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Messages - Heather

Current Talk '04 I / Re: Humor on Dark Shadows
« on: June 11, 2004, 03:06:00 AM »
The introduction of Mrs. Johnson was hilarious. We first met her in the diner after Bill Malloy was killed, and she ordered coffee from Maggie. Maggie tried to talk her into ordering a sandwhich and Mrs. Johnson went on and on about the mayonnaise being fresh; she always made her own fresh mayonnaise, Maggie tried to assure her that the mayonnaise was fresh. Well eventually Maggie brought out the sandwhich - Mrs. Johnson took one bit out of it, made a face and put it down.

LMAO! That was especially funny considering Mrs. Johnson's cooking abilities (or lack thereof) later on...  ;)

I love that film, too. I saw that for the first time a few years ago, before I started watching DS or knew of Grayson or anything...Judith's one of best parts of the story, IMO.  And yeah, it does get better with each viewing. I just adore her facial expressions and snappy remarks...  ;)   :)

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: ** Conversion Day Is HERE! **
« on: June 02, 2004, 01:16:00 AM »
And actually, I'm glad you called this to my attention because otherwise I wouldn't have opened the forum using IE and noticed that there seems to be a problem with the way the news is displaying in IE. In IE it looks like this, but in Netscape and other browsers it looks like this. Is everyone using IE seeing the news as small, pale green lettering rather than the way it should look?!

Well MB...I'm operating off of an eMac, BTW...  I normally use Netscape, and I haven't noticed any problems there. I just opened IE to see what's up--the news is exactly as you've stated (small lettering), except for some reason the lettering isn't green, it's black. I don't know if that means anything or not, but I thought I'd mention it. Then again, my Mac has a mind of it's own sometimes, so who knows - LOL   ;)

Calendar Events / Announcements '04 I / Re: OT-The Geek Test
« on: June 01, 2004, 04:16:27 AM »
But imagine my surprise that on a scale of 1 to 8 that ranges from Geekish Tendencies to Dysfuntional Geek, I only rank a 2 - a plain, every day Geek (with a resultant geekiness of only 16.17357%)! And that's even factoring in that I use Linux over Windows!!

I guess this means I let too much real life get in the way of embracing geekiness. I'll have to do something about that!  ;D

But enough about me. Why not see where you rank on the geek-o-meter?  ;)  (And don't kid yourself - the mere fact that you're on your computer reading this forum definitely means that you'll place on the survey somewhere.  :D)

Oh my - I got  26.62722% (!??)  Total geek. Hmmmm...must be all the fanfiction I read...and occasionally write (cough). That, and the Art and computer classes...chuckle. Although I never thought of reading/writing fanfiction as being geeky necessarily (?)--or maybe I'm just happy in my eccentric illusions (LOL). Oh, and I got a kick out of the one phrase:  "I call Microsoft Microshaft." LMAO  ;)   Long day--gave me a laugh. Neat topic.   :)

« on: June 01, 2004, 04:10:40 AM »
Nice research and recollections! Now using the SIX DEGREES (OR LESS) OF SEPARATION from DS and these other serials, I offer these shocking headlines, and then the stories behind them:

Actually, Joel Crothers' character (Miles on The Edge of Night) had a hallucinogenic slipped into his water cooler by movie actress Kim Hunter (who played Zira in 'Apes,' but also portrayed demented Nola Madison on 'Edge'). His freak-out scenes were reminiscent of when Dr. Hoffman prepared to send poor Joe off to Wyndecliff - pass the hypodermic needle, please.

Chortle!!  Interesting topic. Keep those creative juices flowing, Sandor.   ;)  Oh, I gotta kick out of those. Made my day.   :D

Calendar Events / Announcements '04 I / Re:Happy Birthday, Heather!
« on: May 23, 2004, 08:43:37 PM »
Wow!  Thanks so much for the B-Day wishes everyone...I really appreciate it.  :)  Nothing like a birthday on a weekend--yeah! Although unfortunately, due to an odd illness running amuck in my household, as well as a constant workflow I've been having to deal with, it wasn't as grand a day as I would've liked. But, I hope to make up for that in a few weeks--school break baby. Whoo-hoo!  :D

Well, I guess I'm officially de-lurking (better late than never). I've been meaning to post something but between everyday work and school (art major), I just never seemed to get around to it.  ::)  Let me just take a moment to introduce myself---I'm Heather (some may know me from the Yahoo groups); been watching and taping the original DS since the late 1990's (second-generation fan). I like watching the show from the beginning of the series to the end, and I could talk about these delightfully eccentric characters ALL day if I could - LOL (as one of my best friends recently said, I can get exuberant at times). By the way, if anyone's curious--My favorite characters are Julia and Barnabas, respectively. ;) But, they're all good...

I'd also like to extend my thanks to the moderators of this board -- yunz guys (excuse the slang) do a fantastic job!  From the layout to the various
COLOR[/b] schemes, it's a pleasure to browse this site. A treat for both the eyes and the mind.  Keep up the good work!  :-*

Oh--and I absolutely LOVE those montages...and the avatars. Things like that make me smile.   ;D