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Messages - Angelique Wins

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I don't think anybody or anything were frozen in time.   I think the seance happened, governesses switched, switched back again, and V came back with her story about 1795, all in the same day.

Yeah.  That makes sense.  But how about when [spoiler]Vicki goes BACK to the past AGAIN?   Before, she switched places with Phyllis Wick.  But then she went back again to be with Peter.  So what happened to Phyllis Wick?[/spoiler]

Inquiring minds um... [bnghd] think they should get a life?   LOL!


Current Talk '07 I / Re: Hate to burst DC's bubble but
« on: February 05, 2007, 08:10:57 AM »
(And Stokes isn't the only one who remarks on how Peter had been able to be in the present - Peter himself also explains it in Ep #650.  :))

And that would be?  ;D


Current Talk '06 II / Re: Collinwood should be on MapQuest!
« on: February 05, 2007, 07:02:50 AM »
I've been keeping a keen eye to watch and see what sets turn into what sets once we don't see them anymore. Of course there are obvious ones like Angelique and Sky's house turns into the PT room--and wasn't it used for something else too?

I just caught that, Brandon.  Just watching the end of Leviathan for the first time in YEARS.  Sky and Angelique's house and the parallel time room--no real attempt to disguise the set at all.  Same rose wallpaper, rose curtains, same candle sconces on the walls, same little nook to the left of the double doors.  Of course, with the new action, I don't think anybody would have picked up on that the first time around, in the beginning anyway.  Too busy trying to figure out the new storyline.  Except, oh.  Right.  [spoiler]It's Rebecca.[/spoiler]  LOL!


Current Talk '07 I / Re: Hate to burst DC's bubble but
« on: February 05, 2007, 06:29:57 AM »
People were always going off the Wyndcliff when they needed to go or take a break. Roger would be off on Business. Barn would be locked in his coffin. Others just disappeared.   ^-^
LOL!  That reminds me of what KLS said last year at the Fest about when she left the show.  DC told her that she was CRAZY for leaving DS and moving to France and that she was destroying her career.  She told us that [spoiler]hauling Maggie off to Windcliff [/spoiler] was DC's private little joke on her.


Current Talk '06 II / Re: Who was upset that DS ended in 1840 PT?
« on: January 22, 2007, 09:53:43 AM »
The other big beef I have with this ending was that due to David Selby's having to leave the show prior to the end because of appendicitis, it was like they forgot all about Quentin and [spoiler]Bramwell was able to steal his inheritance. Morgan was dead, Gabriel was dead, Melanie was going east with Kendrick so Quentin should have inherited everything at Collinwood. Instead it was all handed to Bramwell on a silver platter, and this was after he was already made rich by his ship coming in.[/spoiler]

You've got to wonder if, since the Bramwell and Catherine story was pretty much the main focus, [spoiler]that the writers just gave it all to Bramwell for all his years of being the underdog.  Then again, being realistic (to the time and circumstance and not the general subject matter, lol!), if the Collins family wanted their business to be taken seriously by those movers and shakers unimpressed with their money or social standing, it wouldn't have been wise to have the new head of the Collins family be a known murderer even if he had done time for his crime.[/spoiler]

Judy  [angl]

Games / Re: The Dark Shadows Alphabet Game
« on: January 01, 2007, 07:49:00 AM »
X for the mark on the lottery slip that determined which family member would spend a night in the locked room of Collinwood (1841 PT)

I just HAD to chime in here.  Isn't that the scene where Flora makes everybody leave the room while she writes the "X" ? ? ?  ROFL!!!


Hallie Frickin' Stokes!!!


Is that with or without the grapes in her hair?  Or was that Carrie?  [santa_rolleyes]



Current Talk '06 II / Re: Wish List
« on: December 22, 2006, 09:57:28 AM »

Chris Jennings   [flower]  Stock in local health food/exotic plant store, "Collinsprout" for import of more Moonflowers.

Sam Evans   [beer] A drinking buddy  oh, and [spoiler]to not be dead[/spoiler]

Willie Loomis   [Candle]   Large sized versions of those birthday candles that never go out so he doesn't have to spend half the day replacing them.

Sheriff Roy Patterson   [police]  The Truth, The Whole Truth, and Nothing But the Truth.

EVERYBODY  [8371]   For everybody for ONCE to be nestled all snug in their beds and dreams filled of nothing more frightening than sugarplums.  [ChristmaS15]


Polls Archive / Re: Santa's bagful of Shadows goodies
« on: December 21, 2006, 10:23:20 AM »
 [wow]    WHAT?   No Time-Traveling Afghan in the list of favorites???  That's a CLASSIC!  LOL!!!  (a classic 'what' I'm not sure...)

[ChristmaS15] [8_2_81]   [Chanukah9]


Current Talk '06 II / Re: The return to 1971 and Angelique
« on: November 28, 2006, 05:03:31 AM »
Something just occured to me.....

