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Topics - chocolatevampire

Pages: 1
Calendar Events / Announcements '08 I / Can you sell your DS fanart?
« on: January 20, 2008, 07:57:41 PM »
Its cold, that is mostly what all I can think right now. But my reason for this post is to ask if it is wrong to sell your fanart that you draw or paint? I do some DS stuff on occassion and I just rescued and then adopted a bunch of stray cats that need vaccines and spaying and neutering. So, I need to get all the money I can from every source I can, legaly that is :-)

I don't see anything wrong with selling fanart since it is not actually using actual images from the show it is your own art. But, I also am scared because I am so poor I can't pay attention and the last thing I need on my already mentally ill minde is worrying about copyright on this DS work, yet I probly could get $20.00 and that would buy one or two certificates from the SPCA to help me get these cats fixed. Or buy dinner. Yes, I AM that poor.

So, let me know all your thoughts and such on this subject.

Current Talk '07 II / Depp DS movie, festival pictures question
« on: August 31, 2007, 07:54:39 PM »

So, like what is this I hear concerning a new DS movie and Johnny Depp

Anyone posting pictures and text on the festival

What the hell is this nose thing? Have you been hacked? Should I be worried?

Current Talk '07 I / What tape is this episode on?
« on: April 17, 2007, 04:30:58 PM »
I have almost all of the DS video tapes and to save me time I'd like to know what tape, by number, has the episodes of the first appearance of the Naga, or whatever they are called, and the end of the Quentin story or whatever when Julia checks Barnabas' heart beat after he reappears in the coffin in her time. Not sure what story that is. I have the video series that starts with Barnabas' story not the collector's edition that starts with Victoria.

I think that would be a problem for anyone who wanted to show DS on their station. They'd have to start it from Barny not from episode 1 because I know I ain't watching all those boring episodes with just Victoria. I don't like her.

Thank You

Hello. I'd been surfing the web trying to get some DS pictures. I've seen a lot of dorky webpages and small blurry images. Any good ones you all know of? There is one page that I can't remember the name of but the address doesn't have anything to do with DS. The main page has a large, spooky image of a ship beached and laying on its side and has links to sections of the site with good images. 'Craigy's' website had a link to it I think, but his page is f'ed up and none of the links on his website at prodigy work because they are all to pages at xoom. I wish people would be better at fixing their pages.

Thank You

Pages: 1