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Messages - Craig_Slocum

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Dr. Hoffman--the quick quack
« on: October 24, 2002, 04:59:29 AM »

Cheryl, Good luck with your surgery! :-)

Thank you! It's a quick procedure that involves folding back the corneal flap, then removing a thin layer of corneal tissue with a light from a excimer laser. After removal, the flap is replaced and bonds back into place without the need for stitches. It causes the center of the cornea to flatten, which changes the focusing power of the cornea, improving it to the point of no longer needing glasses or contact lenses to see with.

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Prof. Stokes Spirit Dowser
« on: October 23, 2002, 10:26:36 PM »

I spent the last several hours helping with homework.

I can relate, I have to help with homework every day too, sometimes almost until dinner time.

Current Talk '02 II / Re: BACK FROM HALLOWEEN
« on: October 23, 2002, 10:14:37 PM »
 The schedule was A LITTLE off

Sounds like that part of it hasn't changed!

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Slocum Search
« on: October 23, 2002, 09:52:22 PM »
I want to know where Craig Slocum is buried, that is more important to me than a biography. Thanks for your advice Luciaphil. The problem is I cannot use a lot of the information I have on Craig, it's too personal. I have to find information that I can use.

The biography I want to write will be a short one, not planning on writing a book, just a few paragraphs that can be put on a couple of websites. Checking out other James Dean biographies is a good idea. I doubt that I'm going to get all the info I need at the Las Vegas Library, need to go to the NYC Library, and I can't get there. I will check the library here again when I get the chance. I just spoke to a NYC funeral director who is trying to locate Craig's grave, waiting to hear the results.

Current Talk '02 II / Re: THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!
« on: October 23, 2002, 08:37:31 PM »
I'm glad that you're doing good, Carol. I hope you won't need another surgery, amazing what the eye doctors can do these days. I hope all goes well with my LASIK surgery tomorrow. I have been wearing glasses, and contact lenses since 1981, can't wait to get rid of them! I have been trying since January to get the surgery done, but was not a candidate, because of a chronic infection in both eyes, and extreme Dry Eye. After MANY visits to the doctor who performs the surgery, was I finally able to clear up my eyes, and become a candidate for the surgery. Thought the day would never come!  

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Dr. Hoffman--the quick quack
« on: October 23, 2002, 01:27:14 AM »
 But of course.. she determined sabrina needed a

I was reading my Pre Operative Instructions for LASIK surgery I'm having done on Thursday, and it says, "You will be offered a sedative if you feel nervous." I thought of Julia.

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Slocum Search
« on: October 22, 2002, 10:07:04 PM »
I'm sure I have seen Variety, just don't remember it. Bette, can you make a copy of that info you found and mail it to me? I just called some funeral homes in New York, so far one sounds like it might be promising, this man I spoke to is going to get the records from 1978, will try to do it today, and let me know what he finds out. This is the closest funeral home to where Craig lived. If that doesn't work, I have some more to call.  

Calendar Events / Announcements '02 II / Re: OT:  Hey everyone...
« on: October 22, 2002, 07:47:20 PM »
I'm wishing you a speeding recovery Carol, I hope all is okay with your eyes, and that your husband will help you out and be good to you.  On Thursday, I am having surgery done on my eyes, LASIK surgery. I am getting it for correction of my near sightedness and astigmatism, so I won't have to wear glasses or contacts anymore. My little girl's father will be here to take care of her, so I can get my rest afterwards, and luckily Friday is Nevada Day, no school. Hopefully I will be ready for the 3rd Annual Halloween Bash at Albertson's on Saturday. My daughter wants to participate in the coloring contest, pumpkin drawing contest, pie eating contest, costume contest, etc. Fun!


Wow, it sounds like you went through alot yourself Cheryl.  Those were some days and I think every generation has it's share of youth problems, be it drugs,drinking or whatever.

True Cassandra, just wish I had said no to all of it, but I'm an overcomer. I really believe it's because of my parents prayers, and the prayers of others, who never stopped praying for me.  

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Dark Shadows 2002 Calendar
« on: October 22, 2002, 06:11:56 AM »

I bought the 2003 calendar at the last Festival, but don't know where it is, I'm sure it's buried in my closet, wherever I put it when I got home!

Current Talk '02 II / Re: BACK FROM HALLOWEEN
« on: October 22, 2002, 05:52:42 AM »

I'm glad you had a good time, VAM and others from the board! I went 2 years ago to the Halloween event, will probably be the only time I make it there, glad I got to go once.

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Slocum Search
« on: October 22, 2002, 05:33:01 AM »
I have heard of Variety. Is that like the National Inquirer? Raineypark also mentioned it in her reply, she suggested checking Variety. Thanks for checking, Bette! I want to learn all I can about Craig, so I am glad to get whatever info I can. I had wondered if his parents were still living, glad you found out about his Mom, now I at least know about her. I knew that Craig has a sister. I hope she is contacted. I have requested it, just have to wait and see on that. It's probably a slow boat to China!  

I end up walking most of the time, but if my neighbor, who drives her kids to school, happens to see me, she gives me a ride. I envy her, she has a son that has red hair. All of her other kids have blonde hair like my daughter. Getting back to the title of this topic, this morning, I was a parent helper in my daughter's class, I do that once or twice a week. I had come back to the classroom after finishing laminating some of the kids work in another room, and the teacher was talking about bats, of all things, I walk in on a lecture about bats, and hear him saying something about bats flying at night, and explaining a paper about bats that he wants them to work on. I  immediately thought of this topic, can't get away from Dark Shadows any place!  

Just wanted to mention, the other day, I bought a really cool art work framed portrait of James Dean, Marilyn Monroe, and Elvis Presley. Of all places, I found it at the supermarket! I hung it up in my living room, with my other movie star photos. Looks cool!  

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Slocum Search
« on: October 21, 2002, 05:16:43 AM »
The Las Vegas Library is the Central Regional Library here, also the Library District's administrative headquarters. There is a library at the college, UNLV, it's not open to the public though. I haven't done much with genealogical searches. I did a search on the Social Security Death Index last night, and found that info. Craig is his real name. Rusty is his nickname, because of his red hair. His close friends called him that, and some people only knew him as Rusty. When I was at the library yesterday, the librarian did a Google search on the computer, while I was looking through microfilm. She was unable to come up with anything that would help. I will keep searching. I have a lot to go by now. I also am going to request a copy of Craig Slocum's original SS-5 application. When I get that, it might help me further. Thanks for your help Luciaphil!