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Topics - fridfreak

Pages: 1
Calendar Events / Announcements '09 II / The Strain
« on: July 15, 2009, 12:18:42 AM »
My bookclub decided to read The Strain by Guillermo Del Toro and Chuck Hogan.  Guillermo did Pan's Labyrinth and HellBoy I and II to name a few movies he has written and directed.  In any case, he was on Charlie Rose on PBS a couple of weeks ago talking of his fascination with monsters, vampires, comic heroes..things or charactors that require imagination to create.  In this book, The Strain, (although I am only on pg 88 and there are 401 pgs.) the premise is that a vampire strain of a virus is going to infect NYC or so far that is what the NY Times review stated.  I'm not that far into the book yet only that its kinda scary right now.    One of the characters carries a cane with a silver wolf's head that is a family crest and one of the characters mentions that he feels he is in a Dan Curtis TV horror show from the early 70's.  Although the quote he used i am sure is from the movie HODS.  Has anyone already read the Strain?  Any similarities with DS?

Calendar Events / Announcements '09 I / KLS Birthday
« on: January 27, 2009, 05:02:34 AM »
Happy Birthday to KLS my favorite character (along with JF) on DS.  Many, Many more beautiful lady!

Calendar Events / Announcements '08 II / Edward Cullen and Barnabas Collins
« on: November 24, 2008, 04:02:20 AM »
Well, This past summer, in between teaching assignments, I read Twilight not knowing it was geared for my junior high students as well as high school students..I was just browsing for some vampire material. Initially I found it fairly enjoyable until the mushiness of the characters kept interupting the storyline( more than 3/4 of the way into the book) so I did what I never do.. I stopped reading the book.  When school started, OMG, all my students were reading it.  My own daughters, who give me such a hard time about my fascination with Barnabas and DS, now cannot put the book down..they are into the second book and it seems soon into the third and fourth book.  Let me tell you Edward Cullen has nothing on Barnabas.  Again what is this fascination with vampires?  My own family cannot see that their fascination with Edward is the same thing as my love of the Collins family.  Is their a connection?  Cullen/Collins?    Many of Edward's characterisitcs are no different from Barnabas'.  Anyway as I always say Long Live DS!!

Pages: 1