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Topics - AdAstra

Pages: 1
Calendar Events / Announcements '05 I / DS Clubs
« on: January 14, 2005, 09:54:05 PM »
Does anyone know where I can find local DS fan clubs?  Unfortunately I'm not in a large city, so it may be a hopeless search.  Maybe someone knows of some good websites to check out? Thanks!

Current Talk '05 I / Favorite Music of Dark Shadows?
« on: January 11, 2005, 10:37:21 AM »
Hello dear cousins~
I am sure that I speak for us all when I say that I absolutely love the music for dark shadows.  My favorite tune would be Quentin's Theme.  It's just so elegant, and I'm a sucker for violins.

What is everyone's favorite song?

Also, as I was watching some episodes from volume 15, I enjoyed this song Charity Trask kept singing when she was acting like Pansy Faye.  Does anyone know the name of this song?  I wasn't sure if it was original to the series or if it really was an old song.  Here's some of the lyrics:

I'm gonna dance for you
Gonna dance your cares away
I'll do the hoochie coo
And tarara boom deeay
I'll sing a happy song
While I dance the whole night long

And by the way, does anyone know what in the world the hoochiei coo and tarara boom deeay things are?!?!


Current Talk '05 I / Questions, questions...
« on: January 11, 2005, 10:24:47 AM »
Hello cousins!  (Hey, I heard that since everyone is related somehow, we're all at least 5th cousins.)   Well this is my 1st post, yay!  ;)  I'm glad I found this forum.  Good to see that there are so many fans.  I'm just going to begin with a barrage of questions.... I was wondering if anyone knows of any channels that are considering putting Dark Shadows back on the air.  For a while I had been watching it in the mornings on Sci Fi, but it was stopped rather suddenly.  Also, does anyone know what happened to the pilot for the new Dark Shadows series for the WB?  And finally, do they have the dark shadows revival series (from early 90s) out on dvd?  Thanks!

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