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Topics - Maybellique

Pages: 1
Current Talk '07 I / Art Gallery on DSBoards?
« on: April 23, 2007, 03:43:39 AM »
I wasn't certain where to post this, but I figured since this seems to be quite a frequented portion of this
forum that I might as well post this where everyone's bound to see it. I've been fixating on other series
forums lately, particularly that of Doctor Who. What I've been noticing is a constant in these forums is an
art gallery... a place where one can- say- display avatars, drawings, paintings, manips, songs, fics, vids, etc.
Being very much into art, I was wondering if the creators of this forum would be opposed to dedicating a part
of this board to us art enthusiasts who just love to show off our creative sides? Could be fun. ... :) ~DJ

Calendar Events / Announcements '05 I / New KLS Group On Yahoo Groups
« on: March 28, 2005, 02:51:37 PM »
Don't delete me! I'm not trying to spam!  :P I'm not sure where to put this, but I just wanted to advertize my site on yahoogroups for KLS fans. It's called, most simply, KLS_Fans, is dedicated to none other than Kathryn Leigh Scott and promises to have lots of pictures as I LOVE collecting screen caps of my favorite actors.

Fan fiction is welcome and any DS discussion and/or personal discussion is not opposed. Debate is also welcomed, so long as it doesn't turn into an all out war. The same is to be said for personal discussion. ;)

If you want to join, please go here:

If I'm breaking any rules by posting this link here at all, then you can delete this and I'm truly sorry to the mods. ~DJ

Current Talk '05 I / Worst Couplings/Would-Be Couplings
« on: March 20, 2005, 06:56:55 AM »
Seriously. Who did you hate to see together? What drove you to the point of fast forwarding YOUR tivo, dvd, vcr or just plain made you stomp out of the room? I know I'm gonna get it for this one, but Joe/Maggie. I love Joe. He's adorable. But the guy was dull. Plain and simple. My argument against them is that Joe never fought for her. To quote a line from my favorite movie, "I think a man should be strong... to protect the woman he loves... don't you?" By GOD yes! But he never seemed to lift a finger, as many other soap opera men for their ladies have, to find her or ride in on his great white steed when she was in danger. And I've gotta admit, I love the hero act. It just makes me melt.

I also think Maggie's too fiery for Joe. I don't know how this coupling worked out in the first place. Even Quentin would have been preferable in his place.

Now, another blah couple I refuse to watch are Jeff/Victoria. Vicky's awesome. Can't say she's invulnerable to my quips, but I like her. But Jeff... What was he trying to do when he kissed her? Suck the blackheads out of her skin? Maybe he was actually trying to taste the back of her throat. I don't know. But I do know that hoover couldn't have done it better.

Another one on the no-no list is Joshua/Naomi. Now they were a nice couple. I'll even say they were sweet together. But having seen those two actors play brother and sister beforehand, I just feel like I'm watching "Passions". The implications are just so incestuous. It's not bad enough to the point where I can't look past it, though. They're great actors.

K. Who do YOU despise together?? ~DJ

Current Talk '05 I / Favorite Couples/Would-Be Couples
« on: March 20, 2005, 04:29:34 AM »
Okay, everyone knows who my favorite would-be couple is! Who are all of yours? And what about those who WERE actually coupled on the show?

I loved Barnabas and Josette. I was a huge Barn and Josie fan during the painfully short run of the '91 series, and now that I'm finally getting to see the 1795 storyline from '68, I'm adoring them just as much. You can tell how much they loved one another and just why Barnabas went so insane having to live with the thought of never being close to her again. Too bad he made my two most favorite characters suffer the greatest for this loss. :p

Alright, who are your faves? ~DJ

Current Talk '05 I / My Avatar
« on: March 17, 2005, 01:56:24 AM »
Now that my browser's not denying me the sight of my own avatar (stupid ie), I can tell you all about it!

I love graphic arts, not to mention Maggie and Willie. Huge MAWI fan here, if you haven't noticed. Have you? Of course you haven't! :p
But this image represents their feelings for one another. If you notice, Willie's leaning in, expecting something... anything. A glance, maybe, or even a word. But she's turned the other way. The look on her face indicates her quiet refusal of his affections. She doesn't want to hurt him, plain and simple. Here's a bigger version:

I'll post more of my splices as I make 'em. :) Btw, are there any other MAWI fans on this board? Anyone against 'em? Tell all. ~DJ

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Trouble With Avatar
« on: March 16, 2005, 08:53:46 PM »
I'm having problems with my avatars. Can anyone see it? I can't. ~DJ

Current Talk '05 I / The "Gak" Factor Of Roger Davis
« on: March 16, 2005, 08:39:08 PM »
I've noticed that on many of the boards I'm on, a lot of ppl just don't like Roger Davis. Even on this one there doesn't seem to be a soul on his side. Now, come on, I'm a Jeff basher, myself. In fact, I think I should be president of the anti-jeff club. But is there anyone here who does like him? And what about those who don't? Why don't you like him? I've heard various explanations. Some say he's straight out a jerk, while others say he's kind of nice. But I've never met him in person. So, let's hear your explanations! :)

I, myself, hate Jeff Clark b/c he [spoiler]killed Willie in "HODS"[/spoiler]

Other than that, Jeff Clark was flat out annoying. Especially all the hair touching and the orgasmic expressions. But the latter makes for GREAT SPLICING!!! :D ~DJ

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