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Messages - Nelson Collins

On Carolyn's phone:

Logansport Nunnery

Current Talk '08 II / Re: Discuss: '91 Series - Pilot - Part 2
« on: September 22, 2008, 06:38:48 PM »
Okay, my first post was based on notes I made as I was watching the episode, then I to skedaddle off to the country to see my bf for the weekend.

Here are some additional thoughts…

While it stands well enough on it’s own as a piece of late 80s horror, it doesn’t fare nearly as well IMO as a decent prime time soap.  It seems that is what the show was trying to do (be a prime time soap) and in that respect, it fell down in a few important areas for me.

Victoria:  We are treated to an intriguing voiceover from Victoria Winters telling us she “hopes to unlock the secrets of her past.”  Unfortunately, that tantalizing comment is never built upon.  There is a throwaway line from Roger about why a 25yo girl from New York would want to come to Collinsport, but otherwise it’s totally ignored.  I have no problem at all with Carolyn being attracted to Vicki, but I think those scenes would have been put to much better use learning more of Vicki’s story.  Why IS she there?  Where is her family?  Was she raised in an orphanage?  Did she leave friends or a boyfriend in New York?  Sadly, she is there simply because the script says she must be there.  A wasted opportunity.

David:  He is a little monster, apparently carrying out an 80s slasher movie version of “The Sound of Music”.  He’s troubled and his family wants little to do with him for all of Elizabeth’s protests.  David has no scene with any of his family save the one where Barnabas shows up.  The rest of the time he spends with Vicki, which makes me sympathize a little more with David at the expense of the rest of his blood kin.  I noted that by the end of the pilot he seems to have softened quite a bit toward Vicki and no wonder:  No one else seems to want to have anything do with him.  No wonder he’s troubled.  And if one goes by the broadcast version of the pilot, we don’t get even a hint of any backstory to suggest why this is the case.

Elizabeth:  I like Jean Simmons, but Elizabeth is just words on a page to me right now.  She’s given so little to do.  There is just nothing to her.  When Mrs. Johnson laments that she doesn’t know what to do with Willie, Liz just puts her head in her hands.  Argh!  She looked very weak in that one scene and I lost a bit of respect for her.  The head of the family ought to be made of sterner stuff than that (I guess she is the head of the family.  She seems to be the oldest, but there is no dialogue at all in either version to indicate that definitely).  She looks dowdy most of the time, and that one outfit she wore – the black jumpsuit with white dickey and cuffs???  Hideous.  (Oh, and Taeylor, no worries, I didn’t think you were picking on my post in particular, but while I think that Liz might know who most of the town folk are, I am still surprised that everyone she meets in the episode knows her well enough to call her “Elizabeth.” :) )

Roger:  Fares better in the VHS version that the DVD/broadcast version, though, like David, without the extra scene, there is no backstory to even hint how he came to be so cold toward his son.

Carolyn:  Carolyn is apparently a photographer whose career, according to her dialogue, was just taking off in New York when her mother called her home.  I would have expected two New York girls who happen meet in a small town would have talked more about, well, New York.  Again, Carolyn’s and Vicki’s scenes together would have been a perfect opportunity for comparing notes on where they both lived and quizzing Vicki on why she came and building on the mysterious promise of Vicki’s voiceover.  And while, yes, there is a sexual innuendo to her dialogue with Vicki, she seems have the same performance toward her mother, the dude in the dance hall, etc.  This is another reason why she confuses me and puts me off, the signals are very very mixed.

Daphne:  Vampire bait written all over her.  And that is about the extent of her character.  She is the exact kind of character archetype that Joss Whedon would turn on its ear in creating Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

The Collins Family and Collinwood in General:  Unlike the oil empires that are clearly established from the get go on Dallas and Dynasty (the main nighttime soaps I watched at the time), we learn nothing about the Collinses except that they are rich and apparently the big noise in the town that also bears their name.  How did they make their wealth and what keeps them rolling in dough now?  We are never told.  Also, they have a vast estate, but we see no staff but Mrs. Johnson and Willie (and before episode’s end, Willie leaves the main Collins family’s employ to work for Barnabas).  If there is any mystery about why this is so, it’s not mentioned.  If there are parts of the house closed off, that’s not even hinted at.  So we have a huge house and estate and it’s kept in immaculate shape by one old woman and her useless nephew.  Apparently, in New England, large estates with grounds and stables filled with horses take care of themselves.

