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Messages - Gerard

Caption This! - Leviathans / Re: Episode #0899
« on: March 29, 2015, 01:57:46 AM »
Elizabeth:  "So, we're still married after all these years.  Am I still covered under your ivison insurance plan?"


Current Talk '15 I / Re: Shhhh....Listen...
« on: March 28, 2015, 05:59:13 PM »
Patti, back in the 90's, when I came home on vacation, I got my parents their very first push-button phone.  They still had a rotary-dial.  Actually, I got them (and they were adverse to "new technology" - my dad called it "fancy stuff") a phone two steps up.  Not only was it push-button, it was cordless.  And it had the speaker-phone option.  I had to teach them how to use it.  My mom was resistant at first - she feared anything new (she almost had a stroke when I bought them a microwave as a present) - but eventually she was able to appreciate it.  She could take the handset into the basement when she did laundry instead of trying to race up the stairs to answer a ringing phone.  When her hands were wet, she could push the speaker button to talk when somebody called.  (And she also came to love the microwave - she couldn't get over making baked potatoes in 12 minutes.) 

I got my first VCR when I was 32.  It was about the same time when the Sci-Fi network ("SyFy") started rerunning DS.  I could tape it and watch it later.  It could tape up to 12 hours of programming on one tape (remember the slow, medium and fast taping speeds?) so when I went on vacation for two weeks, I pre-set it tape all the DS episodes and then watch them in a marathon when I got back home.  I ordered several DS tapes from MPI, including HoDS, NoDS, the documentary (which originally aired on Sci-Fi), the bloopers, the "Best of's...," etc.  I considered purchasing the entire series and I called MPI and asked if there could be a discount if I did so.  The person I talked to said:  "I don't know.  No one has ever wanted to buy it all at one time.  I'll have to ask and call you back."  He did, and I was offered a 20% discount if I did, but, unfortunately, I decided not to.  I still couldn't quite afford it.  I still have a massive tape collection, of professionally made tapes from several topics, to things I taped and saved.  I have classic sci-fi and horror movies that aired on AMC when it a commercial-free, authentic movie classic station hosted by people like Lauren Bacall.  The entire collection fills shelves and shelves I had installed in a huge walk-in closet.  I've archived it all and it's in catalogue order.


Caption This! - Leviathans / Re: Episode #0897
« on: March 22, 2015, 04:07:19 AM »
Jenny's Ghost:  "You're my great-grandson and my husband, well, he, um, and there was my sister and she, well, um...So there was this curse because, um...  Oh, forget it.  Go call that Teresa Caputo woman and she'll tell you whatever you want to hear."


Current Talk '15 I / Re: Shhhh....Listen...
« on: March 21, 2015, 03:25:39 AM »
Cassettes, Mangus?  Oh, you fancy, rich people!  What have you done with your 8-tracks?


Current Talk '15 I / Re: Shhhh....Listen...
« on: March 21, 2015, 12:34:11 AM »
I've got both movies on VCR tapes.  I've still got a VCR player.  A couple times a year, I pop them in and watch them.  VCR, which was all the trendy rage, came after Beta-Max, which was once all the trendy rage.  After VCR and Beta-Max, Laser Disc was all the rage.  This was all before Blu-Ray (which I don't have) which is now all the rage (along with downloading and streaming, which I also don't have).  DVD's were all the rage before Blu-Ray and downloading and streaming.  When I got my first VCR player, it was around the time when CD's were just coming out.  CD's were before LP's.  LP's were the rage with 33 and 1/3's for music along with 45's.  45's were these...oh, never mind.

Gerard  (Who Remembers Rotary Dial Which Was Before Push-Button Which Became - Oh, Never Mind)

Caption This! - Leviathans / Re: Episode #0896
« on: March 20, 2015, 03:24:08 AM »
Julia:  "You're right.  A little spritz of Lysol and that roadkill scent of rabbit is gone.  I need to use it on my various woolen green suits that I wear over and over again."


Current Talk '15 I / Re: Plotlines that ended up going nowhere
« on: March 20, 2015, 03:20:17 AM »
Thank you, Gothic!  That's just what I was talking about.  In the present-time haunting of Collinwood by Gerard and Daphne, there was all this talk and build-up about the Java Queen and how it would play in what happened in the past.  David, falling under the possession of Tad, even had a model of it.  The whole thing went on and on and then...nothing. 


Current Talk '15 I / Re: Plotlines that ended up going nowhere
« on: March 18, 2015, 12:26:01 AM »
The 1970 haunting, pre-1840/41 plot had several more things in it that would deal with 1840/41, but were quickly discarded, such as the whole thing about a sailing ship that was dropped or ignored.


Caption This! - Leviathans / Re: Episode #0894_0895
« on: March 15, 2015, 03:20:36 AM »
Megan:  "It constantly poops, pees, cries and wants to be fed.  It never sleeps.  I just don't think I'm cut out to bring in the new master of Earth.  Oh, by the way, I'm pregnant.  I should be able to handle that."


Caption This! - Leviathans / Re: Episode #0893
« on: March 12, 2015, 01:14:40 AM »
Carolyn:  "You need to realize, Father, if you come back to Collinwood, that we do rather enjoy imbibing.  Hell, wait until you taste one of David's vodka martinis."


Current Talk '24 I / Re: Depp/Burton DARK SHADOWS Is In Release!!
« on: March 08, 2015, 07:42:52 PM »
You're so right, Michael C.  When I first saw it in the theater, with dozens of friends (none of whom were fans of the original or even saw it), all of my friends loved the film.  Afterwards, when we went to eat an Olive Garden, they asked me countless questions about the OS.  They were fascinated.  Some saw the movie again in the theater several times.  They started researching DS.  A couple bought the entire series on DVD.  Those unfamiliar with the series were fascinated by the movie.  It brought them into the DS world.  And yet, fans of the OS - well, some of them - got their grundies in a bundle about it.  They wanted another spooky rendition of the OS.  They want all the inconsistencies of the OS.  They don't want reality to be a part of it (I mean, c'mon, Barnabas is released from his coffin and manages to fit into the 20th century within 48 hours, as opposed to a Barnabas struggling with the difficulties of understanding the 20th century).  It would be a struggle for him - and comedic for us - to see him trying to adapt and understand.  The Burton/Depp version of DS was far more realistic than the DC/OS version (and the '91 version). 


Caption This! - Leviathans / Re: Episode #0893
« on: March 08, 2015, 07:32:53 PM »
Megan:  "God, look how flabby they are.  I'm going on that banana-only diet that's all the rage."


Caption This! - Leviathans / Re: Episode #0893
« on: March 08, 2015, 07:29:15 PM »
David:  "Maggie says its your math workbook from the new common core curricula.  You're expected to excel in calculus by the time you're in the fifth grade."


Calendar Events / Announcements '15 I / Re: DS on Jeopardy
« on: March 07, 2015, 03:27:56 AM »
On a 70's Match Game, the final, $5,000 fill-in-the-blank with Fannie Flagg selected was "dark-blank."  The contestant got it wrong.  Fannie apologized, pulled up her card, and said "shadows."


You're so right, MB.  For Hallmark, the factory churns out movies about 20/30-something meeting her and the 20/30-something meeting him, and then they meet other people but end up together, especially if it's around a holiday.  For SyFy, a bunch of sculpted 20-somethings meet a monster, most of them get killed and then what's left blows it up in a cave or barn.  And don't forget that most of these flics have some has-been actor/actress in them.
