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Topics - nightshadows342

Pages: 1
Hi fellow Dark Shadows fans!!

I recently was selected to be in a Lost video contest where the grand prize is a VW van, and I need your vote to win it!!
Please go onto this video:

And vote me a thumbs up!  It will only take a moment of your time, and I really need as many people as I can to support me!!
Thanks so much!


Hey guys and girls,

I was at the ds fest in Burbank this last weekend and my girl Angela told me to get on here and lo-and-behold I happened to already have an account!  I suppose the easiest way for me to identify myself to those who were at the fest is that I did the skit thing on Saturday that had a lot of technical difficulties in which I was playing Carolyn with a blond wig on. I don't know anyone's user-name so let me know who you are!

Anyway, the fest was fun- I mostly was hanging around Johnnie Karlen, and hung out with friends (Angela!) in the lobby area dancing around and doing ballet. LOL!  I didn't get to meet Robert Rodan, Or Robert Colbert- whom by the way was HILARIOUS when he was talking onstage.
I didn't manage to catch David Selby either, but I got KLS, Lara Parker(who acted snobby and rude), and Jerry Lacy-who I like a lot.  It's funny to get a picture with him because he does look a lot like Bogart-who is our relative! LOL, so we look almost like family. I saw Roger Davies who seemed really out of it. He said that it was the first fest that he had been invited to for quite awhile-poor guy- I feel kind of bad for him, though John Karlen was mad at him because of comments he made about Don Briscoe's drug habit.

Johnnie seemed rather depressed. He said he hated LA and that his best friend had just died. He left the banquet early too as he described
the food as mush and went to go order himself a steak.

Anyway, it's hard trying to type on this Ipod (it is so slow and difficult to get it move up to edit some of this jargon. So I'll just post this thing. I'm in Palm Springs right now and it's super hot!  I'll be going home to Tennessee on Monday from the LAX airport, so it should be interesting!


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