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Topics - BluePhoenix

Pages: 1
Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Yo, Midnite!!! :)
« on: April 25, 2002, 05:47:15 PM »
i thought i'd start a separate topic here, if you don't mind!

Just a quick note... I visited your forum (always anxious to see other sites) and wanted to say 2 things.  First off, it's GORGEOUS!  Am curious to know the source of your quote.  Okay, so technically that was already 2 things, but I'm not done yet:  My hat is off to you-- you're a heckuva moderator!

thanks, you're very kind! i've been with EZboard for 2 1/2 years now, and watched it grow tremendously. i've even spoken by email with the owner when we had some serious problems going on. it's a wonderful alternative to setting up your own board system, like this one, and i'm afraid i just couldn't handle all this yet! lol... so my hat is off to you and the rest of the staff here for their tech knowledge.

i think our terms are different where i come from, and i'm getting confused... for instance, any one who wants to can create a "board" at EZboard. within that board, you can create as many "forums" as you like, each for a diff subject, like general conversations, recipes, music, role playing, etc. and if the posters like only certain subjects, that's where they head. within a forum you can have 400 "topics" or "threads" before the ones that are oldest fall off the back of the board to oblivion. and if you have some real keepers in the forums, you can move the topic/thread intact to a new forum that you've created just to showcase them, where you can choose between allowing people to continue to comment within the threads or make them "read only".

Also, i think the staff titles and abilities are different. you have one EZop/owner, who can add on as many administrators as she likes, each with the ability to edit, move, and delete things across the entire board (the EZboard has a few more powers above the admins, btw) as well as access the controls of the board too; then you have Global Moderators, who have powers across the entire board, but can't get backstage to the controls; then we have Moderators who are assigned powers for specific forums(s) that interest them, and those forums are the only places they have more powers than regular posters do.

So, at Blue's Club, i'm the EZop, and i have two admins who have 99% of the power that i do; then i have some global mods who enjoy floating across all the forums helping with all the subjects, and who came in REALLY handy when we had attacks from another group who spammed and porned and made fools of themselves; then are the forum-specific mods who prefer to concentrate on just one subject/forum. together with the regular posters, we make up a pretty nice family!

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