nd fav actress on this planet. LOL I'm like Carolyn in the whole "mood-swing" way too. I can go from being soooooooooooo hyper to soooooo depressed in like less than a minute. And I have a David, and a Roger and a Liz and allll these people who fit in2 my life the same scary is that? No wonder she's my fav char  8)

Calendar Events / Announcements '02 I / Re: TODAY IN D.S. HISTORY
« on: June 29, 2002, 07:56:58 AM »
happy birthday Dark Shadows!!! YAAAAAY!!!!! I wasn't here for the original run either, but I found it was quick as I could  ;D I've never even heard of Never Too DS is better neway!  :D

AAAAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!! *TWO* MORE CHAPTERS SINCE I'VE BEEN GONE!!!!!!!! *bounces around* OKAY with my vanilla coke, I'm off to read!!! Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayy!!!!!!!!!!!!!  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D

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