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Topics - Fletcher

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My question is -- which character was really the "glue" that held the various Dark Shadows storylines together??

I'm NOT really asking, which character was the most IMPORTANT in the series -- that was obviously  Barnabas.  But, which character provided something unique -- something "key" to understanding what was going-on?

My answer is: Professor Stokes.

When everyone else was "in the dark" (often including Barnabas and Julia) -- Professor Stokes always provided just enough insight to drive the story to the next level.  Stokes was an expert on the "para-normal", yet he was somewhat removed from the show's biggest secret -- Barnabas was a friggin' vampire.  The important role that Stokes played is not fully appreciated, in my opinion.

That lack of appreciation for the "Stokes" role is clearly illustrated in the 1991 DS re-make, when Professor Woodard (Stokes), is killed-off mid-way through the series.   WTF were they thinking?  The DS franchise will always need a somewhat removed expert on the occult.    It was the Stokes/Woodard character that allowed us viewers to suspend our disbelief.

Hmmm.  On the other-hand, has anyone ever thought that perhaps Stokes really was aware of Barnabas's secret -- yet he chose to remain silent, so he could study it????     Hmmmm.

But, back to the subject -- I don't believe ANY version of DS could survive without SOMEONE in the Professor Stokes role.  Stokes was the glue that held DS together, in my opinion.   Anyone agree?  Disagree?

Current Talk '06 II / DS 2004 script versus filmed pilot
« on: July 11, 2006, 02:43:25 PM »
The DS 2004 script (dated 1/19/04 Draft) occasionally for sale on Ebay contains elements and characters which I understand were not included in the final filmed pilot.

Does anyone know specifically what details were altered between this draft script and the final pilot?

Has anyone both read the draft scrpt AND seen the actual pilot?  I'd enjoy hearing how the script was changed for filming.  Thanks

Current Talk '06 I / Adam's Face??
« on: May 04, 2006, 02:50:48 AM »
Having never seen the original creation of Adam story, I am curious -- at one point, Dr. Lang seemed to be intent on using Jeff's head (or face) on his creation.  But, eventually Adam ended up with the face of actor Robert Rodan.

Did Dr. Lang change his mind?  Did Barnabas or Julia force him to change plans? And, where did he get Adam's (Rodan's) head?

I realize your responses might be considered spoilers, but I'd enjoy knowing how Adam's persona transitioned from the original plan, Jeff -- to the persona portrayed by Rodan.

Can anyone answer this?

Current Talk '06 I / Guthrie vs. Stokes
« on: March 07, 2006, 05:52:15 AM »
I don't remember Dr. Guthrie.  But, seeing the photos and captions here on the website recently, it seems Guthrie is very much an earlier version of Stokes.   Is that correct?

I am am HUGE Stokes fan, and believe he played a crutial role on DS.  I'm surprised to see an earlier character so similar to Stokes.

To those of you who have seen more episode than myself -- what were the major similarities and differences between Guthris and Stokes?

Current Talk '06 I / Describe the Leviathan Monster
« on: February 02, 2006, 04:05:00 AM »
What do you think the Leviathan monster really looked like?   

All I remember about that storyline (I don't have the MPI tapes, unfortunately) is that three or four people went into a room (over the course of several episodes), looked up (so, it musta been big) at some monster, and went all google-eyed and crazy.  So, the creature certainly was very horrific. 

My interpretation of the creature has always been based on the iconic reliefs on the Leviathan altar, box, and book.   I seem to recall a many-headed snake-like creature.  So as a kid, I assumed that Jeb was manifest into a being looking similar to those icons.   But, that doesn't seem particularly scarey or horrific.   So, I may be WAY off-base in my interpretation of the Leviathan.

I'd like to hear how others pictured the creature in their minds.    What do you think the creature really looked like, and what made it so frightening???

