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Messages - Heather

Calendar Events / Announcements '07 I / Some FridArt...
« on: June 16, 2007, 06:42:29 PM »
...instead of GraysonArt, this time.  ^-^

Wanted to share a piece I just finished. The assignment was to do a very stylized portrait in Adobe Illustrator (vector art)....I've done Grayson in various incarnations and mediums for a few classes, so I thought, time to try to do Barnabas...

Just for compare/contrasting's sake, here's an example of something I did in the same program that was supposed to look more realistic, not so stylized...

I suppose I'm more of a traditional artist, but the day I finally learned how to use the pen tool (sorry, more geeky Illustrator tech talk) opened up a different world for this nut. ;)
I've got a bunch more stuff I want to share, but it's not DS-related, so I gotta get busy one day with updating/tweaking my website...

Heather H.

Calendar Events / Announcements '07 I / Re: Happy Birthday to Nancy!
« on: June 14, 2007, 06:55:04 PM »
Happy Belated Birthday Nancy...sorry I missed it.... xo

Many hugs,

Calendar Events / Announcements '07 I / Re: Happy BDay to Sandor!
« on: June 05, 2007, 10:12:04 AM »
Belated Happy Birthday Sandor dahling...


Hope you had a good one... :-*

Calendar Events / Announcements '07 I / Re: Happy Birthday, Heather!
« on: June 01, 2007, 03:38:29 AM »
Thanks all... xo

(My DVD Capture software no longer works, so there will be no SIHH or TNOTI captures this year...)  :'(

OMG - darling, what happened?!  :o  I just checked. Mine still works...

...ignore the calming green portion of my desktop  ^-^ And no, I didn't snap one of Grayson/Julia slightly grinning on purpose.... ;) :-*

Many thanks...

being the stubborn/busy art major that i am, I spent the entire day/week working on final projects, believe it or not. No time for a celebration unfortunately (unless you count the moment when I watched a few DS episodes and my Pepe doll offered to make chocolate martinis......j/k), but I really appreciate the birthday wishes...


Current Talk '07 I / Re: Julia and Dave?? What was their past. ?
« on: May 12, 2007, 05:58:42 PM »
Let my point be clear . .I don't think she was any sexual provocateur either . .I think she would've tried it out of curiosity, dismissed it as stupid/barbarian/insane and moved on.  I don't think she had 'experience' as a seductress or anything like that--she saw flirting as a way to an end. . . so she used it.  She probably stumbled upon it by accident since she was so piqued about being dismissed by so many (professors) due to her gender.  Or maybe her mother was kinda trampy . . . >:D  and she saw how it helped her Ma out. .

I stand corrected. Intriguing theories...

I just wanted to say that I wasn't trying to infer that you thought Julia was a seductress, but that I agree that she was unlikely a virgin. I'd also imagine she read a few books in her time too about...various subjects.
Even in my most wild fanfic brainstorms [well, the ones where I've kept Julia in character ::rolling eyes at self::] I also don't see Julia as the type who would have used sex in such a way [okay I've written my fair share of B&J smut, but that's a totally different subject... >:D], but yeah the flirting factor was definitely there. We all have theories about her background, but I see her as someone who did what they could to pull themselves out of the life they grew up with, very goal oriented, determined, stubborn, she fell back on her studies and pursuits as a means to survive, and make something of her life. Her work became, and was, her life. If flirting and flattery helped now and then along the way, there you go...

well we just don't know in this made up fictional universe. . . :P
But come hell or high water I'm determined to find out... ;) Futile quest I know, but now my creative writing gears are turning...
be afraid J99, be very afraid.   ;D  :-*

Current Talk '07 I / Re: Julia and Dave?? What was their past. ?
« on: May 10, 2007, 06:14:25 PM »
She did know how to flirt, she did so mercilessly with Barn and a bit with Dave--but that was to keep or get control of the situation.

Julia does have her witty, smart and somewhat evil side. Which is why I luv her.  ^-^
I'll always remember the scene where Julia flashes dave some leg as she attempts to get him off her trail so to speak, and he looks at her and says: "....are you sure this isn't another tactic to keep me quiet?"  >:D
Okay, I took that partly out of context, but still...