[spoiler]Suppose Angelique hadn't died from Trask's bullet? Suppose she survived...and since Barnabas proclaimed that she was his "one true love" (snicker, snicker) would he have brought her back to 1971 along with him, Julia and Stokes, or would the two of them have stayed behind in 1840 to live out their lives....and supposing Angelique agreed to go to the future with him.....what about Roger? Wouldn't he have recognized her as Cassandra (despite the different hair color? Wouldn't Elizabeth, Carolyn or David too for that matter?[/spoiler]

Just something to think about.

I'm sure anybody who has seen any of my posts know that I've thought quite a bit about that scenario.  I've since written one "novella" and one full length novel explaining "what happened next."  Now I'm well into my second novel and just having a great time seeing what unfolds! 


Current Talk '06 II / Re: Annoying Shadows
« on: November 22, 2006, 06:18:22 AM »
OMG! I completely forgot about that awful Lang tape! That was something that REALLY plucked my last nerve during the Adam storyline...I so wanted to reach through the screen and just say "Dammit! If Barnabas dies Adam dies and if Adam dies, Barnabas dies! Cheese and rice people! You get bits and pieces for WEEKS ON END and you still are so damn stupid that you can't figure out what it means!"

lol!  Can't everybody relate to that???  [laughing6]    ROFL!!!!


Current Talk '06 II / Re: Did You Notice?
« on: November 20, 2006, 04:18:56 AM »
my preoccupation with the show's costuming does get over the top. ;)
Over the top?  Sometimes the costumes themselves were over the top.  I remember they had Kathy Cody walking around for DAYS with grapes in her hair.  I don't remember if it was Carrie or Hallie.  Probably Carrie.  But GRAPES?  Excuse me?  I mean, come on!  What IS this?  The Music Man?  "One Grecian urn, two Grecian urns, and a fountain:  trickle, trickle, trickle..." lol!  Then there was her 'Tribute to the Great Pumpkin' dress.  Bright orange with a black bow in her hair.   [hall2_rolleyes] A BLACK bow.  So was she in um...partial mourning?  Or was she just a Halloween girl all year?  [hall2_kiss]

I thought Ang got some nice stuff in 1840, but poor Catherine?  Parallel time did NOTHING for taste.  Unfortunately, some of those awful things were totally correct for the time period.  Remember Parallel Time's Julia Collins and that UGLY striped dress?  Yeah.  That one.



Current Talk '06 II / Re: Annoying Shadows
« on: November 20, 2006, 03:41:02 AM »
Time travel and fantasy weren't handled too well by most 60s viewers.  they hasd to be led by the hand through it all, so repeated explanations.

That must be the same for lots of other stuff.  Cause how many of us remember watching films in elementary school in the late 50s and early 60s and hearing over and over and over:  "Use this title and soundtrack to focus the picture and adjust the sound level.  To prevent damage, reel the film continuously during the showing.  Return all film parts around the proper reel.  DO NOT REWIND after the last showing.  Thank you."  ??

By 6th grade, the whole class usually chimed in like a Greek chorus!  LOL!


Current Talk '06 I / Re: Barnabas' occupation?
« on: November 18, 2006, 09:37:10 AM »
You guys have made me curious....what about in the present time, after he became human, did Barnabas EVER have a job at all? I know he couldn't exactly hold down a job (at least not during the day) when he was a vampire but it occured to me we never saw Barnabas in the present time, as a human being, put in any 9-to-5 hours...

I've thought (and included it in my fan fic) that it would be a natural thing for him to have one of those historic sailing ships that you see from time to time.  They do costumed reenactments and have "battle sails" where they engage in mock combat and fire cannons at each other (sans cannonballs, lol!) and are available for charters.  It would tie in with his family history and fit in Collinsport nicely. So that's my theory!   ;D


Current Talk '06 II / Re: DS Names for Real
« on: November 10, 2006, 05:44:27 PM »
My direct ancestor during the American Revolution was named Joshua Joyner. From what we know he was directly under Washington as a foot soldier, they have found pensioners papers, and the funny thing is he was likely at the battle of Yorktown. Diane's direct ancesteor was at the same battle on the Redcoat side, in Cornwallis's medical corps.  [hall2_grin]

Cool!  One of mine, Elijah Caswell (ok, not Joshua, but still Biblical--wasn't everybody?  LOL!) was a drummer in the Revolution.  Another cousin says he was also connected to the regiment of the "crossing the Delaware" picture.  Another ancestor on my mom's side, George Charles Harmon (aka Charlie Grey Horse) fought at the Battle of Hanging Rock where the American forces got WHUPPED.  In his own words, "We all left according to our own notion..."  In other words, a Monty Pytonesque "RUN AWAY!!!!"


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