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Topics - Craig_Slocum

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Some great pics of Craig Slocum from the film, "Riot in Juvenile Prison", have been added to Cheryl's Craig Slocum Website at:

The pics are on pages 33 - 40. Also, a Poem I wrote for Craig for Valentine's Day has been added on the bottom of the Poems Dedicated to Craig Slocum page,, it's called, "My Absent Valentine." I recently came upon it while looking through everything I wrote for him. I have a book full of things I wrote! It sure sounded good and Valentine's Day is fast approaching again. Enjoy the pics and the Poem!

My daughter has received the National Physical Fitness Award. This award is given to those students who score at or above the 50th percentile on all five fitness items. The test consisted of measurements in Cardiovascular Endurance (one mile run), Muscular Strength (push-ups or pull-ups), Muscular Endurance (curl ups), Flexibility (sit n reach) and Agility (shuttle run).

She will be receiving a National Certificate from the President, and a National Award Emblem. There are also National fitness Award winner t-shirts available. She was the only child in her class to receive this award! It is her third award in the last 6 months. She won two Positive Actions Awards, one for Personal Success, and another for "being very kind to classmates". She keeps me busy at home, I'm a single parent, and I'm very proud of her, she's the best!  :)

Calendar Events / Announcements '04 I / Craig Slocum On Ryan's Hope Today
« on: January 17, 2004, 04:38:58 AM »
I saw Craig Slocum on Ryan's Hope again today as Lou. Friends from the social club surprised Jack with a visit. They set up a nativity scene for Christmas, while having pastries, espresso, joking around, and congratulating Mary on the baby. Mary put the baby Jesus in the manger, and they sang "Away in a Manger." Craig looked great, I loved the suit & tie, and flashy wrist watch he had on! It's coming on again later. Ryan's Hope airs on Soap Net here on the West coast at 11 a.m - 12 p.m., and early 1 a.m. - 2 a.m. I'm glad I got to see Craig again! 

I added two photos to my online memorial for Craig Slocum, They were taken at a Tree of Memory, Tree Lighting Service on December 14, 2000 in Las Vegas, Nevada. I payed tribute to him by decorating the special Tree of Memory with an ornament bearing his name. You have to click on the two photos to read the captions for them. A nice memory for the Christmas season!

I attended a Positive Actions Assembly today at my 7 year old daughter Stephanie's school. She received special recognition and congratulations from the Principal, and was awarded a Certificate of Recognition stating, "she has successfully demonstrated Positive Actions for being very kind to classmates". She's in Second Grade and this is her second Positive Actions award. In First Grade, she was awarded a Personal Success Award for always striving to improve her work, the certificate states, "To succeed requires setting goals, hard work, and determination". I'm very proud of her!  :) I also got to see a Christmas concert before the Positive Actions awards. The older students were involved in it, they did a great job singing and playing musical instruments. I'm an At Home Mom, so I get to be there for all the exciting events!

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The "Biography for Craig Slocum" in the IMDb was updated. His birth name has been added,,+Craig

Click on (show more), under "Trivia."

I have updated my Craig Slocum Acting Credits page, Ryan's Hope has been added to his list of Television credits, and his Broadway theatre credits have also been added. The page includes other links to Cheryl's Craig Slocum Website, and his virtual grave site I created for him. Please leave flowers and a note in his memory. I will be updating the online memorial in December. Enjoy!  :)

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Calendar Events / Announcements '03 II / Cheryl In 1968 Dark Shadows Days!
« on: November 17, 2003, 11:57:06 PM »
My Mom is here visiting my daughter and I this week, and she brought some old pics with her. Here I am with my brothers in 1968, that's what I looked like when I watched Dark Shadows back then! I used to watch it with the brother behind me, I don't think my oldest brother ever got into it like we did. I just thought I would share a memory from DS days.

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Calendar Events / Announcements '03 II / Happy Birthday Craig Slocum!
« on: November 04, 2003, 12:04:09 AM »

Happy Birthday Craig Slocum! 11-14-1934 - 9-12-1978.  :-* Love you and miss you.

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Calendar Events / Announcements '03 II / In Memoriam Craig Slocum 1934-1978
« on: September 05, 2003, 12:41:13 AM »
September 12th marks the 25th anniversary of the death of Dark Shadows actor Craig Slocum (Noah Gifford / Harry Johnson). For those who would like to, you may sign his online memorial at:

He is missed lots!  :'(

Calendar Events / Announcements '02 II / IMDb Correction / Craig Slocum
« on: October 30, 2002, 02:55:30 AM »

Craig Slocum's year of birth has been corrected in the IMDb. It was previously listed as 1940 which was wrong, 1934 is the correct year.

Current Talk '02 II / Why Did The Vampire Brush His Teeth?
« on: October 26, 2002, 01:28:48 AM »

He had bat breath!

Calendar Events / Announcements '02 II / LASIK Success/ OT
« on: October 25, 2002, 11:30:42 PM »
My LASIK surgery on Thursday, was a success. I went to the doctor this morning for a follow up, he said I have 20/20 vision. I am so happy, nice to get rid of my glasses after 21 years! A couple of things during the procedure were painful, but it didn't last long. They gave me a brochure that offers a "Buy One Pair, Get A Second Pair FREE!" for some cool Tortoise Frame sunglasses. Craig Slocum wore Tortoise Frame sunglasses, so I've just got to have some! I ordered mine with Rose lens, the second pair with Gray lens. They have advanced UV Protection, Polarized lenses, and attractive styling. I'm feeling great, haven't even needed my pain medication. I was given a video of the whole procedure.  

Current Talk '02 II / Slocum Search
« on: October 20, 2002, 07:09:18 AM »
Today, my family and I went to the Las Vegas Library, we've lived here for six years, first time we've gone to the library! While my daughter and her father were looking at books, I was downstairs in the newspapers room, looking through microfilm, doing a search for Craig Slocum's obituary. I thought it might be in the New York Times. He died on Sept. 12, 1978. The only dates the library had were, Sept. 16 - 30th of that year. I did not find anything in those dates. It might be in the missing dates. Maybe the New York Library has the complete month. I know there are some members of the Forums who live in New York. Is there anyone who can check on it at the library there? I don't know how soon obituaries are posted in the newspaper after a person's death, but since I checked all the other dates, there's only three more days it could be in, Sept. 13 - 15. A librarian here did a web search, but she only came up with Dark Shadows related things on Craig Slocum, and of course, my website for him. It could be too, that his obituary was never in the New York Times. Does anyone know what other papers there were in NYC in 1978? I asked Jim Pierson how Craig Slocum's death date was discovered, and the answer I got was that one of the fans in New York probably saw it in the newspaper, and reported it.  If anyone can help me, I would sure appreciate it. I am trying to find out where Craig is buried. I don't know if an obituary listing in the newspaper would even give any clue to it, just a guess.  

Current Talk '02 II / Dark Shadows 2002 Calendar
« on: October 17, 2002, 06:39:18 PM »
I just love the photo of the Old House (1967), on October's page. I have the calendar hung up in the hallway, at home. When I come up the staircase, I stop to look at it, it's somewhat shady in the hallway all the time, so it adds kind of a spooky touch to it. Cool! Good one for Halloween.

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