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Topics - JosettesMusicBox

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While I was out on Youtube looking at the clip of JF at the fest, I found this...

It is so funny and WoosterFanGirl gets it "down pat"

Worth a look!!!

Thanks WoosterFanGirl if you are out there...  This made my day!!!


Haven't seen anyone else post this so I thought I would...

Check out DarkShadowsOnline for Craig Hamrick's 2006 Festival information and photos!  Very nice job!

Calendar Events / Announcements '06 II / Festival Auction...
« on: August 28, 2006, 01:27:50 PM »
I wasn't able to attend the fest, but am enjoying all the posts and photos some of you have posted so far.

I am very curious about the Barnabus Portrait - Who bought it - how much was the final bid?

Did anyone get any photos of the event?  Also what else was up for auction?

Please let us know.

Have a great day!


Current Talk '06 II / Dark Shadows Music
« on: July 06, 2006, 05:36:43 PM »
I am wondering -

Did the actors actually hear the music (as we do when we watch the episodes) as they were speaking/acting?

So curious, since this was shot live on tape.  If they could hear the music, it certainly would help them with the mood of the scene...

Please let us know.


~ JosettesMusicBox

Current Talk '06 I / It's PARTY Time!!
« on: June 27, 2006, 02:54:10 PM »
C'est Fini !!!

I watched the final episode last night.  YEAH!! 

It was kind of sad for me because Dark Shadows has become a big part of my life - like reading a long book, or watching a very LONG movie - you get into the characters so much that they feel like friends or even family. 

I have really enjoyed this forum.  Thank you my cousins for all of your messages - many times you all have helped me better understand why/how things happened as they did.  And THANK YOU for "Caption This!"  I get such a laugh every day because of everyone's comments.  Some of them are just priceless.  And a special "Thank You" to the forum administrators (well... you know you are DS Gods...)

I'm sure there are folks out there that only watch on DVD and won't get to see the final episode until box 26 is released.  But since I own the entire tape series, I feel lucky to have seen the end before the whole world knows how it ends...  I buy the DVD's for my collection - I enjoy the interviews and the extras and also so I can watch on my computer when I'm traveling.

My family and I have decided that I'm going to bake a Dark Shadows Cake to celebrate and have a little party!!   I will post a photo when it is done! 

I believe it has taken me about 2 years to watch from start to finish.  How about you other cousins...??  Have you watched from start to finish, and how long did it take you? 

Please let us know.

~ JosettesMusicBox

Calendar Events / Announcements '06 I / Is it true...?
« on: May 04, 2006, 01:52:28 PM »
...that Grayson Hall and Jonathan Frid share the same birthday?

According to these two pages on MSN Movie Episodes for Dark Shadows (see links below) they do!

Does anyone know why the packaging for these two music boxes is different?  These are both 1970 Reproductions (1996 I believe), but I was wondering if maybe one is a fake???  Please let us know.  Thanks.

- JosettesMusicBox

I phoned MPI Media 1-800-777-2223 leaving a message for Barbara Hartman (according to the operator, Barbara is the person responsible for this issue).  I requested new cases for the ones I have that are defective.  I left my phone number and email address on the voice message.

I received a reply from Julie (julie@mpimedia...) as follows:
Hi Cathy:

I was asked to contact you regarding replacement cases.

We do have to order these and purchase new ones.  So we can offer these at $3.00 each plus shipping for the replacement boxes.

If you have any other questions please let me know.

MPI Customer Service

I have read on these boards that others here have requested replacement boxes and it sounded like MPI shipped the boxes to them free of charge.  That would make sense since sets 1-10 seem to be defective (most of mine are falling apart or won't close right - and I've only watched each CD once).

Have any of you, my wonderful cousins, had to pay for your replacement boxes???  Please let us know.



[Edited by Midnite]

Hi everyone!

Since tee shirts with logos are so popular now, and we are now seeing a resurgence of tees like "Pink Floyd", "Hawiian Punch", "Led Zepplin", etc... do any of you (my fine cousins) know where I might be able to put my hands on some "official" Dark Shadows tee shirts?

Of course I COULD make my own with a computer print out iron-on... but being the law-obiding citizen and supportive-kind of cousin that I am, I'd like to support the official Dark Shadows conglomerate or someone with the approval to print the logo...

Any ideas?  How many of you out there would buy tees if we could get them???

Current Talk '06 I / 1995 Mystery
« on: January 29, 2006, 03:14:20 AM »

I was recently watching the end of 1970 Parallel Time where Barnabus and Julia wind up in 1995.  In episode 1064 (old) Carolyn and (old) Mrs. Johnson are looking through a scrapbook of Carolyn's.  Carolyn pulls out an old photo of [Quentin and MAGGIE walking arm in arm with a picnic basket] and then Carolyn rips up the picture!

I got very confused thinking that maybe Barnabus and Juila went to 1995 in "Parallel Time".  However, later on I realized that 1995 was in Regular Time.  Am I confused, or was this a blunder on someone's part...?  Obviously Quentin and Maggie were never together as a couple in 1970 Regular Time.

Any thoughts?

Current Talk '05 II / David / Daniel Parallel Time
« on: December 27, 2005, 04:27:42 PM »
I have just finished viewing Parallel Time.

I noticed that everyone in Parallel Time had their same names as in Regular Time.  However, Daniel (who would have been David in RT) did not have the same name.

During one of the final scenes, Maggie says, "I have to get the children out of the house" and refers to them as DAVID and Amy.  This was obviously a slip up.

But does anyone know the reason the writers did not have him as David in Parallel Time???

Current Talk '05 II / A F G A N - The Prequel
« on: December 22, 2005, 03:14:37 AM »
OK boys and girls... are you sitting down?

I have found "The Afgan" and long before Dark Shadows was pen to paper...

In the 1947 movie "The Ghost and Mrs. Muir" (
there it is in all it's youth... warming Lucy Muir during an afternoon's nap.
You know they say, "If walls could talk..."
Well really now, "If AFGANS could talk..." imagine what our afgan would have to say...
Think of all the places it has been...

It is quite prominent in the scene - you can't miss it.
I would love to take a screen shot for you, but I recently learned here that I'd have to get permission from 20th Century Fox...

Plot Summary for The Ghost and Mrs. Muir (1947)
In 1900, strong-willed widow Lucy Muir goes to live in Gull Cottage by the British seaside, even though it appears to be haunted. Sure enough, that very night she meets the ghost of crusty former owner Captain Gregg...and refuses to be scared off. Indeed, they become friends and allies, after Lucy gets used to the idea of a man's ghost haunting her bedroom. But when a charming live man comes courting, Lucy and the captain must deal with their feelings for each other.

Summary written by Rod Crawford {}

Calendar Events / Announcements '05 II / Joan Bennett's Birthday
« on: December 08, 2005, 06:38:44 PM »
Joan Geraldine Bennett was born on February 27, 1910, in Palisades, New Jersey.

Click here for her bio:

Current Talk '05 II / There's a lot of drinking going on...
« on: December 08, 2005, 02:23:57 PM »
Curious, do any of you think that all of the liquor consumed on the set was real?

Some of it looks like it could be apple juice, but hey... they smoked real cigaretts...

In every episode it seems like someone is always taking a nip here, a nip there... Sherry, Brandy, Whiskey...  And poor Sam Evans, he just needs a straw... :-)

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