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Messages - Heather

Current Talk '04 I / Re: Tom Jennings... YOU ... WILL ... RISE!!!
« on: June 23, 2004, 09:05:32 PM »
As it was, Tom Jennings-vampire finally gave Julia someone besides Barn to lust after; then Julia was Chris Jennings' pusher ("Dr. Hoffman, I need more of those sleeping pills to get through the night"), secret keeper, and hypnotist ("Find the center, Chris...") - and she ultimately saved him from strychnine poisoning (did she apply "mouth to mouth resusciation" in that episode? Go Grayson if so!).

Nope, she didn't.  But, Julia was only dressed in wear at the time (okay, that robe that buttoned all the way up to her neck - chuckle). I think Julia had to take him into the back bedroom of the cottage to treat him, so who *knows* what really happened.   Sigh - no, I don't have a one track mind...LOL!   ;)

Current Talk '04 I / Re: Tom Jennings... YOU ... WILL ... RISE!!!
« on: June 23, 2004, 08:08:19 AM »
Welcome, Heather!  It's great to have another fan of the Divine One on board.

Many thanks Gothick (or can I call you Steve?)  ;)    It's great to see other Julia/Grayson fans here - yeah!  :-*

And Sandor, the TPTB obviously knew they had dynamite in the Grayson/Briscoe duet.  The two play off one another really well.  I sometimes wonder whether Sam might have been a little jealous of DB!  The interaction between the two is often very sweet to watch.

Hey Sandor (sorry for crossing lists here)--I still say you should've had both Chris and Tom in a scene in your story. They never showed them interact on DS...could've been interesting. I wonder how Julia woulda acted. ;) When it comes to fanfic (especially in PT), almost anything goes - LOL. And ya know, I never really thought about it before, but the interaction between Julia and the various men on DS does often have a sweet quality to it. I'll always remember certain affections B&J inferred (if not expressed) to one another (especially near the end of the series), but I have to admit that it would've been interesting if Julia had gotten involved with one of her *other* men at some point beforehand. Could've been an intriguing side story there. Well, there's always fanfic!  ;)  :)

:-*   Grayson's  Legion  Forever !   :-*[/size]

Current Talk '04 I / Re: Tom Jennings... YOU ... WILL ... RISE!!!
« on: June 23, 2004, 07:30:58 AM »
Briscoe would be parading around in bikini briefs.  Now doesn't THAT warm the cockles of your heart???

Are you sure that's the area of your body that it "warms"?  ;D

 :o  LOL!

Well, the quickest way to a man's heart...whoops - sorry, wrong list.  LOL  ;D  ;) 

Current Talk '04 I / Re: Rosemary's Baby and DS
« on: June 23, 2004, 07:16:28 AM »
I finally got around to renting it this past weekend. There were a couple of bits that made me think of DS, notably the use of anagrams.  The most surprising resonance, however, was the due date for Rosemary's baby.  It was June 28, and the year was 1966.  Ring any bells?  btw, the baby wound up being born one day early.

That's too freakin' EERIE...I love it!  LOL

You don't know how much I love that movie [[stifling a squeal]]. A definite favorite at our house.  ;)  I agree with what everyone's said -- it's one of the best Horror classics of all time. I first saw snippets of it when I was little (heck, I was a precocious kid...chuckle), but I didn't see the *uncut* version until much later...just a few years ago in fact (when we finally got TCM around these parts). Damn is that good... another film that gets better each time you see it.  ;)  Ruth Gordon is a RIOT in that (it's almost a running joke at my house--those herbally enhanced cakes and drinks she keeps making. I swear, it almost looks like a mixture of melted vanilla bean ice cream and ranch dressing. [sorry] LOL). And the DS parallels are neat to consider. I had to write a paper on a film recently, almost chose this one...ended up doing "Vertigo". Lotsa DS parallels there too... :)  :D  ;)

p.s. Great topics Gothick... :-*

Calendar Events / Announcements '04 I / Re: Unique DS Reference
« on: June 22, 2004, 05:46:23 AM »
Very interesting indeed. Who woulda thunk it.  :)  And Patti -- LOL...  ;)

Current Talk '04 I / Re: Origins of I Ching Storyline
« on: June 22, 2004, 05:22:43 AM »
I can supply more detailed references, if anyone cares.

I'm interested...

It was a big surprise to me to discover that there was a factual basis for all of this.  I always regarded it as one of DS' wildest ideas!  After reflecting, I'm not surprised to learn that the ultimate origin for this way-out notion is the Great Beast himself, Ali Crowley!  (Grayson staggers and moans, "YOU BEAST!")

LOL!  I was surprised by that too - I could never figure out how they crossed the time traveling idea with the I Ching. Interesting. Thanks for the info!   :)

Current Talk '04 I / Re: Governess Wanted - Anyone Need Apply
« on: June 22, 2004, 05:11:11 AM »
connie, how could you forget david's hostile reaction to vicki when she first came to collinwood?as another poster pointed out, [spoiler]david lured vicki to a closed-off section of the house with the full intention of leaving her there until she died![/spoiler] he was really nasty in those days.

