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Topics - GooberCollins

Pages: 1
Is there some kind of gay subtext there or is it just my imagination? I mean, really, especially when they were talking about how they had been buddies for a long time and *cough* knew each other well. And I almost thought that Jason was going to say to Elizabeth, "Willie is to me as your husband was to you."  [hall2_cheesy]

Current Talk '08 II / So... why'd they kick James Hall?
« on: November 02, 2008, 12:28:00 AM »
Okay, I got my Collection 6 a few days ago and have all but the last disc to watch, which will complete my DS viewing and bring me full circle with the show. Anyway, I searched on the boards for this to make sure it hadn't been posted already, and I couldn't find anything, so, why exactly did they recast Willie? Oh, I'm not saying that James Hall was better than, or even as good as, John Karlen, but what exactly was the problem with him? Sorry if this has been posted already.  [hall2_tongue]

Current Talk '08 II / Today's caption pic - egad!
« on: October 14, 2008, 01:49:13 AM »
Does it look to anyone else like Julia got stabbed in the head with something?  [8_1_210] That would certainly explain the uncomfortable-looking expression on her face.

The Sims 2 is a fun little game from Electronic Arts that lets you control the lives of lots of little computer people. While looking through a few TS2-websites for Dark Shadows stuff, I stumbled upon this. Nifty, eh? I'd love to download it into my game; unfortunately, it requires a couple of expansion packs I don't have (Glamor Life Stuff and Seasons). They've just made my Christmas list, however.  [ghost_tongue2]

I was listening to an orchestrated version of one of my favorite score pieces, Koji Kondo's "Zelda's Lullaby" from The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, when I began to notice that parts of it sounded strikingly similar to Josette's Theme. It's more clear in a MIDI version, so here's one to compare.

Am I crazy, or is there a large similarity?

Current Talk '08 II / Need help - DVD Collection 1
« on: August 18, 2008, 10:30:25 PM »
I just received a used copy of DVD Collection 1 (not The Beginning). It's in a significantly bigger case than the rest of my DVD collections, and despite the fact that the seller claimed that all case inserts were included, there is no "card" - should there be a bigger case with no card?

I was poring over the review archives of Four Fat Chicks, one of my favorite humorous gaming sites, when I came across a review for a Science Fiction PC game called Legacy: Dark Shadows. It was a sci-fi point-and-click game, not a genuine DS game, of course, but the author of the review did mention it. Here's the link. The reviewer oddly refers to Vicki as [spoiler]Victoria Clark, which I suppose she technically was for her last few appearances.[/spoiler]

I also played one of my mother's point-and-click games tonight, Nancy Drew: Message in a Haunted Mansion (the ND games are far better games than the ND books are books, just so you know). I'm pretty sure I came across a few DS references. For one, a book can be found in the game that has a few pages of a story about a woman named Carolyn Steubing (replace "eubing" with "oddard" and what do you get?) looking for her formerly old money family's treasure. Many, many mentions are made in the game to the phoenix, though in the game, it is presented as a fictional creature, stays a bird, and rises every 500 years as opposed to 100. I could have simply discounted this as a coincidence, until I found another paper, this one detailing bed and breakfasts in the SanFran area. One of the B&Bs was mentioned because it held a nightly mystery dinner show for its guests. The B&B is named the Dark Shadows Inn. *cough*

Just wanted to share these with my fellow DSF members.

(Before I post this, I apologize in advance if this has been mentioned before. I did use the search feature to search for the author's name, and there were no results.)

A few weeks ago, when I was looking at my local Wal-Mart's book selection, I saw a hardcover volume containing the first two books of a series called The Dreamhouse Kings by Robert Liparulo. I can't remember what the second book was called, but the reason the first one caught my eye was its title: House of Dark Shadows, exactly the same as the first movie. I didn't buy this collection, and I only flipped through it, but from what I can gather, it's not a coincidence. The main characters are three siblings named Victoria, David, and Xander - granted, Xander is the name of a character from another TV series with vampires, but Victoria, David, and the title make it pretty clear. I also noticed a sentence that was something like, "Xander remembered his father talking about an old TV show called Dark Shadows, about a vampire named Barnabas who lived in a house like this." (I apologize if this is incorrect, but it has been a while since I read this). Anyway, I've been unable to find the two-pack online, so I assume it's a Wal-Mart exclusive, but I just wanted to let everyone here know to check their Wal-Mart's book section for it if they're interested. I may check out a copy from the library once I finish reading what I have at home to read.

