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Messages - Cousin_Barnabas

Even on Gone With the Wind, many sets were finished...  through the special effects wizardry of hand-painted mattes and it all worked flawlessly.

As on the classic Monster Movies of Universal Studios, namely Dracula.

How so, mscbryk?  They only need the first story of the house as the rest is CGI. 

I was really thinking that would be a possiblity, mscbryk.  And I almost included it in my version, but then I did an IMDB search, and she will be introduced in a few films before Dark Shadows.  They have yet to come out, but, if her role is big enough in those, I imagine that an "introducing" credit would be too late for our show. 

Speaking of which, I wonder what the web address for the film will be. is blank now and when you try for a page on the site, it gives you a strange message.  I wonder if WB bought the rights.

Actually, that is not the case anymore.  From the MPAA website:  "Any drug use will initially require at least a PG-13 rating."  "Drug abuse" gets an R rating.

I was thinking that just because Victoria probably won't be the first person we see in the film, it doesn't necessarily mean we would go without some sort of monologue from Victoria.  Assuming she is just recently hired, she could be keeping a diary.  One scene could have her do the voiceover as she is writing the words down in the journal.  Of course, we don't know whether Vicki is just starting or not.  She could have been there for some time, a la Maggie in HoDS. 

I was thinking it would be funny if Vicki was in fact a waitress and Liz hired her to teach David out of the blue, like in the original with Maggie.  It would add to that dysfunctional element of the Collins family.   [ghost_cheesy]

I agree.  And I had a tough time filling that slot, but, wouldn't it be awesome if all of Barnabas's ladies were together?   [ghost_wink]

A distraught, slightly drunken Roger confronts Elizabeth in the drawing room:
"But why turn to WEED, Liz?  Why???"
An arched eyebrow, a disdainful moue of the heavily lacquered lips, a pouting grimace as she turns, gives him a freezing look, and says:  "Because I *choose* to do so."

 [hello] [hello] [hello]

One of the greatest things I have ever read.  Thank you!

Actually, Cousin B, I think your comments about Liz and her pain are very astute and on the mark...  Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

Quote from: Mysterious Benefactor
I agree. That was an extremely perceptive summation of the way Liz felt.  [thumbleft]

Thanks for the kind words.  Yes, my inner-Liz fan is coming out.  I seriously feel that she was one of the best characters ever written for television (in her first year).  

...How the secrets the present day Collinses all apparently have will factor into the plot. I just hope that each secret will be given its due.

I certainly hope so.  It's hard to imagine being able to do all of that in one two-hour film, but if it did happen, it would be the first time ever that we actually got to see the Collins family and Barnabas on an equal playing field, which I believe they deserve to be.  Striking a balance between the first year and the latter years of the show is essential to a good telling.

(And, Cousin_Barnabas, you'll be happy to see that Michelle Pfeiffer gets mentioned but not Eva Green, so Pfeiffer is pulling closer to Green. [wink2])

I AM happy about that.  But, I was actually basing my earlier statement off of what all of the "insiders" were saying, those who visited the studio.  They all seem to mentioned Depp and Pfeiffer more than any other combination.  (Perhaps this is just me notcing Pfeiffer's name more.   [ghost_cheesy])  But, from what I have seen and recall (or want to recall), most mentioned Pfeiffer as opposed to Carter or Green.  So, I was using that as my gauge rather than what the entertainment writers are printing.  

As for the billing, yes, I see a similar thing happening with Liz.  It's been tradition since HoDS.  But, my dream billing would go like this:




Helena Bonham Carter   Eva Green

Jackie Earle Haley Jonny Lee Miller Chloe Moretz Gulliver McGrath Thomas McDonell

Bella Heathcote
Victoria Winters


I expect that we may see something like this:


Eva Green  Helena Bonham Carter  Bella Heathcote


Jackie Earle Haley Jonny Lee Miller Chloe Moretz Gulliver McGrath Thomas McDonell

Michelle Pfeiffer
Elizabeth Collins Stoddard
(It's tradition by now.  [ghost_wink])

LOL, Gothick!  I actually had the same idea (albeit less elaborate), which is why I mentioned that.  But, it's really not something Elizabeth would do no matter how you spin it.  Naomi, possibly, but Liz...  No.  She's way too prideful to let anything take away her pain.  I would see a self-medicating or an addicted Liz as a huge change to the character - whether it was alcohol or other drugs.  It's not something I would put past Burton, but it would totally change the idea of the character in the original and previous film.  Liz kind of enjoyed her suffering.   She did it all alone, and that is what made her so strong and rightfully opinionated about her brother.  A weakened Elizabeth is not star material.  Next to Depp, Pfeiffer is the name everyone is throwing around, so I'd imagine she will receive second billing, so I hope they realize how important it is to keep those two characters in tact for the purpose of the franchise.  Then again, a reinvented Liz couldn't be the worse thing to happen to the film... a reinvented Barnabas would be.  No recreational pot for Barnabas, Burton, k?   [ghost_rolleyes]

I agree 100% with that. Geeks are the first to get excited about a movie, but if they find one thing has been changed from the source material they are up in arms and boycott the movie. I say this a as huge film and comic geek myself, just not to the extreme of boycotting a movie because it doesn’t have a giant squid.

This, from the comments section of the article, also speaks to the Shadows debate.  Clearly a good deal has changed from the original source material.  Then again, considering that the original source material was also "film" and in a lengthy format, it does make sense to make changes.  I'm just really wondering how much of the original Shadows fanbase will "boycott" the film should it be revealed that there are changes.  While I would go see the movie no matter what (Unless Liz is smoking pot.  Then I would not attend this movie. ), if there were MAJOR and unnecessary character and basic plot changes, I would probably start bashing it.  There has to be something familiar about a work in order for it to be considered part of the original - and the characters and their stories are a big part of it.  So far, I have not heard anything I object to...  Burton is using the '70s to capture the "weird" vibe of the film.  It seems like a very good plot device.  Let us hope that this film, in its final incarnation, is true to the original and offers its own unique take.  I think that is all any of us, even the fan purists, can ask for. 

Any bets on the characters partaking?  Probably the extras, but I could see any number of the main cast doing it as well... just not Liz.  At least, I hope NOT Liz. 

It may be in the 35th Ann. book.  Not sure, but I remember reading it about 10 years ago, so I think that may be a good culprit.

MB, I remember seeing that image of Bella before shooting - maybe on FB (?) - , so I don't think it has anything to do with Shadows. 

MB, looks like someone has been reading KLS, as I believe it is mentioned in one of the KLS books that Barnabas is 35 yo, putting his birthyear at 1760, (considering he died in 1795). 


Please, do not speak of such things.  Ben Cross's turtlenecks were even too far!   [ghost_wacko]