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Topics - Alondra

Pages: 1
Testing. 1, 2, 3... / A new rule?
« on: February 13, 2007, 04:09:21 PM »
I have been getting an error message that I cannot post more than 10 times in a 24 hour period, is this a new rule? It must be since if that were true, I could not have 550 posts inside of 28 days since that is when I first began to post. I wouldn't have had more than 280.

I got this message at around 6 this morning and it said I could post again in about 3 hours. It's now just after 10 and it's saying the same thing, I have to wait another 3 hours to post. Supposedly the rule is in place so that no one becomes too "dominent a voice" on the forum, in other words don't be a big mouth. I was allowed to post to the testing board however. I know that my posting yesterday alone exceeded 10 posts. I knew about the 20 captions a day rule, but now to only be allowed only 10 posts a day is a bit hard to understand.

I really like this board and want to continue to come here, but some of these rules are a bit constraining. Please advise.


Current Talk '07 I / Dameon Edwards
« on: February 11, 2007, 08:35:37 PM »
Ok here is a mystery that has been bugging me since I got very interested in the 1970 parallel time storyline. I want to know what exactly is the deal with Dameon Edwards. This is during the time Jonathan Frid and the other major actors are filming HODS and David Selby, Lara Parker, Chris Pennock and a few others are picking up the slack. They introduce this ghost Dameon Edwards. [spoiler]First he appears to Quentin and Amy, and we learn that he died about a year ago. It appears he was a friend of Quentin's. There is some kind of mystery surrounding his death. When Trask the butler learns that he's been seen, he freaks and runs to Bruno who first dismisses this as nothing, then sees evidence of Dameon's presence for himself. Later when Angelique has replaced Alexis, she puts Dameon's ghost to rest with some ceremony. He was walled up in an alcove downstairs in the basement. Are we to believe that Angelique, Trask and Bruno murdered him for some reason? I think that's what they're getting at but why? Was he one of Angelique's lovers of which there were many?[/spoiler] I think this whole Dameon thing was just a filler but nevertheless I want to know what the story is.


Current Talk '07 I / Characters whose personalities changed
« on: February 07, 2007, 09:12:32 PM »
Something MB said on another thread made me think of this. There were several characters whose personalities changed or seemed to change within a storyline or over the course of the show. They started one way and changed either for the better or for the worse. Maybe it was due to some event that the change occurs. Others we know stay pretty much the same, either good or bad. But I can think of quite a few who made some kind of drastic change in their personality.

1) Barnabas of course, he began as [spoiler]that rotten vampire who only thought of himself and eventually becomes a kind caring person, and it's not just when he was human, when he reverts he continues to be the kind caring Barnabas we can appreciate.[/spoiler]

2) Quentin who begins immature and through the course of the 1897 storyline matures through the terrible events that befall him, some of which are his own fault like [spoiler]the werewolf curse[/spoiler]

3) Willie Loomis who was a belligerent obnoxious creep and becomes a loving caring man by benefit of [spoiler]a vampire's bite[/spoiler]

Who else can you think of? Elaborate a bit more on these or come up with others.


Current Talk '07 I / Willie's Diet
« on: February 05, 2007, 05:57:11 PM »
Ok, in watching the early Barnabas/Willie storyline a question occurs to me that has occurred to me before. When Willie went to live at the Old House with Barnabas, we know that Barnabas did not install electricity so Willie only had that 1795 kitchen to cook his meals. I imagine that Willie probably subsisted on canned foods like chef boyardee canned spaghetti, ravioli, campbell's soups, and dinty moore beef slop I mean stew, chips, hot dogs, things like that. He may have been able to fry a couple eggs and bacon for breakfast and maybe he had a cool place to store things like milk so he could have cereal. But these are not foods that Barnabas would have eaten had he been human. A man like Barnabas would not want to eat this kind of fare so when Willie went to the grocery store and purchased these items, people would be wondering why he was buying such things for a man such as Barnabas Collins to eat. To the outside world Barnabas Collins was a man who lived in an old house with a manservant who was doing restoration and keeping things running. They must have assumed that Willie also cooked Barnabas' meals. If Barnabas had been human he would have eaten much better fare than this.


Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Question for the moderators
« on: February 02, 2007, 01:11:34 AM »
Ok on some people's names where it tells if they are a senior poster, full poster, whatever I see the words "Full A Ed Newest Ferver Post"

Can you please explain what this means? Thanks!


Current Talk '07 I / You can't take it with you...or can you?
« on: January 30, 2007, 01:30:27 AM »
This is my first time starting a topic so I hope I do it right.

I have often thought it rather amazing that every time Barnabas and Julia travel to parallel time or the past that they seem to have everything they need when they need it even though you didn't see them with it at the time they made the passing. For instance, Barnabas' inverness coat somehow made it to parallel time and 1897 though he was not wearing it at the time he sat down to do the I ching or when he entered the parallel time room. Julia when she came always seemed able to find her medical bag. The same is true for 1840.

Along this same line is something else I've always found rather amusing, when Barnabas becomes a bat and rematerializes as a man, he does so in his coat with his cane. How is it that he is able to carry these things when he is a bat? I know, it's just another one of those "Just accept it and don't ask any questions!" things. More of what makes the show so much fun.


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