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Messages - Countess

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Barnabas:  I'm not sure about these polaroids, Julia.  My butt looks huge!  Perhaps another angle?

Julia:  Sure, why not.  But trust me, nobody is going to be looking at your butt.  Now, off with that suit and give me some beefcake, baby!  This "Men of Collinsport" calendar is going to make us RICH!

Julia:  It was a harmless college prank!  (Gasp!) And now I'm featured in "Girls Gone Wild"!!!  I'm RUINED!!!

Thanks for the info, Gothick.  Hmm...still looks like a monkey face to me (the "image" on her "t-shirt", people! ).  Cool hair.  But very dangerous with low-flying bats around ;D

Thanks for the great captures, Heather.  I've always wondered what Grayson looked like in that film.  Had to laugh - I had the very same thought about her biceps just before I read your comment. LOL.  I vaguely recall Diana Vreeland, the former editor of Vogue, and on whom Grayson's character was based, and her look was definitely way out, avant garde and considered quite chic - yet one that few women could pull off without looking like a complete clown.  But...what's that image on her t-shirt - a skull or a sock monkey?  Can't tell.  Hard to imagine Grayson going from the repressed lesbian schoolteacher in "Iguana" to playing this over-the-top character.  Ahhhh, but that's what makes her so great [clap] [cheerleader] [cheer]


Calendar Events / Announcements '05 I / vanishing website
« on: January 17, 2005, 12:01:29 PM »
hi everyone!  Awhile back I was reading some DS fan fic on the site  I recently checked back only to find out that not only did the site move, but seems to no longer exist.  Does anyone know what became of this website?  Just curious.

OMG, this is TOO irresistable. >:D

Julia:  Barnabas, it's nothing that I haven't seen a million tiimes.  Now turn your head and cough! >:D :o

Current Talk '05 I / Re: Questions, questions...
« on: January 13, 2005, 11:08:05 AM »
Ahhh!  Thank you for enlightening me, Prof Stokes.  Yes, I've reaad the many posts about RD and his hair.  Poor fellow - should he ever go bald there goes his acting career! LOL  I'm sure I'll have lots of silly questions in the future.  Thanks for being so kind.


Current Talk '05 I / Re: Questions, questions...
« on: January 13, 2005, 07:52:15 AM »
I was hoping that SoapNet would begin airing DS.  Sad to hear it's not to be.  A long shot might be TV Land or even Nick at Nite.  Although TV Land is devoted to older shows (and DS definitely qualifies!).  Back in the day, didn't they used to show Alfred Hitchcock and The Twilight Zone?  And I have a question regarding previous posts - what show are you referring to when you talk about "RD"?  It's driving me batty trying to figure it out! [blackbat] [blackbat]

Calendar Events / Announcements '05 I / Re: The Divine Tongue :O
« on: January 13, 2005, 07:37:28 AM »
Hey guys, it's no fair to tease us with vivid descriptions of GH in End of the Road.  I need pictures darnit!   :o >:D  Or would they be too risque for this site? ;)

Calendar Events / Announcements '05 I / Re: DS EMMY awards prenominations
« on: January 12, 2005, 06:23:24 AM »
Quote from: DStoDA
And please, I dont encourge people to vote for Julia and Barnabas in the romantic couple because that will lower their chance of winning the Duo category. So if you write them in the Romantic couple category, its wont get counted and it will all just be a waste for them.

Point taken, however you have overlooked the possibility that Julia and Barnabas could win both categories.  I realize it's too late to change categories (duh!) but I sure hope all B/J fans insist that our fave couple be included in the Romantic Duo category next year.  I think it only democratic to let the voters decide and not only those making the agonizing decision of whom to place in which category.  Okay, sermon over kids!  Two categories I'd LIKE to see - Favorite Villain and Favorite Victim (Vicki wins hands down.  Did it never occur to that poor girl to get the heck outta there? LOL)  Members?

I must say I'm enjoying this forum.  It's a lot of fun and the fans, although not always in agreement, are always respectful of other members opinions.  I can't tell you how rare - and refreshing - that is.

Calendar Events / Announcements '05 I / Re: DS EMMY awards prenominations
« on: January 11, 2005, 07:02:26 AM »
I agree that write-in votes should be allowed and even encouraged.  Even the fictional town of Collinsport existed in a democracy, didn't it?  As a newbie poster and dyed in the wool GH fan going waaaaaay back to Grayson's first appearance in 1967, how can I not vote for Julia and Barnabas as Most Romantic Couple?  It would be a sacrilege, I tell you!!!   Julia was Barnabas's rock, the person he always turned to, and if that ain't love, I don't know what is.  All that huggy, kissy stuff...well, you can find that in any bar in the wee hours of the morning but it doesn't mean its genuine or going to last.LOL.  Julia represented Barnabas's lost humanity and helped him find his way back - and hers as well.  Remember, she didn't start off as a very nice person although, to her credit, she never offed a kid.  Any other old hippies out there who remember the cry "power to the people"?   I do find the list of nominees  pretty complete and thorough aside from this single oversight.  But B/J fans know better and so I humbly suggest that you vote with your heart.    [luv]

Current Talk '05 I / Re: angelique and victoria
« on: January 07, 2005, 06:39:44 AM »
Interesting point - why didn't Cassandra empower Vicki?  From a philosophical viewpoint, perhaps Vicki was intended to represent the television viewer - innocent and mind unclouded by witchcraft.  But there was always one thing that puzzled me about Angelique going all the way back to her life in Martinique.  She had this tremendous power...but she remained a servant????  Angelique had a track record of not being able to reverse curses, she could have used her power to attain wealth but instead chose to chase Barnabas, marry Roger, Skye and even try to force Quentin to marry her.  As far as witches go, I must agree with Nicholas Blair that she just wasn't that skilled in her use of power nor was she terribly smart by failing to use it to better her station in life.  Now, remember, this was the sixties and the writers, except for Violet Welles, were all men.  What was their subtle message?  They created a powerful being, only to have her squander her full potential as a witch.  Maybe they were threatened by strong women so they had Angelique continually screw up and chase men.  Clearly threatened by the surge of feminism that swept the country during that era.  IMHO, of course.  I watched the original run of DS and saw that last run on SciFi with different eyes and a fresh mindset.  It was like watching two completely different soaps.  Any other "oldsters" have a similar experience?

Current Talk '05 I / Re: Is Joe a Collins?
« on: January 05, 2005, 06:30:45 AM »
Joe Haskell isn't a Collins but he is a cousin to Tom, Chris and Amy Jennings.  Hope that clears things up for you. :)

edited by Midnite

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