Current Talk '05 II / Scotch-Tape on His Forehead Created a Scar ??
« on: November 22, 2005, 05:38:13 AM »
Can anyone help me identify this character appearing kinda late in the series?  He was a balding man, around 40, something of a bad-guy, and I believe he appeared in the "present day"  -- but I can't be sure about that.  It might have been present-parellel time.  The actor was only on the show for a short period and he didn't have any other roles, that I can remember.  The character's most prominant feature was a large scar on his forehead.

The thing I remember about him was this -- the scar was created by putting a piece of Scotch-tape under his eye-brough and pulling it up over his forehead until it "creased" the skin and looked like a scar.  From a distance, it was pretty convincing, but everytime the actor had a close-up, the tape on his forhead was clearly visable.  I was around 10 years old at the time, but it was very clear to me.  Has anyone else noticed this?   Surely some of you with videos or DVD's of the series have noticed this.

Although I don't know the actor's name, I have seen him many times on primetime TV -- especially during the 70s and 80s.

Can anyone remember the character's name and his involvement in the story? 

Current Talk '05 II / Petofi's Hand Both Detached and Attached
« on: November 20, 2005, 02:53:10 PM »
I've always wondered about this -- When Petofi's hand is detached, it is pretty normal looking, smooth skin, almost youthful (if a disembodied hand can be youthful), nothing too scarey about it.  But, as soon as it gets re-attached to the Count, it suddenly looks shriveled and wrinkly, totally fake.

I think the make-up department really goofed up on that one.  Why would they choose to make an artificial hand look real, and make a real hand (Thayer David's) look fake?  It looks like they sprayed David's hand with some sort of latex wrinkle make-up to get the effect.  But, I think it was a bad decision.

Has anyone else ever noticed this?

Current Talk '05 II / Did the Writers Find the "Present" Boring?
« on: November 06, 2005, 10:39:56 PM »
Was anyone else frustrated by the lack of good storylines in the present, after the show returned from 1897?  After that point, it seemed to me that the writers were bored with the "same ole" characters in the present, but took delight in the freedoms they had to write more dynamic characters in the past, future, or parallel time.

In the present, we had a core family that, for the most part, needed to remain static.  Untimately, no matter what craziness they went through, the present family had to emerge from the story unchanged.  None could die, none could sucessfully marry, no pregnancies, and David wasn't really even allowed to grow up -- hence the pre-1840s stuff with a 14 year old playing with a doll house.

Hope I'm not being too harsh here, but the core cast was a bit like the Flintstones.  At the end of each story, Fred, Wilma, Barney, Betty and the kids had to be okay and unchanged.

That kind of structure usually works on a cartoon, but was a major departure for a soap opera family.  I think that knowing the family had to get through any struggle more or less unscathed, made the writers bored with the cast in the present -- especailly when they could do almost anything to anyone in the past (or parallel time).  The writers probably felt freed to write more exciting stuff everytime the story left the present.  Perhaps that is why they trurned to alternate time-lines more and more often.

In any alternate time, major characters could die, go crazy, murder, become vampires, marry -- they could do all that because there was no expectation that "it would all be okay in the end."

Think about it -- the only major character who ever left the present was Vicki.  Admittedly that was a MAJOR change.  But unfortunately, her exit was minimized.  She disappeared into the past with little fan-fare and was quickly replaced by Maggie.  I'm disappointed TPTB didn't write a wonderful umbrella story surrounding Vicki's exit.  Now, that would have been exciting writing and exiting viewing. The present certainly wouldn't have been boring with a storyline from which Vicki didn't emerge.  (before you flame me, I do acknowlege that both Burke and Maggie left the show too.  But, they left without storylines or real closure.)

I guess what I am really getting-at is -- do you think the show made a mistake by allowing so little change within the Collins family of the present?  Do you think the writers eventually tired of the static characters in the present?  And if so, what could have prevented this?

One thing that could have prevented this problem was to make the Collins family larger to begin with.  Roger and Liz could have had another sibling living out of town.  And that sibling could have had children.  Also, either Roger or Liz could have had more then one child, again living out of town until needed.   Having the option of a larger family could have opened the characters in the present to more dynamic storylines, more change, perhaps even death.

Just my opinions.  Anyone agree?

