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Topics - LOOKE300

Pages: 1
Current Talk '12 I / dark shadows comic
« on: June 11, 2012, 04:27:09 AM »
has anyone read them i just became aware of them ithought they were talking about the old comic of years ago not a new one. orderd the first one whats your opion of them?

Calendar Events / Announcements '12 I / New Night Stalker Movie?
« on: June 07, 2012, 12:37:16 AM »
is there going to be a new night stalker movie i read about it a few months ago i think depp was involved. hope it will be a serious night stalker.

should casting it not have begin already so far as anyone knows only depp has been no expert but i don,t think they cast at the last minute don,t they most of the time have these movies casted a long time in advance.

It seems unlikly this depp film will ever be made you had the wb tv show that went nowhere,fox tv show nothing happen.the onty new ds thing that went anywhere was the 91 tv show and ofcause that lasted only a few episodes. dose anyone have a opiniun why?

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