I'm rewatching the 1966 eps right now. He was a bratty kid in the beginning, but I don't know...a part of me always felt sorry for David. Talk about a dysfunctional household. His mother loved him but deep down had alterior motives for his existence; his father wasn't what you'd exactly call loving...David had a lot of issues to work out at young age. It's interesting to see him grow up on the show; adapt to the circumstances surrounding him. As one of my friends once said, the Collinses put the fun in dysFUNctional.  LOL    ::) ;)

Current Talk '04 I / Re: DS - Could It Have Continued To Today?
« on: June 19, 2004, 08:52:20 PM »
Another example of a Collins connection is little Amy Jennings. This kid was feeling it a lot! Someone once called her a 'Moon Child'.  Can any one describe what that means?

Well, one meaning is that she's a Cancer...Astrologically speaking, that is.  ;)
 I'm sure there's more to it than that, though  - LOL.  Among other things, the moon reference is ironic in and of itself....considering her family's history, and the Collins connection, etc. The moon, perhaps, intensified her psychic aura.  ;)

Current Talk '04 I / Re: Tom Jennings... YOU ... WILL ... RISE!!!
« on: June 19, 2004, 08:39:55 PM »

Aww...thanks Jennifer!  It's nice to be here!   :-*

Current Talk '04 I / Re: Tom Jennings... YOU ... WILL ... RISE!!!
« on: June 19, 2004, 02:03:58 AM »
Is it just me, or does anybody else think this is one of the *finest* pieces of, um, dialogue in DS history!

I know Tom Jennings was one FINE man, and he surely was more than just a PIECE.

LOL!! It's certainly one of the most masterful phrases if I've ever seen one...  ;D

I wish there had been a reunion with Julia.  He probably grumbled to Nick, "forget that little governess, I want a REAL WOMAN!!!"

And Julia is all that and then some... :)  ;)

I do love the scene where Julia encounters Chris at the hospital and freaks.  I love Chris' expression as he attempts to soothe her, too.

That is one of the most memorable scenes--really it is. I mean, the last time Julia really (or at least almost) lost it was when Barnabas and her little red notebook threatened her life. Julia had been through so much...her iron-clad will and reserves never cease to amaze me.  :)

p.s. I know I'm new, but I just wanted to say that I always get a kick outta these posts... ;)

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: *** A Karmic Change ***
« on: June 19, 2004, 02:00:20 AM »
Karma has always worked by simply clicking on the words "cure" and "curse" underneath each member's positive and negative totals. There were never any buttons.

Newer members may want to go back and read the beginning of this topic to get a better idea of how Karma works because it doesn't necessarily work the way you might think. In the DS universe we've learned that to be cursed is a good thing, while being cured is not.  ;)

Don't worry, I know how it works (been doing my reading), I was just pointing out....oh nevermind.  LOL  Thanks for fixing that!   :)

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: *** A Karmic Change ***
« on: June 18, 2004, 02:31:18 AM »
Okay, if karma is still I not allowed to cure/curse (cause there's no buttons) :-

I've noticed that too...    ???

Robservations / Re: Robservations 8/29/02 - #626/627 - Murder!
« on: June 15, 2004, 01:21:56 AM »
Wow, what a *hot* photo of a wet and wild wolfboy here.


Some really gorgeous snapshots of the Divine Dr. Julia Hoffman, too... for the Hall-o-holics not-so-anonymous amongst us... Remember, Her fans are LEGION!

She looks great in these episodes!    :-*   And I love her snappy answer: " don't have any responsibilities and you don't WANT any responsibilities, is that it??"  LOL
Julia had a bit of an evil woman moment there...chuckle.  :D

I'm kind of a 'B&J all the way' type, but I must admit, Chris ain't that shabby either...  ;D

And speaking of Oscar nominations, I'd like to nominate a couple of new avatars on here (at least I've never seen them before) as Avatars of the Week.  They crack me up.

Heather's:  The great picture of Julia and the words: "Barnabas, is that a stake in your pocket or...."

Thanks Connie   ;)  As they say on the JList, I am a wench...  ;D

I love the avatars. You guys are so creative -- I let out a little snort when I saw yours, Midnite. Too funny...

And J99 is right, Connie -- you need a nice little caption under your avatar. Something like, "So many men, so little time," or have him whisper to her "Let's slip outta these clothes and into a warm brandy..."  Or something to that effect. LOL

Hey RJ -- NIIIIIICCCCEE picture!! It might've gotten squished a wee bit vertically on your avatar (just a tiny, tiny bit; not much), but it looks great!  Appropriate caption...I like it a lot.
   :)   ;)

And it is galling when you go to a movie summary book (Leonard, Roger, any of 'em) that everyone is mentioned in the summary but the actress who initiates the action and was nominated for the Oscar. . .

Yeah...they hardly acknowledged her on TCM either (during the little intro and outro to the film). :(

Well, they DID mention her name at the very end... saying that Burton wasn't nominated for an Academy award, but the tough cookie played by Grayson Hall was (lol).   ;)