Games / African-American DS Casting
« on: July 24, 2008, 11:49:19 PM »
I also got the idea for this thread while looking at the Movie Cast Ideas. If an African-American remake of DS was done (I'm aware that it's incredibly unlikely; that's why this is on the Games board), what actors would you choose?

Barnabas - Will Smith (probably because of the ears)
Elizabeth - Alfre Woodard or Jasmine Guy
Julia - Whoopi Goldberg (don't ask me why, because I don't know)
Maggie - Keyshia Knight-Pulliam
Carolyn: Gabrielle Union

Games / Nightmare DS Casting
« on: July 24, 2008, 11:40:52 PM »
I got this idea while looking at the Movie Cast Ideas thread on the Current Talk '08 board. We know who you want to see, but who would you least like to see? I put this under the Games board because it's more "for fun" than the other thread. My only request is that, before you post your nightmare casting, you check to see if anyone has posted that person as their ideal casting on the Movie Cast Ideas thread; we don't want to step on feelings.

That said, a couple of my nightmare castings would be:

Barnabas - Steve Carrell
Julia - Fran Drescher

Games / Six Degrees of Dark Shadows
« on: July 18, 2008, 12:33:26 AM »
I had this idea a bit earlier today, and figured I'd post it on the Game boards.

This is a DS-themed variation of the party game Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon. For those unfamiliar with the game, the objective is to create a "chain" of links to a certain thing in as few links as possible, the maximum being six. For example:

John Linnell (1) is a member of the indie pop-rock group They Might Be Giants. He produced the group Common Rotation's album The Big Fear; actor/musician Adam Busch (2) is a member of Common Rotation. Adam Busch appeared on Buffy the Vampire Slayer with Sarah Michelle Gellar (3), who had starred on All My Children with Louis Edmonds (4).

Direct links, as seen above, are ideal, but stretches are fine, too:

Goo Goo Dolls member John Rzeznik (1) received inspiration for the title of the song Iris by flipping through a magazine and seeing the name of country/folk singer Iris DeMent (2). DeMent's song Our Town was played at the end of the last episode of the television series Northern Exposure. James Marsters (3) appeared in two episodes of Northern Exposure, and was also a regular on Buffy, where he worked with Sarah Michelle Gellar (4), who had worked with Louis Edmonds (5).

I apologize for using SMG to Louis Edmonds in both my examples, but anyway, feel free to post your own here. The only rules are to not exceed six links and not to do simple things like "Joan Bennett (1) worked on Dark Shadows." Sorry if this is a boring game. [ghost_tongue2]

Current Talk '08 II / Dark Shadows on Next-Generation Video Formats?
« on: July 10, 2008, 06:19:08 PM »
I've been curious about this, despite the fact that both the TVs in my house are SDTVs, and my players are only capable of playing DVDs. Does anyone know if MPI plans to release Dark Shadows on Blu-Ray?

Current Talk '08 I / Stokes in 1840
« on: June 27, 2008, 12:52:48 AM »
[spoiler]Was it really necessary? It seemed to me that he came, Julia and Barnabas tucked him away somewhere, the storyline ended, and he came back with them (with a bit that was potentially rather insulting to Thayer David, as the writers had Stokes check the refrigerator first thing after his return to the present!). I was wondering if anyone felt the same way, or if the writers provided some sort of explanation for this in interviews, as it just seemed odd that they would do that.[/spoiler]

Current Talk '08 I / Virtual Collinwood: DS as a Video Game
« on: May 23, 2008, 08:29:41 PM »
I know that the words "Dark Shadows" and "video game" together conjure up images of Barnabas hopping Super Mario-style across various Collinsport locales, but hear me out here.

You could play as the last surviving member of the Collins family (or at least the last surviving one that wants Collinwood!). You've moved into Collinwood, now, being 2008, it's deserted and run-down. But there are different clues and puzzles left by various characters from the show's history in the house, and by solving them, you come to the game's Holy Grail, the thing that enables you to do the impossible: The not-so-sealed up Stairway Through Time. Again, think about it. The game could play as a point-and-click adventure mystery, no combat, just puzzles and dialogue. The Stairway Through Time and Parallel Time Room provide excellent jumping-off points for a developer to expand the game with extra content. Granted, most companies would die before accepting a game based on a 1960s soap opera, or even creating a tie-in to the latest Johnny Depp movie that wasn't an action film. But still, the possibilities of using the medium to explore and further the show's already enormous lore would be great. Seeing and fully exploring all forty rooms at Collinwood (Elizabeth did say that the house had 40 rooms, and it doesn't look like it has any more from the exterior, does it? [ghost_azn]) at various time periods/threads and talking to all its residents? I know I'd buy it.

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