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Messages - DStoDA

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Current Talk '03 I / Re:1970 program announcement
« on: June 06, 2003, 04:36:03 AM »
Man, the leviathans weren't that bad. I guess its becuz we watch 2 DS episodes a day and it goes by twice as fast as in 1970. Seriously, if you were a "real" soap viewer, you would never stop watchin your soap in sucha short time and the leviathans were on for like 4 months and it did get better as they showed less of the antique shop and more of the main characters. It's sad that so many people just gave up on DS. Patience is a virtue - (that was so trite but i had to say that)


Current Talk '03 I / Re:HODS/NODS Q
« on: June 04, 2003, 05:50:32 AM »
I do prefer NODS mainly because it didnt have blood as HODS did. So many people died in HODS. HODS was just a horror movie and i dont see why ppl say NODS was bad. This is the first time ive seen people say good things about NODS. NODS had such a good twist at the end, too.

NODS prbably wont get restored until they find the missing HODS scenes...and I doubt that will ever happen. But, I'm still hoping for a miracle. If the studios wanted a 93 minute movie, they should have had the decency to tell DC. 

I waited 3 hours to see at least 20 seconds of DS recognition and after waiting till almost the end of the special, the soap section finally comes on and DS gets about.....2 seconds of screen time. Yasmine Bleeth even got more screen time. All they showed was one second of the DS opening title and one second of old barnabas. I am mad.

Current Talk '03 I / Re:e true hollywood story
« on: May 17, 2003, 12:24:33 AM »
It makes you wonder what was going on behind the set that the actors dont want you to know. I'm thinkin that there were some affairs goin on!!

Current Talk '03 I / Re:Leviathan....the beginning of the end?
« on: April 12, 2003, 05:38:04 PM »
The writers had a golden opportunity for some real soap opera with the return of Paul Stoddard.  If they had allowed for that to be separate from the Leviathan plot, it may have been better off.
They could have built up suspense and made the return of Paul Stoddard a big explosion.  They focus too much on the supernatural and stir away from elements that make a soap opera a soap opera.

Current Talk '03 I / Re:Leviathan....the beginning of the end?
« on: April 11, 2003, 06:10:19 PM »
I agree that the cancellation of DS was not because the ratings. I cant see why ABC would want DS gone if it was the #3 ABC soap. Why would ABC affiliates drop it? It was still a successful show! 16 million viewers is still a good number considering that it is daytime. I read somewhere that DS reached 20 million viewers and was ABC's #1 soap in June of 1969. The ratings at the end of 1897 were probably down because the writers made the mistake of stretching it for 8 months. Now, what kind of soap viewer would want a show to drag on that much.

Dan Curtis must have been tired of the show and i dont think it would be successful if he sold it to ABC (like most ABC soaps at that time.) But, he should have finished the story in the present day 1971 and solved all the mysteries  like Vicki's parents.

Its funny how we are on the topic of Cancellation. I had a dream last night that DS was cancelled because Sam Hall and Gordon Russell were having fights. kinda crazy.

Current Talk '03 I / Re: More than one Sci Fi channel?/OT
« on: February 05, 2003, 12:46:45 AM »
I've been trying to get my friend to watch DS but she claims that it wasnt on. she told me it was the scifi channel but it didn't look like it was DS.

Robservations / Re: Robservations #776-777 - 1/22/03 - Sad Demise
« on: January 23, 2003, 02:49:05 AM »
Three words.........I....... HATE........TRASK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He is the one resposible. If it wasnt for him, Tim wouldnt have tried to kill Minerva, Rachel wouldnt have tried to hide Tim, Rachel wouldnt have gone to the lil ol' shack, she wouldnt have gotten bittten, and finally she wouldn't have gotten shot.
Its also Barnabas' fault! IT seems like he didn;t listen to Dirk's warnings. As a vampire, he can do so much more powers that he used in 1967 (appearing from place to place) that he hardly uses anymore. Shame on him.  

I forgot to set my tape that day so it looks like i missed out some good episodes. Robin, Do you have any pictures of the dream? It would be great if you could post some.

Current Talk '02 II / OT(sorta) Port Charles
« on: December 30, 2002, 11:15:31 PM »
I was just wondering if anyone happend to catch the 1 hour special episode of Port Charles. I thought it was really good and reminds me of DS.  The whole Caleb vampire thing is totally Barnabas. It has many qualities DS has except those priceless bloopers. Anyways, just wondering.

Current Talk '02 II / Re: OT>ABC Soaps
« on: December 01, 2002, 02:02:28 AM »

...The earliest renditions of the Marick mausoleum used pieces of the Collins mausoleum, and when the Marick family home, Wildwynd, was first introduced, they used an exterior shot of Lyndhurst Castle a.k.a. Collinwood in House of Dark Shadows. As if that weren't enough, a secret woman hidden away in an upstairs bedroom, at first believed to be a ghost, turned out to be Dimitri's first wife, whose name was Angelique! It was almost as if the writers were slyly paying homage to DS.

That's interesting! Everytime I see the interior set of Wildwynd and the Marick Mausoleum, it reminds me of Collinwood. I read somewhere that Ryan's Hope used the studio. I guess AMC did too. I think Montel is taped there now.

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Great episodes today
« on: November 24, 2002, 05:09:43 AM »
Have you noticed how Nancy's face looks a little bit chubbier since the 1897 storyline started? It seems to make her face look bumpy. Plus she is light skinned. (In NODS, she looks tanner.) I was watching a color episode today that i found on one of my tapes that was just after Vicki came back from 1795. Carolyn wants to go on a date with Tony, but Barnabas summons her and Tony thinks he sees them kissing. She looked beautiful.

Diana Millay looks bumpy too.

KLS looks better now than in the EARLY bw eps.  

Hey Dee! I think I've seen your website before.

Current Talk '02 II / Re: ENTERTAIN EXERCISM
« on: October 20, 2002, 06:46:00 PM »
Prof. Stokes of course!
He has stronger will power. Rev Trask thought he was so powerful when he tried to exorcise Vicki but was such a wimpy man when he faced Barnabas.

Current Talk '02 II / Re: IN _______ WE TRUST?
« on: October 20, 2002, 06:39:55 PM »
Definately Mrs. J. She aint stupid like Maggie. She's probaly one of the smartest people in Collinwood.

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