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Messages - Joeytrom

When Eve goes back in time (played by Marie Wallace), I tend to think the characters there see her as looking like Erica Fitz (like in Quantum Leap).  

The DS producers probably thought it may have been confusing for the audience to see Erica Fitz playing Danielle Roget in 1795.

Current Talk '02 II / Re: How much longer will this go on????
« on: August 08, 2002, 02:04:04 AM »
This story goes on and on...and there is no point to it at the end.

At least 1795 and 1897 had there moments.

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Dark Shadows Closing Credits
« on: August 08, 2002, 02:01:19 AM »
In the end credits, I noticed that Mitchell Ryan was always billed first, though without any special title, (or second when JB was on) until he left.  Anthony George was given the same treatment.

It was unusual to see Victoria Winters credited like the regular cast when Betsy Durkin and Carolyn Groves played the role (even though neither of them warranted special billing anyway).

I always thought it so late in the series to give Jonathan Frid special billing.  By the episodes Sci Fi is showing, he is clearly the star of the show.

Has All MY Children ever had Langley die off camera (due to the death of Louis Edmonds) or is he mentioned at all anymore?

Current Talk '02 II / Re: What if Hoffman had been a dude?
« on: August 02, 2002, 07:36:33 PM »
In the Maggie Kidnapping story, Dr. Woodard refers to Dr. Hoffman as a man.  The intent was to have Hoffman discover Barnabas and Barnabas would eventually kill him (probably after his cure failed).  Burke and Dr. Woodard most likely would have staked Barnabas following that.  Perhaps, due to the appearance of Sarah, they originally intended Barnabas' spirit to reunite with Sarah and be at peace.

There are times where Burke is on to Barnabas (he sees him enter the old house at dawn and not leave, he hears the music box in relation to Maggie telling him about a "soft, tinkling sound" in her mind).  At this point, the Seaview Cottage plot is briefly introduced, which could have been a follow up story after Barnabas is killed.

When they had Grayson Hall cast as Julia Hoffman in place of the male Hoffman, it looks like they were going on as originally planned. When Willie is blamed for Maggie's kidnapping, the story change was probably made and the Seaview plot discarded as well as the death Of Dr. Hoffman (and probably Willie too).

They had to kill off Barnabas' protaganists (Burke and Dr. Woodard) for him to remain on the show.  A total reversal of what they originally intended.

A male Dr. Hoffman would either:

a.) Been an end to the Barnabas story

b.) have Barnabas still kill him and Barnabas would remain on the show...though alone with no one else to help him.  This may have led to the addition of yet another new character for him to play off against

Actually, Ben Cartwright's first wife (the mother of his son Adam) was named Elizabeth Stoddard!

Current Talk '02 II / The DS Announcer
« on: July 31, 2002, 04:33:00 PM »
Does anyone know why he stopped doing the voiceovers for actor replacements or the end credit "DS is a Dan Curtis production"?

When Dr. Woodard was replaced with Peter was a different announcer saying it and after that they used the DS cast members.

Did they have another announcer doing the commercial breaks?

Calendar Events / Announcements '02 II / Dark Shadows Movie News!!!
« on: July 20, 2002, 01:44:37 AM »
From the Sci Fi Cahnnel Website:

Dark Shadows Lurks Again?

Dark Shadows creator Dan Curtis confirmed that he is developing a new big- screen version of his gothic soap opera, according to TV Guide Online. "We are working on making that happen," Curtis told the site. "We have people who are interested in providing financing, and we're having lots of conversations."

Curtis added, "Will it happen? I can't say, but it's a possibility. Do you want to hear something funny? We'd heard for ages that Johnny Depp always wanted to play Barnabas Collins, so we checked into it, and lo and behold, depending on the script, it is something that he'd like to do." He continued, "I'd also very much like to work with [screenwriter] Steven de Souza, and we've had a lot of fun talking about it. Dark Shadows has an undying audience. The show never goes away. It's running on SCI FI Channel, and 40 episodes were recently put out on a four-disc DVD set. I understand they sold out within days and [Mpi Media Group] had to go back for a second printing. Never in my life did I imagine that the show would still be around."

Current Talk '02 II / Re: A Family full of incesters
« on: July 18, 2002, 07:54:11 PM »
Is is true about Laura, of course Roger doesn't have any idea about it.  Though, one would think he would know who his grandparents were.  Perhaps Edward remarried and his second wife was remembered as the grandmother.

As for Laura, maybe when she is reborn to some unsuspecting couple every thirty years or so, she is a "new" version of Laura Murdoch and not necessarily the same one who lived and "died by fire" before.  That would remove the incestuousness of Roger and Laura's marriage.

Current Talk '02 II / Re: "Born in Martinique in 1774"
« on: July 08, 2002, 01:43:48 AM »
There is a scene in Angelique's Descent where she is travelling via stagecoach to Collinsport.  She is looking out at the land and gets the feeling that she was there before...something about it looked familiar.  This is a possible reference to her past life as Miranda.

Isn't Lara Parker now writing a new novel about Angelique and Judah Zachary?  Perhaps this will set right the continuity problems with Miranda and Angelique.

Though, I believe that Angelique is a reincarnation of Amanda also.


Current Talk '02 I / Re: David and Barnabas
« on: May 30, 2002, 09:01:32 PM »
Maybe Timothy Gordon could have played Burke after Anthony George left and there would be no plane crash.(I don't know what he looked like back then though).

The writers Pre-1795 and Post Barnabas were Malcolm Mamorstein, Joe Caldwell, and Ron Sproat.  Gordon Russell replaced MM sometime in July 1967 and Sam Hall came on a couple of weeks prior to 1795 and replaced JC.

Russell and Hall may not have liked the direction the show was in and they changed it...its not uncommon on soaps when new writers come on the scene.

Current Talk '02 I / Re: I Saw Mommie Kissing Tony Petersen!
« on: May 21, 2002, 04:51:05 PM »
How come Clarice Blackburn wasn't in parallel Time 1970?  It appears she may have played Hannah Stokes, as that actress (Paula Lawrence) is a lot like CB.

Had DS continued, I wonder if they would have recast Mrs. Johnson (and David for that matter)


Current Talk '02 I / Elizabeth's Standing in Town
« on: May 20, 2002, 08:29:14 PM »
I see her life has gotten back to normal after 19 years.  She is driving and attending town functions.  This is the way I like to see Liz as..a woman in control and assertive of things.

Unfortunately, this will not last for very long.....


I didn't end up going, it was a cold and rainy day and I was getting a cold.  I also had to rest up for volunteering at the AIDS walk the next day (yesterday).

She will be in a music store in Manhattan on East 12th Street between 3rd and 4th Avenue from 3 to 5 pm today (Saturday).  Unfortunately I have forgotten the name of the store.  She really likes to see DS fans and will sign any of the KLS books, or any book with her picture in it.
