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Messages - Gerard

And don't forget that great classic film that had vampires in westerns, 1959's Curse of the Undead. 


Yup, Bob, Part III was, shall we say, not a cinematic gem.  Having Coppola's untalented daughter playing a pivotal role certainly didn't help.  When she got it while in crossfire and succumbed, I thought the audience was going to applaud.

I would find it interesting if Barnabas, when asked about watching the latest chill flicks hitting the theaters, would respond:  "I don't like those kinds of movies.  I'm into westerns myself."


And The Godfather, another movie I can watch again and again, along with Part II.  I will admit, though, I tried to watch the entire Avatar and never could.  I tried four times with a totally open mind.  I tried, I really tried.  I really, really tried.  Four times.  I never could get through the whole thing.  I guess it just wasn't my cup of tea, but please don't be upset if you're a fan because I did try.  I really, really tried.  I did.  Four times.  I swear.


Calendar Events / Announcements '24 I / Re: Happy Birthday, Annie!
« on: February 13, 2023, 01:50:55 AM »
Annie!  It's your birthday!  Are you celebrating big?  Well, you better be!  Why?  Because it's your birthday!
 [Jumping Bunny]


When I met him at the Brooklyn 2003 Festival, he was so friendly and generous with his time.  He took an actual interest in us, talked about Falcon Crest with my one friend, and posed for several pictures with us.  He never hurried us along.  He's a true gentleman.


My favorite episode is when they're trying to figure out Thanksgiving and they drive past a turkey farm hearing them gobbling:  "Apocalypse!  Apocalypse!"


She looks more like Joan Crawford (or Faye Dunaway as Joan Crawford) than Joan Bennett.


Calendar Events / Announcements '24 I / Re: Merry Christmas To All/ot
« on: December 23, 2022, 02:15:19 AM »
Ho, ho, ho!  And everyone enjoy the big Christmas storm if you can and be safe!


I and my best friend saw Black Christmas in the theater when we were high school seniors.  It really and truly creeped us out (especially the end) and it wasn't until Halloween four years later that were so completely creeped out again.


I really, really enjoyed it.  As I said earlier, I had no intention of watching it (initially I thought it would be only on the streaming AMC network, not the cable/satellite one).  I was surprised to see it was going to air on the "normal" channel right after TWD (which I started watching again since it was coming to an end and I wanted to see how the world ends), and - even though still skeptical - I viewed the pilot which blew me away.  That's all it took and I was hooked.  It's like that summer day in 1966, as a nine-year-old, after watching some game show on Channel 11, there was this add with spooky music for some soap opera that was coming on "right after these messages."  I stayed with that one for five years.


Calendar Events / Announcements '24 I / Re: Another Use of Barnabas Name
« on: November 11, 2022, 09:51:27 PM »
I'm sure, in time, people will think that character's name was "Barnabus" or "Barnaby."


Current Talk '24 I / Re: Happy 50th Anniversary, Night of Dark Shadows
« on: November 11, 2022, 09:48:53 PM »
I remember them like it was yesterday.  Once again where have the years - the decades - gone?  I also remember the long-gone AOL DS message board where many from here also posted.  It did, like all other AOL message boards, have troubles with trolls.  There was one odd fellow who followed Heidi Klum as a goddess and, naming her "our lady," he made various prophecies how she was going to take over and rule the world.  Now that could've been a DS storyline.


Bob -

Way back in the '90's, I ordered some VHS tapes from them and there were no problems at all - but then we're talking 30+- years ago.  I even contemplated buying the entire VHS series collection in one, fell swoop, but there was no information in the catalogues on how much it would cost (other than the price of individual tapes).  So I called them (remember when people talked on phones? - how untrendy) and asked and the guy I spoke to said:  "I have no idea what the price would be.  You're the first person who's ever asked about buying the whole series."  He said he would find out and get back to me.  For whatever reason, in the end, I didn't do it, and I have no memory as to why - it wasn't whatever price was eventually quoted to me; back then, I could've afforded it. 


Current Talk '24 I / Re: For Dark Shadows, I'm Ed McMahon
« on: November 01, 2022, 02:12:01 AM »
I've convinced several people to play PCH, Bob, and some - still skeptical thinking it's a total scam and sham - gave it a shot and ended up winning.  They didn't get huge jackpots - ten bucks here, five bucks there and even a twenty, and would win later again.  One won ten bucks the second time she played.

I would figure that Roger would be the only one to (secretly) play various sweepstakes, such as the Irish, and do a bit of gambling, since big sis Liz held the purse strings, so he hoped to become financially independent.


Current Talk '24 I / For Dark Shadows, I'm Ed McMahon
« on: October 31, 2022, 01:10:30 AM »
I think I've mentioned somewhere in passing here that I'm a loyal PCH (Publishers' Clearing House Sweepstakes) player - you know, the one that gives away $7,500 a week for life along with lots of other prizes.  It's free and when, once upon a time, players had to fill out all sorts of paperwork and mail it in (they still do that for those who prefer it that way), most now just go on-line, register, and start playing.

One of the ways to win is to earn tokens which can then be used to bid on various prizes (one can also just automatically win something).  To date, I've won over $1,700 playing PCH (yes, people do win).  There are several ways to win tokens.  One is through "quizzes," where one answers questions on all sorts of topics. 

Just recently, one of the quizzes was "Can You Finish the Name of This Soap Opera?"  I guess you know where this is going.  Of course, one of the slides had a picture of the fang-baring Barnabas with the question:  Dark _____. 

And then they have something called slideshows.  It's just ten things concerning certain topics, such as "Interesting Egg Dishes From Around the World."  In honor of Halloween, there have been plenty  about sundry spooky things, including "Famous Vampire Movies and Shows."  Yes, one slide had DS, but - get this - the 2012 movie with Johnny Depp, although it did say that while he played Barnabas, it was based on the TV show with a mention of Jonathan Frid originating the role. 

Last but not least, I also saw an MSN slideshow listing movies that had important scenes after the final credits rolled.  (Think the scene of the guy in the taxi following the end credits in Airplane which was included in the list.) To my shock and pleasant surprise, it listed HoDS stating that the staked-and-redead Barnabas changes into a bat and flies away allowing for, as the slide stated, a sequel.

You never know where we're going to pop up.