But then again I argued controversially on the JuliaList that Julia was NOT a virgin. . . Why did I or do I believe that?  People cited as proof positive of virginity that she had some quite awkward moments with Barn. . I say "hey I didn't say she had a good lover. . just that Dr Julia Hoffman was too curious about stuff to not try it once

I have to agree. I just don't see Julia as a virgin. No freakin' way....
But as you might guess, I've read the arguments for both sides of that hot topic [cough]. I think its an interesting fodder for fanfic either way though. Hey, I'm a gemini...I have two minds about a lot of things... >:D

I've read fanfic that cast medical-school Julia and Dave as lovers, but re-watching quite a bit of their storyline last year, I don't feel that it really adds up in how their story was played in Canon.  I think Julia may have intimidated Dave a bit just because she was so brilliant.

Omg - yes!

She was also extremely caustic and short-tempered (except for when she put on the Niceness Wig when she was trying to get something out of somebody, such as Liz).

So was this the real ticket to her staying at Collinwood? Did Liz and Julia play 'catch the wig' after hours at the big house?

I do think that Dave's death was a horrible turning-point for Julia... in the ORIGINAL '67 storyline.  "You no longer have any friends, Julia," rang hideously true for her.  I don't think we need to presume a former romantic attachment between them to explicate the horror she feels at her implication in Dave's death.

I can see how some might think that romantic sparks may have occurred between Dave W. And Jules way back, and everyone is entitled to their own opinion and whatnot, but after some deep soul searching [cough] I personally don't see it either. In fact, I wrote a story a couple years ago touching on this subject in a sense...basically I had this wild idea that Julia had a discrete and brief affair with an older doctor/mentor when she was a resident; and a controversial incident surrounding that cemented Dave and Julia's friendship...
The rest is on the JuliaList.  :-X

But then, as some wag of the 18th century once wrote, "la donna e mobile" (really explains nothing but is a very pretty conceit).

I learn something new every time i read the posts over here...rock on G, and all.
Okay, back to work... xo

"Willie didn't like the idea that there was going to be a female in the house on a regular basis because it meant he and Barnabas could no longer...crack jokes about tweed suits."

J-C, John, darling...we missed ya, lots. xo

Many thanks to everyone else who post captions too...twisted laughs are much appreciated

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: *** Big Changes Ahead ***
« on: May 01, 2007, 08:26:33 PM »
I know how complicated web stuff can get so - tipping my hat to you all. Everything works for this Mac user so far (in Firefox, Netscape, and Safari... no, I didn't try it in IE - I obliterated that infuriating browser from my machine a looooong while ago)

Julia and the contents of her little black medical bag...nuff said.  ;D

Current Talk '07 I / Re: Art Gallery on DSBoards?
« on: April 27, 2007, 05:46:44 AM »
Sorry sweet Midnite....I just read this whole thread and cannot resist making a comment here (will do my best to keep it DS related ;)). Feel free to whip me if need be... [13]

[coughing] The interesting thing is - I love this shot of Julia in the series. It's when Barnabas first sees the sassy redhead's new "haircut." Yummy...Love it.
 I just want to say that, after drawing the goddess Grayson I don't know how many times, practice with good ole graphite makes perfect. ;)
And of course, if anyone is interested in seeing some beautiful photos and reading about the complex actress who played our beloved Dr. Hoffman, remember to check out:
That is, if you haven't already bought and read this fantastic book yet...I mean, who hasn't?  8) >:D

[occasion15] Belated Happy B-day! Sorry I missed it...[occasion15]


Why MB...Happy birthday, dahling!

Let the party begin...


Calendar Events / Announcements '07 I / Re: OT: Artwork/New site
« on: April 08, 2007, 12:22:59 AM »
Wow - Thanks MB [blushing] :-*

If you're not getting enough feedback, it may be because if someone sees work that looks professional, he/she may categorize the artist as someone who's been a professional for years, in other words, someone who doesn't really necessarily need support or encouragement.    That's the impression I formed.

um...I was just passing along some news.  ???
I wasn't intending to sound desperate for feedback. If I came across that way, I am sorry...