Mrs. Johnson and Willie:  To paraphrase Mrs. J - all I can say is Mrs. Johnson must be a wonderful woman to take in her brother’s? sister’s? boy and try to get him to turn his life around by getting him work on the Collins estate.  I admire her for that.  Willie, fares better than many of the characters (it seems that the characters that have the most to do with Barnabas get better written that the rest).  As little time as they are seen to spend together, Barn and Willie in a way seem to have a much more intimate relationship than Barn has with anyone else, even Victoria.  I suppose the blood is one reason.  He is Barnabas’ protector during the day and Barnabas must rely on confide things to Willie that he never could to anyone else.  Having said that, he is cartoonish in the extreme:  nasty teeth, greasy, slovenly, a drunkard.  I’ll reiterate from my previous post that Fyfe and Going have a good presence together that made me yearn for a scene in the pick up where they can first connect especially when he meets her in the stable later.  He’s a good actor and does his scenes well: dumb, smarmy, belligerent, and later scared (of being blamed for the attack on Daphne) even terrified of Barnabas, but as Carolyn describes him, harmless.  However, we still have little to indicate how Willie got this way, though I suppose there is enough dialogue to suggest that Liz was doing Mrs. Johnson a favor allowing him to come work there (Who took care of the estate before he showed up???) and that she is either the only family he has left or the only family that will have anything to do with him.  He does seem to have enough affection for his aunt that he seems willing to share his riches with her.  But when she scoffs, he gives his you’ll see when I blow this dump on top of a pile of dough speech.

Last, but not least, Barnabas:  He is obviously, the star of the show and the entire episode, and it seems, the series, is written for him and about him.  Most of the episode leading up to his appearance at Collinwood was just marking time waiting for him to appear.  He’s the center of attention, not only the effing big portrait seen on the first landing of the big staircase, but also on his first visit to Collinwood,  everyone is seated and looking up at him standing in front of the fireplace.

Ben Cross is attractive and generally a good actor, but I sense he was uncomfortable with the way he was directed sometimes.  I expect Barnabas to be courtly, somewhat old fashioned, and polite and charming and he was in the main, but there were times when he sound positively disingenuous (“That is good news” sounds particularly phony) and it makes me think that Cross was told say it that way against his better instincts.  From previous posts and threads, I now know that DC had more to do with the scenery chewing hissing and snarling and gnashing of his teeth, so I don’t blame him for that, nor do I blame him for the way over the top end to the pilot mentioned in my earlier post.  In retrospect, however, those bits do a lot to diminish my respect for the character, and ups the cheese factor of the show.

In my opinion, Barnabas is the focus to the detriment of the rest of the cast and the show itself.  He is billed as its star, but as he is a vampire, his interest in Victoria cannot come to any kind of good end and anyone who is familiar with the standard issue horror clichés knows that the vampire story must eventually come to an end, and a pointy wooden end at that.  An ongoing series cannot keep this story going for long before it becomes repetitive, especially as we have already on a ten scale started off the story close to nine on the gore and gnashing teeth.  There is not much further to go here.

For a pilot for an ongoing series, I feel too little time has been spent so far on developing anyone else's characters and establishing B and/or C storylines to carry the show forward when the vampire story is done, which it must be.  I am wondering if there will be anyone else I am intrigued enough about to want to keep watching.  I am trying to take a never having seen the series approach and hoping that future episodes will round out characters and provide more interesting and varied storylines, but based solely on the pilot, everything is so sharply focused on the vampire love story in general and Barnabas in particular, I don’t hold out much hope that the series can go anywhere after this story is done.

(edited by admin)

Current Talk '08 II / Re: Discuss: '91 Series - Pilot - Part 2
« on: September 22, 2008, 03:51:40 AM »
So I'm quoting myself because I really want to get an opinion about this. I know I'm not crazy and there are two different portraits used!
I know I am jumping ahead.  You are not crazy.  It's never remarked upon in the series.  I think it's just chalked up to a period of time between the filming of the pilot and the green lighting of a season and when the production team started to ramp up either the original prop had gone missing or it was decided  that a head and shoulders portrait of Josette (with an obviously much larger face for the tv audience to see more clearly that Vicki is an almost exact double of Josette) would be more appropriate.  I expect we will rehash this the next time Josette's portrait is seen....  [ghost_grin]

Current Talk '08 II / Re: Discuss: '91 Series - Pilot - Part 2
« on: September 20, 2008, 06:47:26 PM »
Watched the vhs this morning.  Wow, Carolyn again comes across as almost as predatory as Barnabas, especially when (as mentioned upthread) she suggests Vicki ride the horse named Carolyn!! 

Strangely enough, I find that Going and Fyfe have more of a chemistry than Going and Cross.  Willie now is meek and pitiable, but his scenes with Vicki scream for the inclusion of the missing scene of them in the pick up on her first night, where they first connected.  I like how Vicki sticks up for him.  In his way, he's just as much a recalcitrant child as David, and it shows her talent to be able to get on boths good side.  Speaking of David, while he's still cool toward her, he certainly has warmed to her quite considerably.

Roger is a dick and I don't like him right now, maybe he feels justified treating Willie the way he does but still   [ghost_tongue]

Never mind, the basement being open to anyone who anyone who passes by, WTF is up with a friggin' SKYLIGHT shining down on Barnabas' coffin?!?!?!?!?!

Was that bar scene at the Blue Whale?  And "You talk kinda funny."? Surely even the town slut has a TV and has heard people from England talk?

Woof!  Man on man vampire action!  On screen!  At last!  [ghost_grin]

I like Julia a lot. She's very cool and classy.

I am not surprised Elizabeth knows the Doctor but I am surprised she is on a first name basis with Woodard.

