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Topics - BurkeDevlin

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The first storyline, all 124 episodes of "Dark Shadows Captions", the comedy photo-novel re-telling of the entire series is online in toto [Insert Wizard of Oz joke here].  No more only getting two episodes a week and having the old episodes disappear behind you.

I haven't released any more yet past this first storyline.  I've still got this mad idea that the whole thing might make a good subscription book on Kindle or something if it could only be licensed.  I'm joining Crazi Jenny in the Tower Room tomorrow.

The final two episodes of this storyline, Episodes 125 and 126 of "Dark Shadows Captions", my photo-novel of the original series, closed-captioned for the comedy impaired, are now online.

Widow's Hill Notes* to the entire storylien can be found at

With the storyline over, I'm debating what to do next.  One option is to keep going with the Laura Story.  Another option is to re-run this story, and make another effort to turn the whole Closed Caption Project into a book on Kindle or something.  A third option is to do a series of YouTube Videos with the Widows Hill Notes + storyboards.

* (like Cliff Notes, but better)

Episodes 113 and 114 of Dark Shadows Captions, the comedy photocomic retelling of the original series are now online at:

Widow's Hill Notes (like Cliff Notes, but better) to previous episodes can be found at

Episodes 89 and 90 of Dark Shadows Captions, the comedy photocomic retelling of the original series are now online at:

Widow's Hill Notes (like Cliff Notes, but better) to previous episodes can be found at

Episodes 79 and 80 of Dark Shadows Captions, the comedy photocomic retelling of the original series are now online at:

Widow's Hill Notes (like Cliff Notes, but better) to previous episodes can be found at

Episode 667 of Dark Shadows Captions, the closed-captioned for the comedy impaired Dark Shadows photonovel is now online.  And as long as you're going to have to deal with a tongue-in-cheek Dark Shadows when the Depp movie comes out, here's your chance to start getting used to it now.

Our mini-story winds down today.  In 1796, Barnabas has saved Vicki, destroyed Angelique, and mucked up the timeline a hundred different ways that will be totally forgotten once he returns to the present.  Barnabas returns to the present by Coffin Express (When it absolutely positively has to be there in 172 years), as Josette's Ghost alerts Julia and Willie to rescue him from the mausoleum before time runs out or air runs out or something.  This accomplished, the episode peters out with a few scenes about Quentin's ghost possessing the Devil Tots, which won't make a lot of sense unless you're familiar with that story already (no time to explain it now).

Next week:  Back to the Who Killed Bill Malloy, and shot JR story!


Episode 665 of Dark Shadows Captions, the DS photonovel that's closed-captioned for the comedy impaired is now online.  And as long as you're going to have to deal with a tongue-in-cheek Dark Shadows when the Depp movie comes out, here's your chance to start getting used to it now.

Previously, Barnabas wished himself back to 1796 to save Vicki #3 from hanging, and hopefully to get a date with her afterwards.  Failing to do this, and unable to make a deal with the Devil, he made one with Angelique instead.  Despite having Angelique on his side, Vicki went to the gallows and got hanged.  ("Ohhhh, you wanted me to SAVE her!")  All appears to be lost, but if it were, the story would be over, which it isn't.  Is there such a thing as life after death on Dark Shadows?  Not much suspense in that question, but read this week's episode anyway.

Episode 664 of Dark Shadows Captions, the only caption novel you can get without a prescription is online.  And as long as you'll have to get used to a tongue-in-cheek version of DS once the new movie comes out anyway, you might as well start getting used to it now.  (And this one comes guaranteed to be closer to the original version than Burton's).  This week, our brief vacation from the thrilling Who Killed Bill Malloy and Shot JR? storyline continues.

Last week, as you'll recall, Barnabas had gone back in time to 1796 to save the lives of Vicki and Peter Bradford, and ended up batting .500.  Unfortunately, it was the WRONG .500, since it was Vicki, not Peter, that he'd hoped to make time with afterwards.  With Vicki's execution imminent, Barnabas retires to the study to ponder his options, only to find the body of a Dock Hooker he'd munched earlier that night sitting in a chair beside him.  He immediately rushes to Joshua yelling "She followed me home, can I keep her?"

Okay, that's NOT what happens.  To find out what does happen, you'll have to read it yourself.  (Hint:  Who's your favorite witch?  Not Wendy, keep guessing...)






Something different this week, and feedback is requested.  Having reached the halfway point in the Burke Story, we're going to celebrate with a short hiatus, and do the 1796 Mini-Story (Episodes 661-666), one episode at a time.

This Week - Episode 661:  Barnabas tells Julia what happened in Episode 459 (of couse the Barnmeister isn't geeky enough to use actual episode numbers), thanks to a liberal helping of stock footage.  People who are very familiar with the series probably know what's going on here.  Vicki has disappeared into the past with Peter Bradford, and been executed for witchcraft.  Barnabas and Julia find her tombstone (in the cemetery, not a pizza), and Barnabas resolves to go after her and change time.

People very familiar with the series probably know the backstory here without any explanation.  People less familiar might need a little explanation (or a lot).  And there are several caption-specific jokes that even people who know the series won't understand (like why is Nathan an Ensign rather than a Lieutenant?) 

That's why I need Feedback.  I'll probably leave these 6 episodes up permanently, but they don't have an introduction page yet to explain what needs explaining.  I need to write one, so I need people to tell me what makes sense and what doesn't.  What needs more explanation? 

One other thing, I took the time to re-arrange these files so they read left to right, top to bottom.  Reading it this way looks wrong to me after all this time, but will probably look right to everyone else.

Episodes 57 and 58 of Dark Shadows Captions, the photocomic retelling of the original series, closed captioned for the comedy impaired, are now online at:

Widow's Hill Notes (like Cliff Notes, but better) to previous episodes can be found at

Episodes 51 and 52 of Dark Shadows Captions, the comedy photocomic retelling of the original series are now online at:

Widow's Hill Notes (like Cliff Notes, but better) to earlier episodes can be found at

Episodes 45 and 46 of Dark Shadows Captions, the comedy photocomic retelling of the original series are now online at:

We continue to turn up things you never knew were in those early episodes; a Quentin cameo, another Barnabas reference, and even a phone call between Roger and Mrs. Johnson.

We've continued the practice of putting in audio files from the original episode (marked with a speaker icon), at strategic places.  Also, the recaps of previous episodes have been renamed "Widows Hill Notes" (like Cliff Notes, but better).

Episodes 41 and 42 of Dark Shadows Captions, the comedy photocomic retelling of the original series are now online at:

A special feature this week.  In addition to the comedy version, we also present Episode 42 with the original dialogue, as broadcat. The laughs are pretty sparse in this version, but it may have some kind of interest

Episodes 35 and 36 of Dark Shadows Captions, the comedy photocomic retelling of the original series are now online at:

A new feature has been added.  Selected captions have a "Speaker" icon in them, which, when clicked, will play a .wave file from the original show that roughly corresponds with the caption dialogue.

Episodes 25 and 26 of Dark Shadows Captions, the comedy photocomic retelling of the original series are now online at:

A new feature has been added.  Selected captions have a "Speaker" icon in them, which, when clicked, will play a .wave file from the original show that roughly corresponds with the caption dialogue.

The main page URL is

where you can find re-caps of earlier episodes and other special features.

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