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Messages - joe integlia

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Current Talk '10 II / Re: Dancing with the Dark Shadows Stars!
« on: January 05, 2011, 02:12:10 AM »
the obvious choice would be quentin and pansy faye since they already danced on an episode that inspired the recording "I WANNA DANCE WITH YOU"

did anyone else notice that Depp is wearing a Barnabas style BLACK ONYX RING in 1 scene of THE TOURIST?

Calendar Events / Announcements '10 II / Re: THE D.S. STUDIO TODAY
« on: November 26, 2010, 03:16:01 AM »
it worked for 1 picture but when i tried a 2nd picture it was a no go.

Calendar Events / Announcements '10 II / Re: THE D.S. STUDIO TODAY
« on: November 26, 2010, 03:10:50 AM »
l will try posting the pics again using a desktop but still using windows 7

Calendar Events / Announcements '10 II / Re: THE D.S. STUDIO TODAY
« on: November 24, 2010, 06:41:42 AM »
yes attachments.  tried twice with no luck. im using a laptop with the new windows 7 so maybe that has something to do with it.

Calendar Events / Announcements '10 II / THE D.S. STUDIO TODAY
« on: November 24, 2010, 06:21:55 AM »
I went to NYC today for a taping of DAVID LETTERMAN. I was not far from where the DS studio was so i went there. the WENDY WILIAMS show tapes there now. i took a few picture but could not post them here. posting pictures here is always a frustrating challenge. so they are on my facebook page. i looked for any evidence like fans writing on the brick wall outside but there was nothing.

as far as i can remember, the only convention he attended was the 1st MANHATTAN SHADOWS convention. i have a vague memory of him being scheduled to attend a festival but he was a no show. however, i could be wrong about that.

thanks for the birthday wishes.

i have a brief interview with him on my youtube page. go to

happy birthday taeylor

a fellow ds fan just emailed me with some interesting news. she ordered the FRID 1 MAN SHOW DVDS from FRID'S website. The dvds arrived from a LAW OFFICE IN PHILADELPHIA! no doubt the same law office that sent me the CEASE + DESIST order! this just tells me that the lawyer is a fan or this letter was generated by a fan who works there. i believe it would be pointless to ask the lawyers permission to sell dvds with FRID in them. why would they grant permission? He or she is obviously involved in the distribution of DVDS and would just see my DVDS as competition.

Calendar Events / Announcements '10 II / KATHRYN L. SCOTT ON TV
« on: September 12, 2010, 06:53:50 PM »
K.L.S. is in a new tv commercial for CAPITAL ONE credit cards. i have the video on my facebook page.

i doubt frid knew about it at all. however i did announce it here and someone reported earlier that frid comes to this board but i doubt it. there are fans out there that have nothing better to do but report these things to the stars to better themselves with the stars and to spoil the fun for the rest of us.

only a few people purchased the 2008 festival and that was even after favorable reviews by david nahmod in "scary monsters" and other magazines.

absolutely not. only a handful of people purchase the festival videos from me.

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