Does Joe ever shave??

I can't decide about Barnabas' behavior toward Vicki, he lingers a little too long in kissing her hand and my gut instinct is that he's kind of creepy in an oily lounge lizard kind of way.

I have to admit when Barnabas was talking about Josette and said "an accident!"  I immediately thought of a similar in the Rocky Horror Picture Show and even repeated aloud "An accident!"  [ghost_tongue2]

The portrait of Josette like the portrait of Barnabas, looks very much out of the time it was supposed to have been painted.  She looks too free and voluptuous and frankly a bit wanton, beyond which I think even the French of the time would venture.

Surely if the victim had been floating in the surf for any length of time.  the bloodstains around the neck wound would have washed away long since.....

Okay, am I the only on who thought the idea of moving Daphne to a downstairs room (providing her assailant easier access) an incredibly bad idea?

I agree that the romance seems to be going way too quickly, and find it odd that Barnabas would invite Vicki to dinner.  I mean, what's he going to say when she comments that he's not eaten anything?  Will Vicki just simper when he says her beauty has robbed him of his appetite?  [ghost_smiley]

Poor Barnabas, I love how helpless and pathetic he becomes when he espies Sarah, unfortunately, the mood was broken but the overacted "I CANNOT HELP MYSELF!  MYSELF! Myself... myself....."  It would have been much more effective if it had been played more subtly, but one cannot fault the actor for that, but the director.

Overall, better than part 1 and the two together are better as a whole.

Current Talk '08 II / Re: Discuss: '91 Series - Pilot - Part 1
« on: September 20, 2008, 04:04:16 PM »
Regarding the portrait next to Barnabas others have asked about, is it Joshua?

Current Talk '08 II / Re: Discuss: '91 Series - Pilot - Part 2
« on: September 20, 2008, 03:53:56 PM »
Don't get too attached to the portrait of Josette.   [ghost_wink]

Current Talk '08 II / Re: Discuss: '91 Series - Pilot - Part 2
« on: September 20, 2008, 02:48:19 PM »
Are we really meant to think that no one in the Collins family, even self professed family history expert Elizabeth, has never seen a picture of Josette?  Surely the one in her room at the Old House was not the only painting or drawing ever done of her?

Current Talk '08 II / Re: Prop Project: The Delft Tile Fireplace
« on: September 19, 2008, 04:35:32 PM »
I am guessing Room 24 is not too far away from Room 101 (from Nineteen-Eighty-Four)?[ghost_grin]

Current Talk '08 II / The Dark Shadows Cookbook
« on: September 19, 2008, 01:55:26 AM »
OMG OMG OMG!  Just won this on ebay.  I love cookbooks.  I read them in bed like novels and I am SOOOO excited to be finally adding this on to my collection!!!!  *does a snoopy dance*  [ghost_grin]

Current Talk '08 II / Re: Moving Barnabas' coffin around in 1897
« on: September 18, 2008, 08:02:21 PM »
Actually, I'm envisioning a DS version of Changing Rooms..... [ghost_cheesy]

Current Talk '08 II / Re: DS Redux: Your Vision?
« on: September 18, 2008, 05:45:47 PM »

In the early OS, there was another town near Collinsport called Logansport where Burke was trying to purchase a competing cannery, if I'm not mistaken.  I've often wondered if a new series might include the Logansport and Logan family as a rival fishing empire - maybe even a Romeo/Juliet love story between the two families.

Current Talk '08 II / Re: Discuss: '91 Series - Pilot - Part 1
« on: September 18, 2008, 01:12:37 PM »
the Collinses don't know how many rooms are in their family home. 
Carolyn: I'll have my staff get back to you on that....

Current Talk '08 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0632
« on: September 17, 2008, 05:17:19 PM »
Cynical ole me thinks that the occasional extral long recaps are due to the writer's not being able to come up with enough material for those episodes in question!  [ghost_cheesy]

Current Talk '08 II / Re: Discuss: '91 Series - Pilot - Part 1
« on: September 17, 2008, 03:35:05 AM »
A gentle reminder - [spoiler]Barn's stylishly overexposed coffin and Carolyn's slutty dancing at the Blue Whale are in the 2nd half of the pilot...  [ghost_wink][/spoiler]

I suppose Liz could have been schooled in England.  England does seem to play a part in the extended version of the pilot part 1 (Liz going to England to get David, for example) but unless she was practically born and reared there (which also is possible) and her parents spoke with English accents, (which is moving us into increasing improbability since neither Roger nor David have any hint of an accent) I'd say it's far more likely the accent is an affectation, which really just doesn't seem, well, Liz, if you know what I mean.

Speaking of improbability, as often as the modern Collinses seem to have spent time in England, it starts to get even more odd (or sloppy) that they they knew nothing of an English branch of the family and therefore it makes Barnabas' story even flimsier.

Current Talk '08 II / Re: Discuss: '91 Series - Pilot - Part 1
« on: September 17, 2008, 12:27:52 AM »
[Mame]Well, when you're from Illinois, you have to do something.[/Mame]