I'm wondering how Vicky Winters compared to other soap ingenues of the late 60s. 

I suppose Vicky stands-out as a very memorable ingenue, but actually she was one of many -- nearly every soap featured a young innocent female romantic lead during that period.  What makes Vicky so special?  Was she really just the most extreme streotype?  or was there something else special about Vicky?

How didi Victoria Winters compare to other soap ingenues like Alice Matthews? Penny Hughes? Tara Martin? Susan Martin? Allison MacKenzie? Victoria Lord? Nina Courtlandt? Tess Prentice?   Was Vicky just a typical soap ingenue?  Was the only real difference between Vicky and all these others that Vicky was being persued by a vampire?  Or were there other, more intrinsic differences?

Current Talk '05 II / DS 1990 Without Woodard (Stokes) ? ? ?
« on: October 25, 2005, 10:29:24 PM »
Would anyone care to speculate on what Curtis planned to do on the 1990 series without the paranormal expertise of Professor Woodard?

Killing-off Woodard that early in the series surely would have left show in great need of an occult expert.  Afterall, the Woodard/Stokes role had been vital to the integrity (and believability) of the original series.

Somehow, I doubt Curtis would have killed-off such an integral character without plans for a replacement.   But, who?

My understanding of the 2004 series leads me to believe that THAT version could have gone-forward without Woodard/Stokes -- his  fucntion might have been fulfulled by other characters.  But, the 1990 version clearly needed Woodard.

What were they planning to do without him?  Any speculation?

Current Talk '05 II / Collinwood Exterior Models -- 1990
« on: October 15, 2005, 02:52:21 AM »
Have any of you seen the scale-models of the exterior of Collinwood from the 1990 show?? -- either in person or in the 1992 Kathleen Resch book, "Dark Shadows in the 90s"?   

It's interesting that the scale model of Collinwood is actually much bigger and much "spookier" than the real Greystone Mansion.  And apparently Dan Curtis and company were looking forward to future storylines when they created the scale-model, because they created an additional wing -- including the "tower room" which was never shown on the original 1990 DS show, but was displayed at at least one of the conventions and appears clearly in two photos in Resch's 1992 book. 

This "unseen" wing of Collinwood would have, no doubt, provided refuge for upcoming characters such as Adam, Quentin's ghost, and "Mad Jenny."   Too bad the show didn't last long enough to make use of this section of the scale model.   

Did anyone else see this either in person or in Resche's book?

I believe the 1990 scale-model was eventually auctioned-off at one of the conventions.  But, I may be wrong about that.

I wonder if the 2004 Collinwood had a tower-room?   Hmmm.

Current Talk '05 II / Was Stokes the Show's Most Important Character?
« on: September 24, 2005, 09:24:30 PM »
Considering the information and advice Stokes often emparted to Julia, Barnabas, and others -- I have often wondered if Stokes may have been the (or one of the) most important character(s) on DS.  I guess I am referring to the the post-Barnabas years here.   Looking back, I really don't see how the show could have progressed as it did, without Stokes.

This thought also makes me wonder what the 1990 show planned to do without Woodard (Stokes), after Woodard was killed.  Which character was going to play the "Stokes" role?  Maggie perhaps?

Also makes me wonder how the 2004 series could have progressed without Stokes. 

Seems to me that in every incarnation of DS --  Barnabas, Julia, and Vickie needed to remain somewhat naive to super-natural occurances.  Stokes seemed the perfect "outsider" to explain what needed to be explained, so that the "stars" could stumble forward in their journey.

Anyone agree or disagree?

Current Talk '05 II / 91 Series -- Extra Stuff on MPI Videos??
« on: September 15, 2005, 08:58:42 PM »
I bought the MPI video of the first episode of the 91 DS series and definitely enjoyed the extra stuff.  But, I understand there is more un-aired material on later episodes (tapes).  Can someone please explain how much un-aired material is on the later tapes and give some details about the content?   If the remaining MPI tapes are worth buying, then I certainly want to get them, before the sell-out.

I would appreciate any information you could provide.  Thanks!

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